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Everything posted by bwf_ares

  1. AVAILABLE NOW*AVAILABLE NOW*AVAILABLE NOW VIRTUAL TRAININGSPACE Trailer Download the Virtual TrainingSpace (english version) Release : september-october 2007 Anywho You can choose your side, BLUFOR or OPFOR, for cooperation up to 25 players. Anywhere This real time edition system works anywhere on the main Armed Assault map. You just have to locate your start point and your objective on the map (it may be in a town, in the country...). The objective will be materialized by a flag. The mission ends successfuly when a player approaches the flag at less than 3 meters. You can focus on details too : how big is the enemy territory, how many patrolling ennemy groups will be there, how aggressive they will be... Whenever You can choose time and weather (fog, rain...). Anyhow You can play with or without respawn. If you leave respawn "on", men will respawn near their leader, and the leader will respawn at the starting point (so protect the leader!. If you set the respawn "off", when you die you will follow your teammates with a video system. You can ask for weapons and vehicles on your starting point, depending on your side. You could do a mission with an M1A1 or T72 by example... With this option, a logistic convoy can be radio activated, allowing tou to rearm, refuel, repair... You can start the mission on the ground or in the air. In this case, the dispersion of the paratroopers will depend on the weather. If winds are violent, you can be very far from each other. More : Enhanced AI If they have too many casualties or if they are outnumbered, your opponents will withdraw : the enemy leader will throw grenades if you are close, then smoke for his men to withdraw. Some time after, they will regroup and flank you. New health and damage system If you are injured, a black screen will simulate blast for a few seconds, depending on how bad is your injury. If you're really badly injured, some hemorrhage may happen. You will not survive a long time if you're not healed. Medics can heal hemorrhages and injuries, but no more than 50 percent of the initial player's health. An other bullet, and the player will die for sure. Medics have a limited amount of kits. How long a medical care lasts depends on how bad is the injury. Artillery and satellite view The leader can ask for artillery support and satellite view. For any remark or feedback: http://centurions.forumotion.com/Feedback-VTS-f21/
  2. bwf_ares

    Virtual Training Space by [CTR]Grimm

    BTW Loyalguard, Thanx alot for the video users manual, it's simply great !
  3. bwf_ares

    Virtual Training Space by [CTR]Grimm

  4. bwf_ares

    Virtual Training Space by [CTR]Grimm

    VIRTUAL TRAININGSPACE Watch the trailer (english version) on Youtube Download the Virtual TrainingSpace (english version) ============================================================ Content ============================================================ - One pbo : VTS.Sara.pbo (copy this pbo in Arma/MPmissions/) - One readme.txt - One user manual for the computer (pdf) ArmA 1.08 Compatible Mods Compatible No add-on is required. ============================================================ VTS Concept ============================================================ This mission helps you create an infinite number of exercises in real-time with a simple and universal model : starting at point A (Insertion), the players must reach point B, the objective, materialized by a flag. The first purpose of that program is allowing the squad leader (must be a player) to choose the environmental parameters of his mission : the starting spot (either on the ground or parachuted), the location of the objective, the size of the ennemy area, the canopy, the meteo, the time, mission with or without respawn… The second purpose is the ability to use some advanced modules in-game: satellite view, artillery support. It’s a good occasion to use some realistic scripts: tactical withdrawal of the enemy, who will be more likely to flank the players, and the enhanced injury and healing system, which adds a more realistic touch to the game. A few words about the enhanced injury and healing system : A new healing system has been added in this mission, giving some particular importance to the medic. In case of injury, the players can be stunned (black veil). In case of a serious injury, a severe hemorrhage can occur (skull and hint « hemorrhage »). If this happens, the player will die in the few following minutes if he’s not healed by a medic. As for the medic, he only has 3 healing kits at his disposal. The healing action lasts longer. The logistics convoy If you choose to play a mission with vehicles and weapons, you’ll then be able to call a logistics convoy. This will head towards the squad leader’s position. If the latter dies, the convoy will stop at his last location.
  5. bwf_ares

