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Posts posted by bhaz

  1. Running everything on High - Very High, 100% fillrate at 1280x720, game is running excellent. Much better than I expected for my 9600. :D Had a bit of lag during the blur effect with AA on the highest, all solved by dropping it back to normal, didn't really find AA necessary with this res though. Full specs in sig.

    I had one random CTD in the first 10 minutes of play, straight to desktop without error, haven't had any problems since though. Running latest stable NVidia, DX9 (March09) and a cut down version of Windows XP (42mb RAM usage on desktop.)

    Edit: and omg at including the editor with the demo, adds so much replayability.

  2. You know a game's gonna be good when:

    - There's 10+ pages of speculation regarding package arrival dates.

    - Orders are canceled so you can get the game one week earlier.

    - Your F5 key is worn out.

    - Reading the "order shipped" e-mail is comparable to a kid on Christmas morning.

    - You've made tech support staff resign because they're sick of answering "is it here yet?" e-mails.

    - You've spent the last 10 minutes posting a list of rea.... oh wait.

  3. ArmA 1 had pretty decent framerate gains after every patch release (for me anyway). The only real solution I see is to wait for future patches (knowing BIS, they usually include tons of optimizations), or buy a new card.

    I'm using a 9600GT and Q9400 at the moment and I'm not really expecting to run on any more than Medium, and that's at 1280x1024.

    What exactly is Arma2 doing more, graphics-wise, that justifies the double demand on Hardware?

    Compared to other games, the scale is kinda bigger. I'd be giving the devs credit for the amount of FPS they pulled off for such a quick release. Honestly my expectations were a lot less.

  4. I definately agree that elements of the HUD and game should be removable to create some sort of... hardcore mode. But I wouldn't want it all the time, perhaps a per server option? I guess it'd needa be like the grass in multiplayer, if the server has it enabled, so does everyone else.

  5. Just go for the steam version if you can. Steam allows you to choose where you want to download from these days so you can keep your dl limit by choosing an unmetered place to dl from. Allows us to keep the pittance of a dl limit that we're stuck with and we can pick it up on the 20th. :)

    Do you know if you can use beta versions and other things that BIS decide to release, or are you forced to use the version Steam provides? From what I was aware, if you modified game files Steam just redownloads them, but I'm not entirely sure.

    Can anyone with ArmA1 on steam confirm?

  6. If you're close enough to him, enable the build menu and allow the player to place those small sandbag walls?

    I remember something like this from back in the OFP CTI days. There was a support truck that could build sandbags, mounted guns, ammo crates etc. Used to have to defend the trucks like crazy 'cos the radio system didn't exist back then.

    I think I could use the function findNearestEnemy to implement disembarking behaviour.

    Would this find the nearest enemy (regardless) or only the enemies the unit knows about? The player could abuse this, automatically knowing that there's enemies nearby a dismounting AI squad.

  7. Way ahead of ya tounge2.gif, uploading file now - couldn't find anything on the base classes so I left them alone, all seems fine so far.

    Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.7 ACE - Afghan Village

    Download link:

    Filefront - v1.1.7 ACE Afghan


    - Updated to match Doomguy's 1.1.7

    - West, East and Resistance units changed to something more appropriate

    - M1A1 and M1A2 changed to ACE desert models

    - Capture points marked

    - Alpha and Bravo's resistance strengthened

    - Fixed my fail spelling

    Required addons:

    Advanced Combat Environment at 1.04 @ the time of this release

    Afghan Village 0.6

  8. Really nice work! It's intense and a rather different experience than Warfare on South Sahrani. Small wish from my side: It would be fabulous if the troops had desert camo and the resistance consisted of the ACE Iraqi insurgents. That aside, a great job!

    Cheers smile_o.gif

    I'll have a look into the desert camo and insurgents later today, haven't done any scripting for a long time and the sight of the Warfare files makes my head explode so it might take me a while.

  9. Warfare Cooperative (WACO) v1.1.6e - ACE - Afghan Village

    With permission from Doomguy, I've converted the latest version of ACE WACO to the Afghan Village island. The only feature changed is the team distance map parameters, which were all lowered to support the smaller theatre.

    Download link:

    Filefront - v1.1.6e ACE Afghan


    The majority of the notes about this release can be found in the original Readme.txt and Bhaz.txt which I included.

    This hasn't gone through much testing but it is working for the most part. From what I've seen there's a few AI pathfinding issues but they generally get from A to B eventually.

    If you have found or know how to fix any bugs related directly to this version alone, or have any suggestions regarding camp and town positioning (I hope to be updating along with Doomguy's new versions) - feel free to PM me.

    Also - questions about this version (WACO Afghan Village) would probably be better directed to me via PM rather than wasting space in this thread or bugging Doomguy.

    Why didn't I make a new thread for this release?

    This is Doomguy's work, I just converted it to another island, none of the gameplay features or additions are mine - so it would seem it belongs here.

    Required addons:

    Advanced Combat Environment at 1.04 @ the time of this release

    Afghan Village 0.6
