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Everything posted by bennie1983nl

  1. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Wel got something new a donation by DeadParrot: A new map of the Grebbelberg! it uses Berghoff's nature pack 3 a teaser pic. http://img516.imageshack.us/img516/9118/grebbelofp112ij7.jpg info about the grebbelberg in english
  2. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Any kind of help would be great!
  3. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    @Daedparrot nice helmet pics very usefull! http://www.waroverholland.nl/uk_weap005.html info about the m95 it is in english
  4. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    well ArmA doesn't run on my pc and i stay with OFP and ATSTwalker has a cool Fallschirmjager mod. my personel i collect WW2 stuff and i am collecting a fallschrimjager uniform dated 1940 and when it is complete I promissed atstwalker pics of it for new textures\ @PEPE i have all kind of errors freaky what have you downloaded? i don't wanne have almost 150 mb of unnessery addons when only needed a few...
  5. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    what is the MAIN differnets between the m95 and the m90?
  6. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    itried Vilas mod and or weapons pack, i can't find them
  7. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Landsverk M36 and M38 here is a translation of the info about the Landsverk M36 and M38 DUTCH Kenmerken Fabrikant: A.B. Landsverk te Landskrona (Zweden) In de bewapening: periode 1936 - 1940 Aantal: 26 (12 M.36, 12 M.38, 2 M.38 commando) Indeling: 1 Esk Paw, 2 Esk Paw Taak: Verkenning, beveiliging (op flanken en vleugels), onderhouden van verband, snel verplaatsbare vuur-reserve, ter ondersteuning van de infanterie en in vredestijd bij binnenlandse onlusten ter ondersteuning van de politie. Optiek: Nedinsco te Venlo Bewapening: 1 kanon 37 mm. geleverd door Bofors (semi-automatisch met een electrische- en mechanische afvuurinrichting), 3 mitrailleurs M.20 (7.9 mm.) Munitie: brisant en pantserbrisantgranaten Bemanning: 5 man (2 chauffeurs, 2 schutters, commandant) Gevechtsgewicht: ca. 7000 kg. LxBxH: 5.87 x 2.24 x 2.33 m. Chassis & motor: Daimler-Benz (M.36), Büssing NAG (M.38) Motorvermogen: 150 pk Actieradius: 306 km. Max. snelheid: ca. 60 km/u vooruit, ca. 40 km/u achteruit Pantsering: toren: 9 mm., rest 5 mm. Bijzonderheden: 2 stuurinrichtingen en twee bestuurders; beschikte niet over radio of intercom; vast onderstel en carrosserie. Enlish Landverk m.36 made in Sweden In use at the Dutch forces: 1936 - 1940 Numbers in use: 26 (12 M.36, 12 M.38, 2 M.38 commando) Groups: 2 groups the firsth PAW and the secondth PAW Role in battle: Recon, Surrport of infantry and airforce and rapid deployment. Guns: 1 Canon 37mm semi-automatic, 3 MG m.20 (7.9mm). Ammo: regulair and AT-ammo Crew: 5 men (2 drivers, 2 gunners and 1 commander) full weight: 7000KG Size: 5.87 x 2.24 x 2.33 m Armor: Turret 9mm other 5 mm. Speed: 60KM/h forward and 40 KM/h backward
  8. bennie1983nl

    Are there Chernobyl MOD missions?

    Promo_movie_chernobylmissionpack simpel movie i have now 4 missions and working on the 5th planning to make 15 missions or campaign
  9. bennie1983nl


    Hello everbody well i have made a intro with the standart OFP editor tools and how do i end a intro? that a will new mission start?
  10. bennie1983nl

    Schweres Wurfgerät 41 - Heulende Kuh

    nice for the liberation mod
  11. bennie1983nl

    WW2 Desert addons

    hit the hot sand soldier!
  12. bennie1983nl

    GRAA Modpack 3.0

    good work
  13. bennie1983nl

    Are there Chernobyl MOD missions?

    @blazin my first patrol mission is just 70% done..... I will put more civillians who are fleing to the camp. and the patrol time should be 40 - 60 seconds maybe more. I hope W0lle can help me with it. i will see u on msn tonihgt, i think. small change in idea other thing i am working on: If during a patrol mission in to unkown area's, and things looks safe the Russian amry will make more camps into Chenobyl. When things don't looks safe and the enemy or zombies will actack the camp and you unit and you can't hold it you will lose a safe area and have to fight it back in the next mission. little bit like command&conquer :b What do you think about it??
  14. bennie1983nl

    Are there Chernobyl MOD missions?

    well i am using these addons Chernobyl mod http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10584 NBC units (old ones i know! http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=1323 Farmland zombies / horrorpack 3 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10283
  15. bennie1983nl

    Lost-World Returns

    pity to hear that they stopped with ofp because ArmA doesn't run on my pc system Amd athlon 3000+(1,8ghz) 1gb of Ram and a geforce 6200 128 mb 3d-card
  16. bennie1983nl

    The Lost world Mod - jarrasic park

    well dracul any news?
  17. bennie1983nl

    Are there Chernobyl MOD missions?

    well W0lle have me the same advice well i was thinking about a mission pack i am not good with making a campaign
  18. bennie1983nl

    Are there Chernobyl MOD missions?

    FML HP3 is the one i will use, yes.---->>http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=10283 and i was thinkin about the US nbc troops for these-->>http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=1323 or http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8759 sub picture: left-under a cool nbc unit
  19. bennie1983nl


    I am downloading it's looks promossing
  20. bennie1983nl

    A SAR mission

    well the mission is ready many thanks to all tomorrow i will released it on this forum but under --> user missions
  21. bennie1983nl

    A SAR mission

    Hi i am experimenting with the editor but i could use some help with a Search And Rescue mission question 1 but i could use some help with making objectives to work with the briefing my briefing is done with links to the markers obj_1 = kill allsoldiers obj_2 = keep the pilot alive obj_3 = destroy enemy AA-gun how to fill in the triggers?! <! **** Objective 1 **** > <p><a name="OBJ_1"></a> Kill the troops in the <a href="marker:m2">town</a>. </p><hr> <! **** Objective 2 **** > <p><a name="OBJ_2"></a> keep the <a href="marker:m1">pilot</a> </p><hr>alive <! **** Objective 3 **** > <p><a name="OBJ_3"></a> Destroy the <a href="marker:m5">AA-gun</a> </p><hr> <! ****************************************** > <! **** Debriefing > <! ****************************************** > <! **** End #1 **** > <hr><br><h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End1"> Mission accomplished </a></p></h2><br><p> Good Job! You and the pilot are alive! </p><br> <hr><br><h2><p><a name="Debriefing:End2"> Mission is failed </a></p></h2><br><p> Shame on you, you failed the operation ! </p><br> question 2 how to make ... to see the Yellow waypoints directions IN-GAME
  22. bennie1983nl

    M8 Assault Riffle - minipack

    really? pity here is a movie about the m8 http://www.heckler-koch.nl/video/xm8_auto.wmv
  23. bennie1983nl

    M8 Assault Riffle - minipack

    So here is my first addon. At this time it is a beta, which contains only M8 with ironsight and combatsight. The final version will have a version with XM320 and maybe in the future i will add more versions like sharpshooter, compact, etc. any kind of updates? My new hobby Airsoft and this my rifle!
  24. bennie1983nl

    A SAR mission

    thanks Macser i will try it out
  25. bennie1983nl

    A SAR mission

    W0lle we have to work on the "overview"