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Posts posted by bhaz

  1. Does the MP screen load with the network interface(s) disabled?

    Do other games work? Did the game work at any time before this crash started happening? If so -- what did you change? tounge2.gif

    Also, it's a longshot, but you could try resetting the IP stack to defaults, steps here.

    It'd probably be a good idea to backup the current registry settings incase it does more harm than good:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\


  2. The problem with a train in ArmA is that a vehicle in general is preprogrammed to move in a herring bone pattern

    Could have a static model object that gets setPos'd around the tracks. Judging by all the airlifting / towing scripts I've seen, it'd probably look pretty dodgy in multiplayer though.

    edit: I was just lookin' at those animated rig things in the southern Sahrani desert and it gave me an idea. I don't know how animated models work in ArmA, but is it possible to actually move the model around the island using animations?

  3. You know with all these extra ideas / requested features, it'd probably be easier to add a voting UI rather than permanently change the mission or release 300 usermade variants.

    anybody know of any single player missions that are similar to warfare but that you can save your progress

    I don't think anything like that exists, or if it does they're keepin' it a secret. Would be possible using ArmALib I guess, just saving the basics like town ownership, building positions, money, etc., but then again it sounds like way too much effort for one person to implement. The method I use (but requires a dedicated server) is to run on persistent=1, so the battle's still going while you're away. I had a game with a mate a while back; we played for 4-5 hours and forgot all about the server when we left, 2-3 days later we went back and the same game was still running.

    edit: fail grammar

  4. Weird reading about all these performance issues people are having, I haven't had any problems with either ACE version, using the 1.15 beta. I mainly play Domination on public servers with around 15-25 people and I'm usually on there for 2-3 hours at a time.

    So far I haven't crashed (once, but it was my fault trying -maxmem at 1.5GB), haven't headbugged or seen the so-called facemelting, or had any problems with the wound system. My FPS usually sits around 30-40, ~15 when looking over huge towns at 4k viewdistance, and I don't really consider my PC specs (in sig) to be that good, considering ArmA only runs on one core. All this is on a fresh installation of ArmA, patched from 1.05 > 08 > 09 > 14 > 1.15beta with ACE ontop, using no other addons. Settings are all at Very High, but I sometimes throw antialiasing down to Normal to save FPS in extreme detail areas, I'm using NVidia 181.20 drivers. Looks like they just released 181.22 a few hours ago aswell.

    My arma.RPT (never been cleared) seems pretty clean, with only one error constantly displayed:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Object::AnimatePoint ca\misc\hiddenpath_5.p3d - KeepHeight: Function is quite slow

    edit: btw, massive thanks to the ACE team for the work put into this release

  5. Floating zone is totaly useless and its better to disable it. It offers nothing... I think it might be useful in VBL (for training) but in a game it just makes it difficult to play.

    I find floating zone quite useful - it allows you to position yourself to aim on an angle while your body is still facing straight ahead. The most common use I can think of is shooting while prone around a corner with only your right shoulder being visible - which isn't possible with it turned off, or some crazy use of the Alt key. Then again, I remember the first time I played OFP when it just came out, and I was thinking "wtf is this?" - it takes some getting used to.

  6. in some rare cases the original mission.pbo was locked either by the system or ArmA itself

    The file becomes locked after being voted in or selected in the Multiplayer lobby (even if it isn't played), if the mission hasn't been opened yet the .pbo will not be locked. It's a bit annoying but I've gotten used to it.

    An easy workaround is to give the mission a different name when exporting. (A different version number perhaps.) This method also allows you to roll back (extracting the .pbo) to earlier versions of the mission incase you accidentally delete something important, which has saved me many many times. The downside being the MPMissions folder getting a bit messy until you get around to deleting the older ones. Renaming the actual mission file (in the editor, before exporting) is also an option, but any scripts, description.ext, briefing etc. don't get copied along, so I usually stick to the one mission file.

  7. I found a cosmetic bug in relation to squad.xml files, I'm not sure if this was introduced in 1.15 or existed long before then, but this is the first I've seen of it.


    I use the -profiles=Profiles tag on my ArmA shortcut, in order to store all the player data in the ArmA folder rather than my documents. All squad logos (others and your own) are also being moved to "C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\profiles\squads"

    The problem is, even with the profile param, ArmA is still searching for the squad *.paa files in the user's local directories (in Vista's case; C:\Users\yournamehere\AppData\Local\ArmA\squads), causing no squad logos to be visible on your client. What lead me to this is others reporting they could see my squad logo fine, while I myself couldn't see it.

    Removing -profile from the shortcut instantly fixed the problem.

  8. I haven't really tried to fix this yet, as I hardly ever use the laser designator myself.

    I wouldn't usually either, but I think it doubles as a rangefinder now.

    If you need to, just change the abandoned vehicle time variable in init_commonconstants.

    Thanks, i'll take a look.

    Does anyone know of anyway to identify player created units over AI created units?

    I haven't done hardly any scripting since my OFP days, but AFAIK it'd be easier to check if they're in a player's squad? Example could be moulded into a loop (or a forEach maybe, not sure) to check every human player's squad. Something along the lines of:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_unit in (group player);

  9. Nice work on the ACE support, lovin' this mission.

    Are there any plans to implement ACE's map system?

