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Posts posted by bhaz

  1. Not sure if I just found a bug or created some crazy workaround, but here goes. huh.gif I was having trouble using the fCreateSpawn function in my mission - no zombies would spawn in the areas created using the function (yet the marker method worked perfectly), so I followed the code through and saw this near the beginning of init_spawn_triggers.sqf:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    // spawns init is run from the mission init, but can be run again later if needed.

    if (isNil "Spawns") then {

     Spawns = [];

     _m = "yomie_spawn";

    } else {

     _m = Format["yomie_spawn_%1",_i];


    _i = count Spawns;

    Looking at that, I saw that _i was used, but wasn't defined until afterwards, so I changed it:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    if (isNil "Spawns") then {

     Spawns = [];

     _m = "yomie_spawn";

    } else {

     _i = count Spawns;

     _m = Format["yomie_spawn_%1",_i];


    _i = count Spawns;

    Spawnpoints created using fCreateSpawn started working after I saved the change.

  2. I just spent the last hour or two wondering why the zombies weren't attacking in my mission, then I decided to flick through the code.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    iViewDist = param1;

    Turns out I removed the param1 value as I "wasn't going to use it", I ended up setting iViewDist directly.

    Figured I'd post this here for anyone about to make the same silly mistake. icon_rolleyes.gif

  3. Hm strange. I used doolittles time scripts from his batch-o-scripts release over at ofpec, just a direct paste into the mission. Will report it back to him.

    Could be related to the seagull bug? It was happening when all this occured.

  4. Turns out the timer for the radiation ended and moved, just happens it moved ontop of us tounge2.gif

    Found a couple of bugs, all using a dedicated server & clients:

    - JIP time of day doesn't work (always joins as day, while others are playing at night)

    - Weather on dedicated servers doesn't work

  5. Great mission! Given us hours of gameplay so far biggrin_o.gif

    One thing I noticed that hasn't been mentioned yet - there's a guard at one of the posts when entering the quarantine zone that as an M4; people are just shooting him at the start of the game for a free weapon, kinda removes some of the challenge having automatic weapons from the beginning.

    Also, sometimes we don't get notified that we're in a radiation zone until it's too late - driving along a road etc. then suddenly the hintbox says we're in a HIGH zone, dead before we get the chance to turn back.

  6. Does the SLX 1.02 patch fix the "unable to drag someone in MP" bug?

    I've had no problems with being dragged by AI in MP games so far using 1.02, haven't tested being dragged by other players yet. I was the squad leader and the group / units had no waypoints. Also, other players in the MP game were dragged by the AI with no problems and their squads had waypoints.

    Also, I've been getting ALOT of these in the arma.rpt (about 3MB worth), not sure if it's an issue but figured I'll post it anyway:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Ref to nonnetwork object 7c80398# 693242: slx_blooddropsmall1.p3d

    Ref to nonnetwork object a4a8018# 693243: slx_blooddropsmall2.p3d

  7. In notepad, make your changes and choose save as. Type a new filename, ie: "playslx.bat", make sure the quotes are there or it'll come out as a txt file. smile_o.gif Also, you might need to save to your desktop (or documents etc.) then move it there manually, 'cause of Vista's UAC feature.

  8. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">No entry '@SLX\bin\config.cpp/CfgWeapons.'.

    Dedicated server survives. I can reproduce the crash to desktop every time - no other addons other than SLX (and XEH). Picking a weapon from an ammo crate causes the error, trying again causes a CTD. Running ArmA 1.14 and SLX 1.02.

    edit: doesn't occur on a listen-server game

    edit: resolved! The linux server doesn't seem to like the capital letters in the filenames (especially the dta folder), seems to be working fine after renaming everything.

    New problem: Linux 1.14 server crashes just as the fighting starts, seems to be completely random.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Warnings in slx_wounds\models\slx_weaponholder.p3d:11000

    Bad animation file format in file ''.

    Critical:Destroying running thread!

