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About blankfish

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  1. blankfish

    "Blood Sweat & Tears" Bug

    Well i had all the previous problems, but my most annoying one is that after getting to the last part to protect the crashed helicopter guys, cant end the mission. I've run all over looking for any enemies I may of missed, but cant end it :-(
  2. blankfish

    Sniper scopes

    adding to this ballistic drop thread though slightly off topic: the other day was getting PO'ed with arma as the blood, sweat and tears mission wouldn't end, I was wounded and had tried everything to get the mission to finish. So I thought to waste some time in case that helped I'd try to see how much bullet drop happened with a sniper rifle and wether the claims that the bullets being modelled/parabolic arcs was true. so i aim a little wobbley (due to my wound) up in the air at a bird, followed it around a bit and fired my first shot.. and lo and behold the bird fell from the sky!!! I was like WTF!! bah bullet drop my arse! etc etc was pretty upset.. haven't managed to hit a bird again with a sniper rifle Was just a super lucky first shot LOL :-) :-) this game frustrates and amazes all in one :-)
  3. blankfish

    Aiming the AH's gun

    Done a quick search and the cobra AH-1Z does use the the "Top Owl" Helmet Mounted Sight and Display (HMS/D) system. would be a cool feature to use with TrackIR :-)
  4. blankfish

    Problem with the SPR mk12 weapon

    UK 505 release here too. gun also invisable for me too in this mission
  5. blankfish

    ArmA -> Can't run game.

    Jack uk is correct, I have a X-Fi gamer sound card if I set its mode to entertainment or Music creation ARMA wont run, once i set it back to GAME mode it works fine. I have an ASUS P5N32-e SLI 680i mobo. hope this helps somebody
  6. blankfish

    Poor Framerate?

    Same here, was lucky enough to be able to buy a new rig the other week mainly for work as I'm a 3D graphic artist: System (no overclocking): E6700 Dual Core Processor(2.67GHz,4MB Cache) 640MB nVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS ASUS P5N32-E SLI nForce 680i SLI Mobo 2048MB DDR2 900MHz OCZ Memory Creative Labs Sound Blaster X-Fi Xtreme Gamer Sound card TrackIR 3 Pro with 6DOF expansion Demo: ran really well at 1680x1050 all settings Very high except AA and Antriscopic Filtering at normal. I knocked down the monitor res a bit to make it silky smooth = very happy I bought the retail Uk version off the back of my demo experience and cant get above 20-40 fps running at 1024x768 settings on high, can obviously get higher FPS if i drop quality more but the demo worked really well = mmm So whats been changed? System is only 1 week old so nice fresh install all drivers upto date, no DD fragmentation, something weird going on.