    One thing that does bug me though, (not just in this warfare flavour, pretty much all of them) is that the player's vehicles disappear if left alone for a certain amount of time. The obvious solution for the moment is to leave someone in the vehicle, but isn't really practical with a 12 man hardcoded limit. It can become quite frustrating later on with the more expensive vehicles. Perhaps vehicles controlled by the player (and his squad) could be exempt from the timer?

  10. The easiest way is probably just copying the entire ArmA folder accross the network, saves setting up addon folders twice. After that, just throw in a server.cfg and an ArmAprofile for difficulty (optional), then chuck in a shortcut to arma_server.exe.

    I used to run an ArmA server as a service but it was a pain in the ass if you ever wanted to add / take away extra addons, since you need to go through a process just to change the -mod= param. I ended up making a batch file to restart the server whenever it kicked it, that way you can just edit the batch file for new addons, then #shutdown the server.

    Example batch file:

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">echo off



    arma_server.exe -config=server.cfg -mod=@zzzz

    goto start

    With a bit more work you can make it start without needing to log on. (The new task scheduler, assuming WHS is similar to Vista).

    As for a Ventrilo server, I ran one off a second PC for about a year, the free server only holds 8 slots and there is no workaround, legally anyway. Depending on the codec you use (I used the lowest possible), it still ate through 40-60kB/s upload when 6-7 people talk at the same time, so running an ArmA and Vent server might not be an option depending on your connection. If the 8 user limit is a problem, the free Teamspeak server download has unlimited slots.

  11. I've got a Quad Q9400, not too good but not too bad either. Affinity didn't really make a difference for me, the only use I found of it was running a dedicated and client off the same machine and that made a massive difference.

  12. I preferred OFP's gameplay over ArmA, it seemed to have a lot more replayability for me. But since it came out, OFP got uninstalled and I never went back. Kinda felt like the community got split in two and the majority moved over to ArmA, which is only gonna happen again on the release of ArmA2 / OFP2.

  13. Yeh I just did a quick test aswell using 1 dedicated and a client.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if !(isServer) exitWith {};

    _action = _this select 0;

    if (_action == 1) then {


      unit1 = heliGroup createUnit ["SoldierWB", getMarkerPos "spawnPoint", [], 0, "FORM"];

      unit2 = heliGroup createUnit ["SoldierWB", getMarkerPos "spawnPoint", [], 0, "FORM"];

      unit3 = heliGroup createUnit ["SoldierWB", getMarkerPos "spawnPoint", [], 0, "FORM"];

      unitHeli = "UH60MG" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "spawnPoint");

      unit1 moveInDriver unitHeli;

      unit2 moveInGunner unitHeli;

      unit3 moveInCargo unitHeli


    if (_action == 2) then {


      deleteVehicle unit1;

      deleteVehicle unit2;

      deleteVehicle unit3;

      deletevehicle unitHeli


    if (_action == 3) then {


      deleteVehicle unitHeli;

      deleteVehicle unit1;

      deleteVehicle unit2;

      deleteVehicle unit3


    The _action var was set by one of 3 radio commands.

    Using actions 1 and 2 recreated the bug, even though the command was given to delete the three units, once the heli was deleted they just popped out of nowhere on the clients mad_o.gif, but didnt seem to exist on the server, sounds like a netcode bug? Running 1 then 3 didn't cause any problems.

  14. [Multiplayer Bug]

    Deleted vehicles only remove the vehicle's crew locally.

    To recreate:

    1. Atleast 2 players in RTE multiplayer

    2. Player X places down a vehicle (not empty)

    3. Player X deletes the vehicle

    The player that deleted the vehicle will see nothing, all other players will see the crew from the vehicle. Also affects their local AI, as they try to shoot at 'em, while player X sees a bunch of men shooting at nothing. After a few hours in the editor, especially when spamming it can get quite messy.

  15. Maybe tonight Ziggy and I can "invent" some camp names for you if you like

    Perhaps naming by co-ordinates, or maybe even strategic location? ie: "mountain position". Also - I haven't had the chance to try this version of warfare, how's the AI handle going between islands?

  16. Ill see what i can do but if i move the zombie spawns to far away they wont attack the base and just stand around like lemons sadly.

    Perhaps their spawn location could be a bit more randomized? It'd make it a lot tougher to "farm" zombies like that. Right now they're all spawning in pretty much the same spot, aim in the right position and you take 'em out before they can move.

    Also, the mercenaries; Not sure if this is unintended, thought I'd share it anyway - as far as the dialog shows, the civilian merc comes with a randomly selected pistol - mine came completely unequipped, had to go buy him one. sad_o.gif

    edit: Those heli's at the start are pretty annoying, probably just my sound-mod though. wow_o.gif

    One more thing - in MP (on dedicated server) someone teamkilled a player and was given the firing squad -- all the other player's screens turned black and we had to restart the mission.

  17. Anyone else with a Zboard MERC?

    I have the original ZBoard (USB edition) and I haven't had any problems. I can't really think of how a particular mission can affect hardware, unless the mission had thousands of units. The only problem I've had with the ZBoard is unresponsiveness after changing keysets, nothing a restart doesn't fix.

    Yes there is, however i wish to get things stable and running perfectly

    Makes sense, nice work on 2.5 btw smile_o.gif
