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Posts posted by bennie1983nl

  1. Baddo, i know that site but i am not member of that forum ....


    I still need to know how to combine the objectives in the briefing with those in the game / editor...

    i have learned alot of things

    but i was wondering how to I set a trigger for this objective; ALL your team members have to survive! no friendly members dead...

    this have i learned of the "pilot" objective west->men->Pilot

    name of pilot PD


    Type: Loose Text: Pilot Killed condition: not(alive pd) On Activation: "2" objstatus "failed"

    what must i typ in "condition" ?

    the name of the Black Ops are d1, d2 to d5

  2. The real problem is that the objectives in the briefing are not shown, guess that's what he meant with 'what happened to my briefing? '  tounge2.gif

    that is what i mean, yes

    how do i combine the triggers/objectives with the objectives in the briefing?

    i aslo have planning to create; a inspection made by an HIGH raking officer(cuba?) and a group with speztnats(bodygaurds) and maybe they will kill the pilot if the rescue team doesn't kill the russians first....

    but i am an noob who is experimenting and could use alot of help

    BUT thanks to ALL who has replied and help me thumbs-up.gif

    this one of the tutorials i have studied http://www.opflash.org/mission_tutorials.php

  3. Bennie,if you haven't done it already,check your E-mail.

    I did a few edits of your mission.

    I see where you were goin' wrong.

    Check the triggers to see whats in the

    condition and activation fields.

    Also it's a good idea to name your triggers

    so you can easily see what they're doing.

    You might need to do some work on your

    briefings and stuff.But you should have

    enough to work with for now.

    Macser smile_o.gif

    you used an unoffical addon, Macser so i can't open the mission in the editor

  4. Cmon guys, no need to have him read a veritable encyclopedia of info to find the answer to a simple question, we all started in the same place and we know how frustrating it can be to have to do that.

    The problem was, there was no questions asked. It is quite a difficult task to answer a non-existant question.

    bennie1983nl, I suggest that in the future you state more clearly in your posts what you want to know or what you want to get done, so it is much easier for others to help you. We want to help but it is very hard to do so if you write like your first post in this thread.

    Best Regards,


    i asked for help but asked no question? help.gif

    sorry for it sad_o.gif

  5. Dont forget to syncronise your squads getin waypoint with the choppers load waypoint to aviod any trouble.

    And Macsers way isn't necessary BUT it is a far better way to do anything with objectives. Just makes things a bit easier in the long run if you want to link anything else to objective status. smile_o.gif

    Dont forget to syncronise your squads getin waypoint with the choppers load waypoint to aviod any trouble

    i have done that,

    but the objectives doesn't fully work... well they don't work at all

    mission with standard BIS units

    maybe can someone take a look at it?

    it is with briefing and a overview

  6. This is from ProfTournesol,looks like a neat way

    to go about your triggers.

    Quote[/b] ]

    What i do is to create boolean variable initialized as "false" at the beginning of the mission (in the init.sqs or the init line of the player) : obj1done = false, obj2done = false etc...

    When an objective is successfull, a trigger changes the variable from false to true : obj1done = true.

    Then, the end trigger has in its condition line :

    obj1done AND obj2done AND etc...

    It's simple,but it works.

    Can you see what he means?

    Macser smile_o.gif

    heej macser

    were did you found this?

    (in the init.sqs or the init line of the player) : obj1done = false, obj2done = false etc in the player's init-line and not in the trigger?

    and if a aera must be cleared all the enemy units must have in there's init-line obj1done = false??? crazy_o.gif

  7. Well i have learned a new thing

    but how to make an objective

    Needed triggers and markers (also for briefing)


    clear out aera

    keep the pilot alive (when he is dead all mission is a failure!!wink_o.gif

    wait for pick up / or go back to base in helikopter

    my briefing is done with links to the markers

    obj_1 = kill allsoldiers

    obj_2 = keep the pilot alive

    obj_3 = destroy enemy AA-gun

    how to fill in the triggers?!

    <! **** Objective 1 **** >

    <p><a name="OBJ_1"></a>

    Kill the troops in the <a href="marker:m2">town</a>.


    <! **** Objective 2 **** >

    <p><a name="OBJ_2"></a>

    keep the <a href="marker:m1">pilot</a> </p><hr>alive

    <! **** Objective 3 **** >

    <p><a name="OBJ_3"></a>

    Destroy the <a href="marker:m5">AA-gun</a> </p><hr>

    <! ****************************************** >

    <! **** Debriefing >

    <! ****************************************** >

    <! **** End #1 **** >

    <hr><br><h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End1">

    Mission accomplished


    Good Job! You and the pilot are alive!


    <hr><br><h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End2">

    Mission is failed


    Shame on you, you failed the operation !


  8. story line

    around 1300HR an A-10 was shot by enemy AA-guns in the moutains. The pilot used his ejection-seat and land safe near a moutain village were he is hidding. enemy troops are searching for him. There USAF-pararesue units have to safe him.

    i have some problems with triggers like

    after a aera is safe to make a blackhawk land to pick-up the downed pilot and the pararesceu team

    You (d1) start in the air in a blackhawk(p1) - "set Flying"

    you and your team init-line "this move in cargo p1"

    waypoint from a airfield (airfield with marker called m1 - Airbase) to village

    trigger one "West" Present in the condition line" [d1, p1] exec "paradrop.sqs" " (i dwonloaded a paradrop script and put it the missoin folder) marker m4 - paradrop

    marker m5 - move to, with waypoint seek and destroy

    Troops jump out and land not far of the village, move to village destroy enemy troops (trigger on "East" not present)

    syncronoist(???) (bleu line effect to connect watpoints and triggers) second blackhawk moves to village (in hands of west) my problem is now to make the blackhawk land the pilot has to "get in" the helicopter together with You (d1) and the team!! go up and back to base.

    my e-mail swatben17@hotmail.com

  9. Hi

    i am experimenting with the editor

    but i could use some help with a Search And Rescue mission

    question 1

    but i could use some help with making objectives to work with the briefing

    my briefing is done with links to the markers

    obj_1 = kill allsoldiers

    obj_2 = keep the pilot alive

    obj_3 = destroy enemy AA-gun

    how to fill in the triggers?!

    <! **** Objective 1 **** >

    <p><a name="OBJ_1"></a>

    Kill the troops in the <a href="marker:m2">town</a>.


    <! **** Objective 2 **** >

    <p><a name="OBJ_2"></a>

    keep the <a href="marker:m1">pilot</a> </p><hr>alive

    <! **** Objective 3 **** >

    <p><a name="OBJ_3"></a>

    Destroy the <a href="marker:m5">AA-gun</a> </p><hr>

    <! ****************************************** >

    <! **** Debriefing >

    <! ****************************************** >

    <! **** End #1 **** >

    <hr><br><h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End1">

    Mission accomplished


    Good Job! You and the pilot are alive!


    <hr><br><h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End2">

    Mission is failed


    Shame on you, you failed the operation !


    question 2

    how to make ... to see the Yellow waypoints directions IN-GAME
