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Everything posted by bozo_t_clown

  1. bozo_t_clown

    Armed Assault is -AMAZING-

    Homer, thanks for the video ...pretty cool. Looks like I'll want to upgrade my graphics card.
  2. bozo_t_clown

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    --- removed it myself also ---
  3. bozo_t_clown

    BF2142 InGame Advertising

    Screw EA games... Mandatory spyware is unacceptable.. http://www.kotaku.com/gaming....695.php
  4. bozo_t_clown

    InGame Advertising

    Yeah, I don't mind an occasional random billboard. The point is, keep the f' out of my machine. No tracking of my browsing habits etc. Unlike BF 2142: http://www.joystiq.com/2006....your-pc Un f'ng acceptable...
  5. bozo_t_clown

    BF2142 InGame Advertising

    Yeah, I don't mind an occasional random billboard. The point is, keep the f' out of my machine. No tracking of my browsing habits etc. Unlike BF 2142: http://www.joystiq.com/2006....your-pc Un f'ng acceptable...
  6. bozo_t_clown

    InGame Advertising

    LOL, That's not so bad... (Well ok it is). What's really troubling about this topic IMHO, is the "targeted marketing" aspect. This requires that a database of your personal browsing habits, (and who knows what else), are recorded. (Via the "verification/update task" that gets started on every boot-up, ...no choice, ... unless you kill every time you boot, ...or un-install). You know, ... for your convenience. http://www.joystiq.com/2006....your-pc
  7. bozo_t_clown

    BF2142 InGame Advertising

    LOL, That's not so bad... (Well ok it is). What's really troubling about this topic IMHO, is the "targeted marketing" aspect. This requires that a database of your personal browsing habits, (and who knows what else), are recorded. (Via the "verification/update task" that gets started on every boot-up, ...no choice, ... unless you kill every time you boot, ...or un-install). You know, ... for your convenience. http://www.joystiq.com/2006....your-pc
  8. bozo_t_clown

    InGame Advertising

    Yes, Though I am a veteran of BF 1942 and BF 2... (And Op Flashpoint and Delta Force and ....) I am done with EA games because of this (and other reasons). Don't need an "verification/update buddy" to run every time I boot and "look over my shoulder". Big company arrogance... F' them. I am pulling for BIS to remain "pure".
  9. bozo_t_clown

    BF2142 InGame Advertising

    Yes, Though I am a veteran of BF 1942 and BF 2... (And Op Flashpoint and Delta Force and ....) I am done with EA games because of this (and other reasons). Don't need an "verification/update buddy" to run every time I boot and "look over my shoulder". Big company arrogance... F' them. I am pulling for BIS to remain "pure".