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Everything posted by bennie1983nl

  1. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    Preview shot of a SPETZ (specail forces of the RED-Team) and a pimped AK
  2. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    THX [ZG]BUZZARD that is a nice tank! Do you have more idea's? You're welcome, bennie I'll let you know if I remember something more... Though the Dragonfly could probably also find its place here? I don't have pix of it ready but I'll edit the post with a pic later today from my archive... The Dragonflies aren't available for download anymore from anywhere AFAIK so if you want them I can send them to rapidshare and post the link here. Â this?
  3. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    THX [ZG]BUZZARD that is a nice tank! Do you have more idea's? You're welcome, bennie I'll let you know if I remember something more... Though the Dragonfly could probably also find its place here? I don't have pix of it ready but I'll edit the post with a pic later today from my archive... The Dragonflies aren't available for download anymore from anywhere AFAIK so if you want them I can send them to rapidshare and post the link here. Â this?
  4. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    I am looking for an other animation file that the soldiers shoot like Rambo or the A-team. Techdemo of M16 youtube
  5. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    I am looking for an other animation file that the soldiers shoot like Rambo or the A-team. Techdemo of M16 youtube
  6. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    working on the m16
  7. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    working on the m16
  8. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    THX [ZG]BUZZARD that is a nice tank! Do you have more idea's?
  9. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    THX [ZG]BUZZARD that is a nice tank! Do you have more idea's?
  10. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    I "borrowed" a M16 and change it. The textures still has to many details. The idea is to knock-out a tank with 10 men. This weapon will only get a fullautomode like the fiction MP5. The MP5 will go to the SPEC's (special forces) and the (or an) M16 will go to standart infantry men. Preview shot of SPEC i got this m16 of a M16pack made by a person called LCS or LSC (does someone has his e-mail adres?)
  11. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    I "borrowed" a M16 and change it. The textures still has to many details. The idea is to knock-out a tank with 10 men. This weapon will only get a fullautomode like the fiction MP5. The MP5 will go to the SPEC's (special forces) and the (or an) M16 will go to standart infantry men. Preview shot of SPEC i got this m16 of a M16pack made by a person called LCS or LSC (does someone has his e-mail adres?)
  12. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    Wel i start to work on some fiction weapons like a MP5 with greandelauncher. I am looking some standart weapons who i may rebuild to some cartoon-styled stuff. Like oversized barrels or scopeds.
  13. bennie1983nl

    Advance Wars for OFP

    Wel i start to work on some fiction weapons like a MP5 with greandelauncher. I am looking some standart weapons who i may rebuild to some cartoon-styled stuff. Like oversized barrels or scopeds.
  14. bennie1983nl

    Marc15yo's High Quality Reskins

    Cool pics!
  15. Hi to all i am looking for a Nekaf jeep and the land rover models 88 and 109. for a little project. link to litte project Link to NEKAF info The BIS (civil) police jeep is a good model but i can't open it O2. Does somewone have an idea to were i can get a Nekaf jeep. i know that DKM mod has land rover 88 model. Cheers André / Bennie1983NL
  16. bennie1983nl

    Spacemod landunits

    your North-pool look good! i like snow islands
  17. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    These are the Luchtwacht-Dienst you can compare it like Airforce-groundtroops
  18. bennie1983nl

    Dutch infantry -- Holland May 1940

    We are not dead yet The Regiment Jagers are almost done Small detail, i know Jager officer and on his left is the MG-gunner Medic I hope you like what you see.
  19. bennie1983nl

    Looking for a (dutch) NEKAF jeep

    You mean these soldiers these are dutch NATO troops of the 70's(Cold War era), i am working on. maybe i will start a topic about it, sooner or later Cheers Bennie1983NL
  20. http://img509.imageshack.us/img509....MG] Training on Havelte in the 70's.
  21. bennie1983nl

    World War II CZ MOD

    Downloading .... is it not possible for OFP.info to create 1 BIG DL-file?
  22. bennie1983nl

    Looking for a (dutch) NEKAF jeep

    @ D@nte is this it? http://tactical.nekromantix.com/wiki....xplorer http://www.legervoertuigen.nl/nekaf/nekaf_ambulance_c.jpg picture of the nekaf rebuild BISjeepMG but without MG
  23. bennie1983nl

    Nogovan Light Infantry 2.1

    Will try them out! i also tried your older versions! Someone must warn OFP.info
  24. bennie1983nl

    OFP videography

    youtube Movie with the NATO addon i am now working on.
  25. Dutch NATO troops of the 70's(Cold-War ERA) are patroling on an airport Used addons: Dutch Nato troops v0.1 (made by me) (not released) The UZI* is of the Lost-Brothers Mod that i may use with this addon. *Uzi is made to a stand-alone addon.