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boy soldier

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About boy soldier

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. boy soldier

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Fix the broken sound please. Is it only me that suffers from appalling sound drop-outs when there is firing of automatic weapons? Whenever I'm in any busy firefight and somebody opens up on a machine gun.....it's bang bang bang silence.............bang muffled distorted garble. Guys, I'm not the only one getting this am I ? I'm stuck on 1.03 any later betas all have this problem. P L E A S E F I X
  2. Alex ,I have not tried any of the betas since Beta because of the on-going sound problems (Distortions you describe and drop-outs of auto SA fire). Consiquently I am running 1.03 Patched version - Newbie Question - Will I be able to run the latest beta build 59928 ? or will it not work on a 1.03 Patched version? I Know readme says "original version 1.04" thanks. Like you, I think the sound is vital for immersion.
  3. boy soldier

    Why cant it sound like this?

    I Think Hollow Point has a "point" The sound in Game is a real dissapointment. Whilst the Devs are working hard to make improvements in other areas of the game, it does seem in game sound has gone off the radar. I am not going anywhere near the latest patch - solely because it has not fixed the soudburst problem. Personally I like BC sounds - You feel like you are in a war zone. I'm looking forward to BIS having a look at this. I bet OFP2 will sound a darn sight better.....but with fixed sound ArmA2 cannot be matched.
  4. :)Well done on giving us variable mouse smoothing - it works well. I'm seeing smoother gameplay generally - Thanks. Definately improving all the time. :confused:The sound is still broken though. Granted, there is less distortion. But now I get lots of sounds being cut short, was never like this before this Beta Patch. Especially the sniper rifles, but i guess this the most noticable one as its a long Reverbed Sample. The soundspace seems empty as a result. Still.....Except for that .....Getting there!
  5. boy soldier

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    I voted bad - Because of the horrible sound distortion whenever automatic wpns are fired. Another dissapointment is The former SuperHuman AI, that have now become SuperDumb AI. On the plus side Team switch works now. Unfourtunatly, until the sound is fixed ArmA2 is unplayable. Please fix the sound
  6. boy soldier

    Team Switching ?

    Me too. Not having team shift in a total downer. I have always been able to team switch to another of my team that I have set as Playable. Please fix BI Otherwise I'm impressed with the job...so far. W.I.P.
  7. boy soldier

    Xam 1.4 released

    merci beaucoup snake. Â thank you so much for this update. At last we can play without constant bacground fire SFX and 500M nearest man bug..Gone! I Think you Know Mp5's are not in working game now, but well done, I love it!
  8. boy soldier

    Suggestion-list for the final arma patch

    Being realistic, with the near release of ArmA2 BIS, Please fix at least these 2, Very annoying errors. 1. AI unable to cross most bridges (Grrrr!. 2. AI Not obeying hold fire orders. (Extreme Grrrr! Fix just that and we will all be able to play Stealth missions again, which is sadly missed in ArmA Thank You.
  9. boy soldier

    Sakakah Al Jawf v.1.0

    Great job Opteryx ! New Buildings and additions are great. yes it's a long loading time...but worth the wait. I Liking it all a lot. Thanks for your dedicated work on this. One small gripe (some people are never happy), since you ajdusted the height map and increased all elevations,there is now a constant gail blowing....which is bit of a immersion killer as it masks out lots of ambient sounds and enemy noises. Is there a way of losing the wind noise? I know it's tied the elevation of the player,but for me it's an atmosphere killer. Would love to find a way around this..'cos otherwise Your Town is Ace. Thanks again.
  10. hi all, a word from the wise...I just spent 24 long hours without ARMA because of the latest drivers for the creative labs X-Fi soundcards. : ( ...Be very wary of this driver : SBXF_PCDRV_LB_2_09_0007 I installed this driver and initially got crackle and generally bad sound. On exiting ARMA I was BSOD & system resart. Then only got unable to load ARMA from then on. I have fixed by Completely reloading all X-Fi Software fron scratch. Only after 4 attempts it's working ; ) so..........if your sound is ok.......don't fix it with this. B E W A R E
  11. boy soldier

    [FF]Studio - MP Missions

    Great missions ! especially 'Beach' I only wish more players get to know about your missions. it's usually only me and one or two others. good job guys. keep it up. thanks.
  12. boy soldier

    mines that make no sound

    hi all, I have noticed that the in game mines, both layed by engineers and placed on the map in the editor, make no sound when detonated. Is this just me or have B I forgot to script the sound for them ? Is it fixable by us ? Thanks..gotta go shoot some bad guys ; )