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About brabax

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    rl helicopter pilot
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  1. AI is unable to navigate on streets. The reason is, that most of the streets are only visually connected (zoom in in editor to see it) . That means that AI cannot find crossings. I've tested that AI is able to find crossings when the streets are connected correctly.
  2. Hello all, I also tried to get this train to drive and managed it finally, but there are many problems. Due to the tracks are sloped, you have to calculate the proper height to keep the train on the rails. Also, rails are stuck together often so it's a PITA to follow them. I did it in a very (very, very) "dirty" way, bei setPos'ing the train object every 0.01 seconds to the new calculated position. Also the script is very dirty and *shudder* in sqs-format. (see below) Please note that the object numbers may be outdated with patch 1.03. Well, if the tracks were flat (no slopes) and the rails would be correctly stuck together, it would be worth the time to write a clean script. But at this time, I've given up. // check if all arguments are passed if (count _this < 2) then { hintSilent "TRAIN SCRIPT ERROR\nThis script needs two arguments to work."; exit; }; //define the tracks tracks = []; tracks set [0,[042,043,041,046,045,047,016,017,015,162,163,164,167,165,166,168,169,170,171,173,174,172,175,177]]; // initialize main variables _train = _this select 0; _track = tracks select (_this select 1); // preprocess tracks for "_x" from 0 to ((count _track)-1) do {_track set [_x,[0,0] nearestObject ((_track select _x) + 962000)]} // get start-object _start = _track select 0; // place the train on the rails _train setPos [getPos _start select 0, getPos _start select 1, (getPos _start select 2) + 0.3]; _train setDir getDir _start; // go train-driving _r = 1; #mainloop if (_r == count(_track)) then { exit; } _c = _track select _r; _n = _track select _r+1; _d = _train distance _n; _l = _c distance _n; if (_d > (_l/2)) then {_train setDir getDir _c} else {_train setDir getDir _n; _r = _r + 1}; _np = [_train,0.05,(getDir _train)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _train setPos [_np select 0, _np select 1]; hintSilent format ["current: %1(%5)\nnext: %2\nlength: %3\ndistance: %4",_c, _n, _l/2, _d, _r]; ~0.01 goto "mainloop"; exit
  3. brabax

    Crash to desktop

    Hello Folks ! I'm finished - I'll give up. ArmA is unplayable - crashes to desktop at random after 2-15 minutes of play. I installled a 700W be quiet power supply, switched my virtual memory back the hands of win xp, updated the sound drivers etc. Nothing worked. I'm maybe too old for that, and I dont have time to fiddle around with my system. I'm tired. I'll maybe would sell my computer these days in Ebay.
  4. brabax

    Crash to desktop

    Could it be that my power supply is too weak ? I've got a 430 Watt and the following sys components: Intel Core2Duo E6400 2*512MB DDR2 533Mhz NVidia GeForce 7900GTO 512MB 1 DVD - Burner 1 DVD - RAM 1 300GB HD 1 cardreader 1 TrackIR4 1 external sound card (USB) That's all. The core temperature of the graphics card never exceeds 55 deg celsius.
  5. brabax

    Crash to desktop

    Any news on that ? I can't play ArmA anymore. It truly crashes all the time after a few minutes of playing. The RPT file often says something like "Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 4FD903D7". It really sucks Any ideas ?
  6. brabax

    Helicopters in AA

    Hello Guys, as a real helo pilot, I was not very pleased with the flight model in 1.01 and below. That changed with 1.02. You now have precise analouge control over the cyclic and periodic controls (I'm using a joystick for flying) - hovering is pure fun again. the only issue I have is that automatic pitch=power increase when you lower the nose and vice-versa. If the guys at BIS wanted to simulate the 'tranlational lift' - effect they dont get it correctly But I can live with that. Even autorotations are working again. Now it's time to fix that CTD problem which kills ArmA randomly after a few minutes of play... Have fun flying ! - brabax
  7. brabax

    Arma crashing

    Same problem here, ArmA crashes 5 out of 6 times. It runs fine for about 15 to 20 minutes, then crashes with the error reporting window. Intel Core2Duo E6400 2 x 512MB DDR2 533 Mhz MSI Mainboard Geforce 7900 GTO 512MB 430WATT cont. pwr. supply from Coolermaster ArmA 1.02 German Version Any ideas ? I think that the 430Watt PS is ok for this setup. The only external device is a TrackIR 4 and a sidewinder joystick, which got his own power supply. When I turn off the sound hardware acc. my computes crashes with a hard reset. With hw acc. turned on it 'only' CTD. I'm giving up now.
  8. brabax


    Thanks for the info, will give it a try when I'm back from work
  9. brabax


    Any news on that ? Could not find anything about dialog definitions in the WIKI, just scripting commands.
  10. brabax

    Helicopters in AA

    Hello Guys, as a real life helicopter pilot I really enjoyed flying helicopters in OFP. It was quite realistics, some effects were missing, but even autorotations were possible. It was a pleasure to play with the pitch control during an ar to settle her down with no engine running. Pure fun ! I couldn't wait to get my copy of ArmA, because I've wanted to try out the new flight model. What a disappointment. The analouge controls seems to be gone. The whole helicopter is controlled basicly with six knobs: forward, fast-forward, backward, left, right, up, down. Every button has an on-off condition, nothing more. If you push the stick forward, pitch is increased automaticly and vice-versa. Hover-taxi is nearly impossible due to a very bumpy (non-analouge) control. I guess it has been done to improve ai helicopter handling. Well, I dont really like the new flight model - I want the old one back with one addition: maximum load for helicopters. I even would be crazy enought to fly a helicopter to Prauqe to demonstrate what helicopter flying is all about to the BI programmer on dual controls if they promise to change the model in a given time. So c'mon guys, give us back what we need