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About badvok

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. badvok

    Evolution - Single Player

    Firstly Kronzky thanks for this most excellent mission. I'm having real fun as the game progresses, collecting all sorts of goodies. I've noticed as mentioned earlier that Strykers (M2 & M19) don't rearm properly which is a shame but to compensate i've also noticed that my captured T72's will rearm to full strength from my ammo truck as long as i don't get out of it. As soon as i pop out for a quick sniping session the ammo goes back down to 2 and 200. Thank once again for this, more fun than the main single player campaign IMHO.
  2. badvok

    Update Website?

    I looked yesterday and the update was there and is still there now. The site was a bit slow compared to these forums to update and the update is slightly buried.
  3. badvok

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    And where does this info come from? I saw it on http://www.armedassault.eu/ but how do they know? I would guess that the patch will come out tomorrow, if it's ready that is. Last minute issues could always cause a delay. Tomorrow, that would be good. I've been waiting patiently since 1.05. Although, with the world all trying to d/l the patches at once, you can add a day.
  4. badvok

    DIRECT HIT- campaign side mission

    To get the secret documents I merely ran around the camp, in particular the tent in the middle. You don't "find" the documents as such, you just get the mission completed part once you've been there. Check your mission screen to see if it's marked as completed. I doubt you've even got to kill all the guards, just get to the middle of the camp.
  5. badvok

    Where are you?

    I'm sure some of my men have limps. Some just can't keep up. If i wasn't so soft (and didn't want to give my position away) i'd shoot them. Sometimes they don't keep up when your driving humvees etc. So not only do they have limps they can't drive either! Ho hum.
  6. badvok

    DIRECT HIT- campaign side mission

    I remember this one. Most people took the easy route and went left up to the top camp where the documents are. Shoot all the men and you'll get the documents as long as you've gone to the HQ in the camp. Then steel the nice big helicopter and shoot everything. Land it at your extraction point. It is possible to do the other version. There's been a previous post on this mission, i think it was called something else like AT Saboteur.
  7. badvok

    Ambush Convoy Mission

    I thought i'd done this one first time. I'd blown up various vehicles with the bombs and rockets. Shot nearly all the men only to find when i tried to stand up my legs wouldn't work and i'd run out of ammo. Trying to crawl away from a pissed off armed man is tricky. After many loads i managed to crawl to the van/truck and run the man over then drive away into the sunset. Fun, fun fun.
  8. badvok

    Dawn of hope won't finish

    from memory.. type: SHIFT - then type "endmission" wait a few seconds and the mission should end completed. I only used it on this mission.
  9. badvok

    Dawn of hope won't finish

    Wouldn't end for me either. Had to use endmission cheat to progress.
  10. badvok

    Training - Shooting range

    That also includes using cracks instead of putting the CD in. May require a reinstall if you've used a crack. Or you're a very bad shot
  11. badvok

    Why No 1.06 Patch

    There's still a few days to go. Be patient.
  12. badvok

    Commander mission won't end

    All i can suggest is to start the mission again. I've done this one a few times. Never had that error however. The main problem seemed to be that my men wouldn't follow me to meet the M113 etc. That was back in version 1.04.
  13. badvok

    mission bug or a simple thing?

    I've had this type of error in various missions. There's one way round it if you've think you've definitely killed every living soul and completed all objectives. (ie not cheating) PRESS "shift -" (Numpad minus) THEN TYPE "endmission" (no cursor appears, just type it) This should end the mission for you allowing you to complete and see all the lovely people you've killed (my fav bit)
  14. badvok

    Saboteur - Campaign side mission

    A hole you say. Where abouts? A nice pair of wire cutters would have been handy on this mission and given it a bit more realism.
  15. badvok

    ATTENTION BIS: Fix it!!!!

    Cool, looks like you've got a Lego mod for the game