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Posts posted by bhaz

  1. After fiddling around with the settings for a few days, I figured it was time to find out how much impact each one had. I found myself a nice FPS taxing area (mix of forest, a couple of houses and water in the distance).

    Settings before test (each one changed individually):

    Resolution - 1280x1024

    3D Res - 100%

    View-distance - 1600

    Textures - Very High

    Memory - Very High

    AF - Very High

    AA - Normal

    Terrain - Normal

    Objects - Normal

    Shadows - High

    Post-processing - Disabled

    Max pre-rendered frames - 3

    VSync - Let application decide (on)

    Triple buffering - Off

    FPS before test - 20

    Settings and impact on FPS:

    Textures - Any (0)

    Memory - Any (0)

    AF - Disabled (+1)

    AA - Very High (-3) Off (+2)

    Terrain - Very Low (+4) Low (+1) Very High (-2)

    Objects - Very Low (+5) Low (+4) Very High (-7)

    Shadows - Very High (-2) Low (0) Off (+1)

    Post-processing - Low (-1) High (-2) Very High (-3)

    View-distance - 600 (0) 2600 (-0.5) 10000 (-2)

    Resolution - 1024x768 (+8) 800x600 (+16) 640x480 (+26)

    3D Res - 88% (+4) 83% (+5) 80% (+7) 125% (-5) 150% (-10) 200% (-17)

    Max pre-rendered frames - 8 (-4) 1 (-2)

    VSync - Off (0) Triple Buffering (-1)

    Hope this is helpful to someone. Specs are in my sig. Test was performed under a cut-down version of XP SP3.

  2. ArmA will keep some files under the application data folder, such as people's squad logos, other custom faces, downloaded MPMissions, and a whole bunch of log files etc. It's safe to delete these folders, they'll just be remade by the game.

    For Vista
    X:\Users\*\AppData\Local\ArmA 2
    For XP
    X:\Documents and Settings\*\Local Settings\Application Data\ArmA 2

    Also, registry information (folder path, CD-Key) is kept at:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2

    To delete these, run regedit (Start, Run, regedit), navigate to the appropriate folder and right click, delete. As far as I know the uninstall should've done this for you. Also, careful in here as it can't be undone, and deleting the wrong thing could mess with your computer. Deleting this folder while ArmA 2 is installed will remove your CD-Key, and will break ArmA 2, forcing you to re-install.

  3. I had this problem after messing with the 3D resolution too much (changing it back and forth for ages, looking for FPS changes), after checking temperatures it definately wasn't a heating problem, plus I always run everything at stock so that rules out an overclock, just a really weird mixture of settings that somehow killed it.

    After deleting the config file everything was repaired and I haven't been able to replicate the problem ever since, no matter how much I screw with it.

  4. I just found a 'No Evo/Dom' GamingSA server last night...

    Heh I saw you in there last night, but I ended up playing the campaign instead. Evo / Dom are good every once in a while but the repetition wears it out pretty quickly. I'd definately be up for an AAS, or a standard coop mission if the server had 4+ people.

  5. I've noticed (also in OFP and ArmA) that ammo crates, vehicles and other containers have a "re-arm at x" command aswell as the gear action, but I've never actually figured out what it does.

    Anyone care to show me the light?

  6. I prefer to play with 3rd person forced off, I can't count the number of times 3rd person view has saved me, where I could see over or around something that couldn't be seen through 1st person, followed by a couple of "how the fuck did you know" grenades over a wall.

    The problem is whenever it isn't forced off, I tend to use it anyway, even though I feel it's cheating, guess it's a matter of balance.

  7. I used to have a ton of hard disk activity when I was on Vista. I've only got 2GB of RAM and Vista was eating between 500-800 on bootup, and that's after disabling all the caching and a bunch of other stuff.

    After switching over to a dual-boot of XP and removing / disabling as much as possible, I've managed to get that number down to 80MB on startup (19MB without drivers :D). Haven't had any significant HDD activity in-game ever since.

  8. Basically, engage means they will leave the formation in order to pursue an enemy.

    Engage only works when having manually set a target, they will pursue the target that was given, then return to the formation.

    Engage at will allows them to choose their own targets and engage.

    Disengage cancels the effect of either engage command, causing them to return to formation (but will still fire unless ordered.)

    (Same applies for Fire / Open Fire. Which means "Only fire at given target" and "Fire at any target" respectively. Note that Fire only becomes obvious when set to hold fire, otherwise they'll continue shooting anyway.)


    I mostly only use the fire command for ambushing. Ie.: you can set 3 AT units to target 3 different vehicles, they will announce when they're within firing range with "Ready to fire", and will not fire until ordered.

  9. You could use the -profiles param to force it to save elsewhere. More info on the Biki. It's an ArmA 1 page but I'm guessing they're still the same. Then once it's saved to the new location, you can copy and overwrite with your old ones to keep all your settings / save games etc.

  10. Did anybody get their orders from CD-WOW?

    I canceled mine a while back because they seemed to be taking a while, but I just found out that gamestop here isn't selling the game tomorrow anymore, but on the 7th of July.


    Got an e-mail last Friday saying they're expecting stock sometime next week and that it will be shipped, didn't even ask them either. I've read a few times around the Internet that they have bad customer service, but it doesn't really seem all that bad.

  11. I only experience CTD's in the demo in multiplayer, half the players in the server all crash at the same time. It's only happened in Warfare atm, but then again that's all people are playing. I'll take a look at the .rpt's next time it happens, can't check now since they're all on the XP partition, way too early to be screwin' with folder permissions.