  9. Cheers for the reply, guess I should allow that since im using BattlEye. whistle.gif

    The only reasonable setup I see is blocking all outgoing connections by default and only allowing those using specific destination ports, which could still be exploited but is a lot safer.

    This is how it's set up (both outbound and inbound), except I originally only allowed the ports on the wiki page (230x ports using UDP).

  10. Just noticed that my firewall's been droppin' a lot of packets from my dedicated server heading out to a BIS server on port 2302. Is this an important feature I'm blocking or is it safe to leave it? Also, just noticed it was using TCP 2302, which was the reason it was dropped in the first place.

    Firewall log excerpt:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">**** kernel: [IPTABLES DROP] : IN= OUT=eth0 SRC=192.168.1.x DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=26445 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=41564 DPT=2302 WINDOW=5840 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0 OPT (020405B40402080A000A213E0000000001030302)

    ws1.bistudio.com []

    edit: info

  11. When I use the editor, it seems as though some of the UI is hanging off the edge of the screen, I might post a screenshot later. Basically it's just seems as though everything isn't showing and when I minimize certain UI elements, I can't see them at all as they move off screen. I'm running in 1280x1024 under max settings, latest version of RTE.

    Only other addons are XEH, ACE island pack and HiFi sounds.

  12. The pic and the xml are at the same location right...


    Also tried a few .paa files I found off the net incase mine were corrupted, still no luck.

    check to see if the game server has IE7 loaded

    About the IE7 thing, is this issue just server side? Since my client has IE7 installed, yet the dedicated servers I'm testing on do not. I'm guessing it isn't, I've seen squad images work before and I've had IE7 for quite a while now.

  13. in heavy battles with lots of sounds it seams as the player goes "deaf" meaning, there are no sounds exept for one or another bullet crack or similar...

    I always assumed this was intended? Usually happens for me after a nearby explosion (grenade etc). I'm under the impression it simulates the temporary deafness / ear ringing after hearing such a noise, of course I may be wrong though.

  14. and check to see if the game server has IE7 loaded

    I switched over to an Apache server on a linux machine just incase, still no luck.

    Did you check the adress in you player settings?

    INSIDE the game that is. Start up arma and check


    Triple-checked that one

    Everything seems to be working except the squad picture, all other squad details show up perfectly. I've tried removing the other squads (1 squad per file) and I'm currently in the process of trying different servers.

    This is what's currently in the folder on the web server:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">squad.dtd



    Example of squad.xml entry, names and player ID's edited out:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"><?xml version="1.0"?>

    <!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd">

    <?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

    <squad nick="PFC.">

      <name>Private First Class</name>




      <title>Private First Class</title>

      <member id="********" nick="Bhaz">

         <name>edited out</name>

         <email>edited out</email>




      <member id="********" nick="Hellrazor">

         <name>edited out</name>






    Can't post a live link for the squad since the machine is off when I'm not using it. Also the [ code ] tag doesn't like indentations so it looks a bit messy.

    Edit: code indents

  15. The squad pictures are no longer being shown (on vehicles, arm, or the player list) - the last time I used this squad file was pre 1.14 (I think), nothing had been modified since. The squad itself works fine, i.e. details, tag, e-mails, except the squad image no longer shows. The squad images are formatted in *.paa and located in the same directory as squad.xml on the web server.

    The squad file itself contains 11 squads - although I've read posts about multiple squads in a single file not working, this is the first time I've had problems with this setup. I usually just switched player/s round in the file to different squads and changes took effect upon rejoining a server.

    Any help / previous experience with squad files would be appreciated.



    edit: paragraphs, removed wall of text

  16. My main problem with it are soldiers doing the "Super Mario" to dodge every other bullet.

    Haven't looked at how the addon was created, but perhaps some of those features could be disabled / customized? The main feature I was looking at was the machine gunners providing suppressive fire. Although I didn't like the 'freezing' script, you were forced to lose control of your movement when pinned down. huh.gif
