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About bubbacat

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  1. bubbacat

    Screen flashing white

    1.08 screwed up the contrast.. it looks like your on the sun now.. besides that it crashes every 5 minutes, but thats not new
  2. bubbacat

    ArmA Graphics Problem

    I have x1950 Radeon and guess what.. still crashes. Im selling this damn pos game on ebay if they dont fix it.
  3. that maxmem thing is useless. Ive tried that as well as updating everything and changing every graphics setting and it still crashes.. Is this game at all compatable with ATI? seems not. the 1.08 patch is even worse.. for the 4 minutes before the game crashes to a black screen the contrast is now all screwed up at maxed out brightness
  4. bubbacat

    endless crashing?

    Is this game even compatable with ATI. another patch and still this damn game crashes every 5 minutes. A rare time it will work for hours and no problem. 1.08 didnt fix a thing just the contrast is screwed up now everything is too bright and it still crashes. screen goes black, hard crash. IM not wasting my harddrive on this beta is there anything to do to get this to work? I have ATI Radeon x1950. I hear 5 million people say overheating on this forum but i think its ARMA.