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About beacon

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. You'd think that writing "SPOILERS" in both the title of the thread, and in the main body, before the spoiler itself would be enough.
  2. This thread contains SPOILERS, do not read on if you don't want spoilers spoilt.
  3. beacon

    Flying the F-35....

    Yes, there is. Just turn off Auto-Hover again.
  4. It's good to see others feel the same as me, BiS, please listen to us and make this an option in the next patch?
  5. Yes, vehicles need fuel, yes you can refuel, but it doesn't seem neccesary.
  6. Please reply in my thread, Armored Sheep! The Bloom etc one, right below.
  7. I don't want to make a new thread, so I'll post this here, is anyone else experiencing really loud sounds even when all the sliders in the options are as low as they can possibly go?
  8. The lowest mine would go was Low, and it's already at that :(
  9. So does anyone have any idea how to tone down/remove these effects?
  10. beacon

    Map limits?

    Currently the map just "ends". In the full version it will be randomly generated.
  11. So I bought the game from the petergames site, and have been loving it since, but two things are bugging me: Firstly, the amount of Depth-Of-Field in the game. Playing it, it makes me feel as if my character is short-sighted; I have to squint really hard to pick out objects not near me, and it's straining my eyes. Is there any way to remove/tone this down? Secondly, the huge amount of Bloom/HDR. Whenever I look at the sun, not even directly at it, just glance at the corona, I'm pretty much blinded and the whole screen darkens by a massive amount. I'm sorry, but this is just not realism. How do I tone this down as well? Apart from these two issues, the game is fantastic, even at this early stage. Thanks! - Beacon
  12. I generally want better fire and smoke
  13. Hey all, I sometimes CTD with the error: "Cannot create system memory surface:8007000e" What's going on? I have VIsta and an 8800 GTX, and I've done the things to try and fix the common problems like the beta drivers + patch, -maxmem etc....
  14. beacon

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Just played this for 12 hours straight with an awesome clan, and all I can say is... WOW The cities and missions are fucking awesome, and almost everything is perfect. All of us on TS were so happy when we finished it after a whole 12 hours of fighting together. Bless you