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Posts posted by bhaz

  1. yea, without a true reduction & cache feature built into it, making a full scale mission is really beyond the scope of this script. How is it going as far as rpt errors are concerned, does the script run cleanly at least?

    About a month late =/, yeah it runs very cleanly. I'm running my own cache scripts though to delete / respawn groups in range, but the script starts and exits every time without any error. Running debug markers, sometimes the markers don't get deleted but that was the case beforehand anyway.

  2. Came across something I've never noticed before in a mission I'm designing at the moment:

    _groupArray = missionNamespace getVariable( format[ "INT_town_%1_groups", _this select 2 ] );
    _groupArray set[ count _groupArray, _spawnedGroup ];

    I'm keeping track of groups I spawn in per town so they can be deleted later, and even though I'm adding a new value to the local array, the global is being updated without needing to use setVariable.

    Has it always been like this?

  3. Found a minor oddity with the script - west groups will detect resistance groups as enemies, even if the factions are set as friendly. The two squads enter combat mode and infinitely try to outflank each other.


    For the moment I've just stopped west / resistance from being added to each others' _enemies array.


    I'm making a large scale mission with UPS that involves spawning / deleting lots of groups. I noticed UPS gets caught in an infinite loop if an entire squad is deleteVehicle'd while running. I added a line to catch this possibility.

    // nobody left alive, exit routine
    if (count _members==0) then {
    } else {
       // did the leader die?
       if (!alive _npc) then {
           _npc = _members select 0; 
           group _npc selectLeader _npc;
           if (isPlayer _npc) then {_exit=true};
       // MOD by Bhaz: support for deleteVehicle and deleteGroup on squads running UPS.
       if (isNull _npc) then {_exit=true};

  4. This mission just consumed my whole evening. :)

    Minor MP desync bug, using Rest on the host advances time for everyone, while using rest on a client only advances time for them. We managed to get it back in sync by repeatedly resting on the client until the clocks matched.

    Weather / fog wasn't matching for a while also but that seemed to fix itself after 20-30 mins of play.

  5. Comment copied from the wiki for deleteWaypoint by kju:

    When you want to remove all waypoints, do NOT iterate over waypoints _group while trying to delete them (an array is by reference!). Instead use an approach like this:

    while {(count (waypoints _group)) > 0} do
    deleteWaypoint ((waypoints _group) select 0);

    I think that when you delete waypoint 0, 1 and 2 get shifted back to become 0 and 1 etc.

  6. "similar (but more simple)" were the words Rocket used - which is fine for the genre and gameplay they're aiming for.

    While the added convenience of having this built-in to Arma3 would be nice, I don't think anything BIS implemented at this point could beat the complexity and detail of the features included in ACRE. It's just too damn valuable to the community, especially to the larger groups that use it religiously - it takes milsim to the next level.

    Surely the ACRE guys and girls will "simply" port their mod over?

    They did. :)

  7. I'm running All in Arma with CBA_A3 (since I use ACRE and other mods which need it), but CBA is asking me to use _A2 and _OA at the beginning of each mission. Should I run the extra CBA's alongside or just ignore the message?

    Snip from my RPT file:

    [90213,1488.84,0,"XEH: PostInit Started"]
    [90213,1488.86,0,"CBA_VERSIONING: cba=, cba_a3=, "]
    [90213,1488.91,0,"XEH: PostInit Finished. State: _isClient=true, _isJip=false, _isDedClient=false, _isServer=true, _isDedServer=false, _playerCheckDone=true, _sp=true, _startInitDone=true, _postInitDone=true, _mpRespawn=false, _machineType=1, _sessionId=8, _level=0, _timeOut=false, _game=3, BIS_functions=L Alpha 1-1:1, group=L Alpha 1-1, player=B Alpha 1-1:1 (Bhaz), _playerType="USMC_Soldier_Pilot", _playerGroup=B Alpha 1-1, _playerVehicle=B Alpha 1-1:1 (Bhaz), _playerVehicleType="C130J""]
    Running A2 Content but missing @CBA_A2, please install and enable @CBA_A2, or disable A2 content
    Running OA Content but missing @CBA_OA, please install and enable @CBA_OA, or disable OA content
    WARNING: cba requires cba_a2_main (@CBA_A2) at version [1,0,0] (or higher). You have none.
    WARNING: cba requires cba_oa_main (@CBA_OA) at version [1,0,0] (or higher). You have none.

    I posted this over in the AiA thread and kju noted CBA isn't even required. link

  8. I like the idea, considering I have ArmA and ArmA2 retail, but Arrowhead and A3 on Steam, it would be nice to have it all in one place. Combined Ops + mods was a huge pain before 3rd party launchers helped automate it.

    Though, making something like this happen is much easier said than done with the current situation. Those stupid enough to consider cheating (DayZ especially) or were somehow tricked into using suspicious software likely ended up having their keys stolen (www.battleye.com front page news) - and even though the cheaters deserve it, some legitimate players may be victims.

  9. How did you load in the showcase? Was looking for how to load in the showcase in editor, but i just found out how to form Arma 2, not how to do it in Arma 3. Would learn alot from that

    The showcases are in missions_f.pbo, you'll need a tool like Eliteness to extract them. Once you've extracted them you can move the mission folders from missions_f\a3\missions_f\showcases into Documents\Arma 3 Alpha\missions to load them in the editor.
