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battle hampster

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Everything posted by battle hampster

  1. battle hampster

    FFUR 2007

    @thunderbird, Just a quick question where can I find a readme for the additions that the FFUR2007 1.02 Extra Pack includes? Thanks
  2. battle hampster

    FFUR 2007

    Just curious, wanted to know if anyone is having any CTD issues when running SLX 1.09 and FFUR2007 version 1.02? Kind of odd since I am using the provided config. I was just in the editor trying out all the various units when it CTD, once when I started off in the Mi-24 and the other with just some Resistance units, out of the blue it gives me the OFPR error message.
  3. battle hampster

    Sheriff's Deputies

    Hyk Soldiers and BIS faces That's the link to the Hyk pack, inside you'll find several folders, for the BIS faces check out the HYK_BISfaces.pbo and the readme. I myself can't tell you how to add Llauma's heads onto your units, but I'm sure if you PM him or anyone of the following: Agent Smith, Llauma, Offtime, Registered Fugitive, Sputnik Monroe, Shadow NX, or The K-Man 3000 they can give you some directions or give you a tutorial. Hope it works out
  4. battle hampster

    Sheriff's Deputies

    Nice looking progress. There aren't too many Law Enforcement units out there, most recent was part of Cameron McDonald's Civilian Face Plant pack. So this looks to be a great addition, I second that with NLB, along with Facetex2, the BIS faces have been converted by several addonmakers (as used in Hyk's US soldier pack) so that would definitely add some variety. Keep up the good work!
  5. battle hampster

    F/A-18E/F 1.0 Released!

    @Franze From nose to tail, this aircraft is absolutely spectacular. Everything from the sound f/x, loadout menu, cockpit, paint texture, everything is fantastic. While I did like Pennywise & Hudson's F/A-18, yours is a big upgrade. Thanks!
  6. battle hampster

    FFUR 2007

    I love the MOD just as much as everyone else with all the new units and upgrades, however I was curious if there would be any way to revert to f/x as it existed in FFUR2006. This as quite a few have voiced their enthusiasm about using most if not all of the SLX MOD effects with that of FFUR. Although it is just a personal opinion I found running FFUR2006 2.5 along with the SLX mod ran fairly smoothly while I'm using a 2.15gig (512mb RAM) platform. Thunderbird, I know you've been busy at work trying to patch the remaining errors, so I wouldn't be so sure to ask you, but perhaps someone who has some time to write a new or different config so that those who wish to run the FFUR mod without the SLX features can enjoy it, and those who wish to utilize all of the SLX MOD features while running FFUR2007 can do so. Thanks
  7. battle hampster

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    Thanks for the update thunderbird, can't wait until the new release!
  8. battle hampster

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    That's the bag that contains their NBC mask and hood.
  9. battle hampster

    Vix Stryker

    Thanks for the update, as well as to the original author (Vix) and Wilco for some of the modifications. This is a great addition to game that's lasted this long from contributions of the addonmaker community. Just the fact the AI is able to operate it fairly good, and it's driveable, I think the current muzzle report from the .50 doesn't detract too much if anything. Great work guys
  10. battle hampster

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I'm fairly certain the USMC allows its Marines to mount either the Trijicon ACOG weaponsight or the Aimpoint M68 CCO, it's not an either or choice.
  11. battle hampster

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    @hyakushiki Just have to add I love this pack. Not only did you do an extensive re-work of all the US units from your last pack, but you did an additional OPFOR section as well! Thank you and all those that were involved in making this huge addon set. You guys really did a top notch job on each and every unit.
  12. battle hampster

    F/A-18E Super Hornet & More

    The word "good" would be an understatement to describe the aircraft in those screenshots. Excellent job Franze!
  13. battle hampster

    F/A-18E Super Hornet & More

    Franze, simply put...that looks badass. Keep up the awesome work
  14. battle hampster

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    Those are some great screens tb, as always your guy's work is outstanding. Although I wouldn't be the one suggesting out loud for the change in the config from high/regular to regular/low I'm sure glad you did! I saw on ArmA info's site a possible rumor of it running on a 1.6gig processor. How true this is I don't know, but just the fact that we know we'll be able to run the latest version of FFUR2006 smoothly is very reassuring. Once again thank you for this modifications awesome extension of both addons and special f/x to a game that has spanned 5 years (probably the most amount of time I'll ever spend with just one game).
  15. battle hampster

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    That's fracking awesome thunderbird!
  16. battle hampster

    Guerrilla Pack Beta

    These units look and sound far more advanced than just a beta. Hopefully someone might be able to fix the mentioned bugs as this addon pack has some great features. Thank you
  17. battle hampster

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    @thunderbird My mistake, I didn't read far back enough thanks for the headsup. Next patch sounds great since I'm not running a high end computer, plus with the numerous amount of effects from FFUR and now the combined SLX modification I think most of us will be plenty occupied. Thanks
  18. battle hampster

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    @Kroky Like most unit specific effects in the FFUR2006 mod I'm pretty sure the swimming ability is only limited to FFUR units, i.e. Russian, Resistance, and US units. For example I'm sure won't find the FFUR flame effects when using some or third party addons.
  19. battle hampster

    FFUR 2006 2.5 ... Full Pack

    @thunderbird Great to hear of the improvements and changes that have been implemented for the next upcoming patch. I was looking through several pages recently following the 2.5 release and didn't see what I was looking for so I will ask this question. Is the bug fix that causes the MG animations (when using CBT's HUMMVs) included in the next patch? Thanks
  20. battle hampster

    456820 Animation Pack V2.0

    Laser's 75th Reg. Rangers
  21. battle hampster

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    @Solus Thanks for completing an update in so fast! Not sure if I should mention it as I can't pinpoint why, but I had a CTD when playing on Desert Island. I was only using the standard FFUR2006 Russian soldiers and CM FP2 ACUs. Then all of a sudden it CTD, I'm not really asking why since I have no clue how it happened but rather just mentioning it so if anyone else has this problem more than once. Thanks
  22. battle hampster

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    Like everyone else is saying this Mod rocks! The animations, sound effects and for me most of all the flame/fire effects! Love using it with FFUR2006, thanks for this great addition!
  23. battle hampster

    Invasion 1944 Alpha Relased

    Regardless of it being an Alpha version I think this Mod is awesome! Everyone's talking about ArmA but it will probably be some time before I can upgrade my computer to run it. Point being I have the feeling me and others will be playing OFP for quite awhile longer even after ArmA has been released. Sorry to hear about the lack of support I44 received, although you guys released some high quality addons nonetheless. Thank you for your contribution to OFP!
  24. battle hampster

    SLX Replacement Pack, Mod, and Addons

    Impressive Mod! I'm blown away by all the different effects that are included, the most obvious are the smoke and flame ones, but the scripting for the surrender,dragging and others are just awesome! For performance sake I'm going with 1.96 vanilla, sure it's the original BIS models, but the Mod sure gives it depth. Thank you
  25. battle hampster

    RHS Armor Update

    Superb update. Yeah hope you guys get some rest as you've more than earned it! Thank you