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Everything posted by boecko

  1. boecko

    Blood, Sweat and Tears

    deleted: dup
  2. boecko

    Blood, Sweat and Tears

    Well, you should stay away from this thread and play your exclusive mission.
  3. boecko

    Blood, Sweat and Tears

    I know how to get this mission ... BTW... it's not about the mission ... it's about principles ...
  4. boecko

    Blood, Sweat and Tears

    Vote for it: http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=2305 Â
  5. boecko

    Voting - Ticket System

    Na ... it's not the reporters bug, it's a bug of ArmA. So the reporter was the unfortunate to report it first. I don't think this distorts the statistic.
  6. boecko

    Voting - Ticket System

    Ok ... changed it to one vote. This eradicates the need for a vote contingent for each user. This would be a problem with the unknown amount of ArmA Bugs . Other changes: * disabled email notification after voting * disabled automatic monitoring * reduced the Issue History-Activities for each vote regards
  7. boecko

    Voting - Ticket System

    I know, but that's the only way it can work right now. I've already implemented a max value. because this was unlimited in the original underlying sponsorhip model. see http://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/view.php?id=668 But I think.. we should try it first. I'm confident, that we will see a representative top-10orwhatever list. Bye
  8. boecko

    Voting - Ticket System

    Ok .. ladies and gentlemen .. Voting is online ... you can give 0-5 votes to each bug/issue If you see some problem, report it in the 'mantis bts'-project and vote for it. Side effect: I disabled all languages besides english. I don't want to translate into polish, russian or czech .
  9. boecko

    Voting - Ticket System

    More votes, more support. but I would make lower range ... e.g. 1-5 regards
  10. boecko

    Voting - Ticket System

    Click on the link: http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=1623 There must be the text "Users voting for this issue" in english.
  11. boecko

    Hold fire

    I'v made another example, which illustrates the problem more clearly. See: http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=2218#bugnotes and http://bugs.armed-assault.net/file_do....ype=bug
  12. boecko

    US Release: Dev Question...

    If it was downloadable then it wouldn't be exclusive, would it? Yeah ... we should all start our exclusive campaigns/missons and scripts. The scripting command is already there http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/distributionRegion Returns the numerical index for the distribution region of this copy of ArmA 1 - US 2 - Rest of the world I have a feature request. Could this be expanded to 1 - US 2 - 505 3 - the poor lads, who betatested it in de,pl,cz,etc Would be nice. Thanks
  13. boecko

    US Release: Dev Question...

    Ah .... just like the exclusive "Blood, Sweat and Tears"-mission, which is downloadable ............ NOT
  14. boecko

    Hold fire

    RTFM http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setCombatMode The point is ... you can't set combat mode "BLUE" via the command interface. Regards
  15. EDIT: The signup is disabled. But your account can be created => see the other posts at the bottom.
  16. boecko

    Package Manager?

    Hi, have there been any effort to handle the plethora of addons,etc which will come for ArmA? .. I'm mean it's cumbersome to search in all kinds of forums to fulfill the dependencies for certain missions. What a have in mind is a central registry for these things. And a tiny program, which can resolve that resolves the dependencies for missions and downloads/organizes them. The dependencies could be handled through a xml-file in the mission.pbo. Things to look at: * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Package_management_system * Cygwin has a nice setup.exe with handles deps Cygwin Package Managing GPL-Sourcecode of setup.exe Just a suggestion for the dependency-hell.
  17. Gosh, i should have spoken to you in november. You're the man!!
  18. What a poor argument. I've bought it in november. There was not much to research. It was advertised with "The new masterpiece....". A masterpiece implies high quality in all aspects of a game, doesn't it?
  19. well... i didn't see a sticker "example campaign included. For the real one, you have to do it yourself" on my DVD-Box. Must have missed that probably
  20. boecko

    Satchel Charge weirdness

    upps.... http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=1614 This is supposed to be fixed.
  21. boecko

    Blood, Sweat and Tears

    In the german armed-assault.de-Forum there was a somewhat semi-official statement about that. Status quo seems to be, that this is exclusive and will remain that way. As non-505 customer i feel abused. Who paid your rent from November to February?
  22. Didn't thought about that. Quite possible, but ... it's a bit wierd.
  23. boecko

    Final Countdown

    Amen to that... The issue is even poorer. The only quality mission is exclusive for the 505-release. Nice PR-Stunt.
  24. boecko

    Hold fire

    I made some sample missions to reproduce the behavior an hour ago: http://bugs.armed-assault.net/view.php?id=2218 The reaction of AI depends on, if the enemy unit detected it or not.
  25. This "Blood Sweat and Tears" is ambiguous. Who lost blood, sweat and tears? The german,czech,polish betatesters. And who gets the mission? The german,czech,polish betatesters .... NOT! Thanks for nothing. It's a disgrace this exclusive Mumbo Jumbo.