    Virtual Training Space by [CTR]Grimm

    Well, in fact you enter a "pre-mission", where your observer will have access to a menu allowing him to select a number of parameters such as the number and the skill of the IA, their localization and the material they are using (vehicles). Then you run the mission and you are teleported to your entry spot (by air or by ground). I hope this clarifies a little what will be released
  6. bwf_ares

    Virtual Training Space by [CTR]Grimm

    Release date: saturday, sept 15.
  7. bwf_ares

    Courses d orientation

    It's mainly dedicated to MP. Lone players never loose their squad But you can ABSOLUTELY play it in SP !
  8. V2.0 Download Watch the teaser on Youtube ================================= In this training pack : ================================= 6 missions for 1 up to 13 players (four teams and one observer), four orientation races each. Every mission can be ramdomly activated (by radio, at the beginning, before any beacon is activated). Arma .08 and mods compatible. Briefing and in-game messages have been translated from french to english by [CTR]Gladius. Huge work... Nevertheless, some mistakes may be found. Please accept our apologies. ================================= USERS MANUAL ================================= Basic Orientation Race Get as close as 3 m from a beacon to activate the next one. Every circuit contains 10 beacons. Each team's timer is turned on when the first beacon is reached, and can be consulted at the end of the race. Optional Features (radio activated) : - Random OR : must be chosen before a beacon is activated. Creates a random circuit on the map. Players are teleported at the start. - One Run : must be chosen before a beacon is activated. All the circuits are copied from blue's one, allowing a comparison of all the teams times. In this case we recommend to have an interval between each team's time of departure. - Invisible beacons : you cannot see the plots on the ground, forcing the players to a topographic localization. The beacon's activation diameter is extended to 15 meters. - Armed OR : 3 chances out of 4 that a beacon is guarded by the OPFOR. The players get weapons. If you're killed, you'll respawn at the last validated beacon. Special abilities - Team leaders can bring their teammates back at the last validated beacon. - The OR observer can teleport himself on the map, shoot a smoke grenade or a flare anywhere on the map, activate the team leaders'GPS, and teleport himself to any team leader. In an armed OR, he won't be attacked by the OPFOR. However he doesn't race and cannot activate the beacons. Any QUESTIONS or FEEDBACK, contact us at Clan Centurions
  9. The collapsing effect looks more realistic, but the gren effect is weird. It looks like if the smoke appeared from nowhere, instead of developing a cloud from a certain origin (the gren itself). I mean, the volume of smoke appears in tenth of a second, by magic. The result is that it seems to miss a few frames from the explosion...
  10. bwf_ares


    Ok Thanx for your reply Problem solved, but it's a little tricky...
  11. bwf_ares


    Hello, I'm renting a dedicated server for ArmA. However, the server has an .Armaprofile that i've written into the root directory, but it seems to remain unused by the server (I deactivated the crosshair for example, but it's still there...) Anyone has had and solved that problem before?
  12. Hello, I'm editing a mission that appears simple but the ttrigger needed is not :s 2 camps must hold a small town (Bonanza) for 2 minutes. When a camp enters the town, a countdown starts, and if an enemy enters the town, the countdown stops. When the threat is destroyed, the countdown starts over... It seems easy but I can't figure out how to handle this with the triggers??? Has someone solved that kind of problem already?
  13. bwf_ares

    Repetitive countdown

    Wow, thanx alot, that's exactly what I was looking for, I'm trying it right away
  14. bwf_ares

    Repetitive countdown

    And someone has already written such a script ? :s
  15. Hello, Stupid question: What is the exact syntax to add 1. a weapon and a magazine in replacement of a standard weapon 2. a satchel charge ?? to a character. THanx !
  16. bwf_ares

    Placing a weapon and ammo?

    Well the fact is I tried to add the satchels as weapons (i.e what they really are) instead of magazines :s
  17. bwf_ares

    Detection script line

    It's working fine that way Thanx alot !
  18. Hello, I would like to make a trigger that detects a particular unit in its area of effect. That is, a unit called officer, that should trigger the end of the mission when it enters a safe zone. I cannot find how to solve that simple script? Anyone knows?