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Everything posted by bennie1983nl

  1. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    We i try youtube to put movies online of our work. http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=bn_bRTU9D9Y http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=noYzBeKCmBg http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=zk11sbYh77M
  2. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    We wanne like to use an addon for our Invasion of Holland mod Vickers http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=7121 made by Anzac Or the Vickers of the Invasion 1944 mod How do i get in contact with them? AND Animal's Pack v2 of MIG
  3. bennie1983nl

    World War II CZ MOD

    Nice pics! those armored cars look like the dutch Landsverk m36/m38
  4. bennie1983nl


    are there cows for ofp?
  5. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    an idea 1 big zip file with 3rd party addons?
  6. bennie1983nl

    World War II CZ MOD

    cool pics!
  7. bennie1983nl


    i will download this mod again! i have the small models of the space marines for the board game
  8. bennie1983nl

    ww2 stuff

    Hey D@nte how big will the desert map be? same size as novoga? or everon.. keep going the good work!
  9. bennie1983nl

    ww2 stuff

    THX well i never knew..... can't wait for your map!
  10. bennie1983nl

    ww2 stuff

    no, that won't be a mod. in fact i like also the african battles, so i make only some addons. the reason is also the vehicles made by Goth Burner. i wanted a map to play with them. an island, some objects, and some vehicles. but i won't make soldiers. there are always some soldiers made by Gavin hum, maybe, i'm going to check the reference pics folders on my HD. And i would give you the pics  there are DAK soldiers released? and also british forces? or american. well things are good looking!
  11. bennie1983nl

    ww2 stuff

    will this become a ww2 desert mod with the deutse afrika krops? if yes i will follow this topic!
  12. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    well i have new pics but they are little bit 2 big zo i have zipped them and have here a DL link http://rapidshare.com/files/53204698/screenshots3.zip.html new pics but the weapons aren't correct!! http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/8440/bijdekerk2ae7.jpg -- 2 big i know
  13. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    new pics of dutch soldiers but we can still USE help of anykind!!!
  14. bennie1983nl

    World War II CZ MOD

    cool looking tanks what else have you release?
  15. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    thanks ATSTWalker
  16. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Pic of the Ockenburg en Ypenburg (with airport) sorry for the low kwality pics because they have to be smaller then 100kb
  17. bennie1983nl

    World War II CZ MOD

    nice pics!
  18. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    well we have a basic model of a dutch soldier made by King Tiger dutch wapons made by vilas a Grebbebeg map of DeadParrot (famous dutch battlefield in may 1940) ATSTwalker his fallschirmjagers King Tiger his German wehrmacht We will change some small things to KT his units and that is chaning his units theres heads( some problems with is cutom heads) i am waiting for pics of new maps of Moerbijk Movie about the battle of Moerdijk may 1940 tis a prodogando movie made by the germans in 1942 But we can still use Addon builders!
  19. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    an old movie about the dutch armor car Old movie about the Landsverk
  20. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Well belgian is not yet in the planning first the dutch troops but i will be looking forward to the pics André de Jong
  21. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Hi I have been searching for dutch songs of 1940 and beforce Well i found 1! Op de Grebbeberg-1940 of Willy well i have more costum sounds like Luftwaffe Songs for the Fallschirmjagers. I was Wondering is it possible to put music/sounds in an Addon like music.pbo I know how to put custom music/sounds in a mission like: Music ----- class CfgMusic { tracks[]= { jade, blink }; class jade { name = "jade"; sound[] = {\music\jade.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; }; class blink { name = "blink"; sound[] = {\music\blink.ogg, db+0, 1.0}; }; }; I don't wanne create a 12 MB mission file
  22. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Thank you PEPE but we have the addons on our HD
  23. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    "We have permission to use Vilas addons for the Dutch Amry! Thank you Vilas and Sander!
  24. bennie1983nl

    WWIIEC : Caen 1944

    Have you heard the BAD news? Invasion 44 will stop! pity
  25. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    Sorry W0lle