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battle hampster

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Everything posted by battle hampster

  1. battle hampster

    Vietnam: The Experience v0.3

    What can I say but outstanding work for the VTE MOD! The new models and textures are amazing. Just one thing though, I've gotten the MOD to work fine except for getting a message before it starts saying " Addon 'Vte_land' requires addon 'BRDM' " The thing is I didn't see any BRDM addon/s being part of the required third-party addon list. Anyone getting the same message?
  2. battle hampster

    Vietnam Era US Soldiers v.3.0 released

    Awesome units, a great update to some units that were good to begin with. Thanks
  3. battle hampster

    Operation Farmland Mod

    Wow for a second there it reminded me of the big zombie from Doom3. That's a great model, can't imagine to see that thing lurching its way towards the player! Great work
  4. battle hampster

    OH-6 LOH

    Awesome little scout chopper, great agility. This is a perfect addition to the Vietnam era UH-1 series addons! Gotta love the Loach.
  5. battle hampster

    RHS release 2

    Absolutely love the Hinds! Everything from the helicopters themselves, crew and weapon systems are just amazing. I will be up all night just trying them out in all sorts of different missions. Just one question though, I couldn't find the Hind version (pictured in the collage that has the shark logo)? Was curious if that was one model that didn't make the cut. But getting back to the issue at hand I love this pack, thank you RHS team!
  6. battle hampster

    UCS_Mercenaries 0.9 Release

    hh those units are looking awesome! Especially loving the desert digital camo pattern. The textures on the body armor also really looks superb, the MOLLE ladders on the vest really stands out (a good thing). Was wondering if any of the units will have ballistic helmets? Keep up the great work.
  7. battle hampster

    FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

    After viewing the recent screenshots and hearing the new additions I can hardly wait for the patch! Thank you to all those at the FFUR MOD and everyone who was involved for making this possible!
  8. battle hampster

    BD Grenade Pack v3.3

    KS these grenades are incredible! Great job!
  9. battle hampster


    Awesome island olemissrebel, if I had a faster running computer I'd enjoy it a lot more. Hopefully once I get a new video card I can really play it to its full potential.