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Posts posted by bhaz

  1. Just upgraded to a 4790k and 16gb 1866mhz ram, rarely see FPS below 50 anymore, average 60 (or 80 with vsync off) with 3k vd (2k for objects). Suppose I get the odd drop to 45 if there's 200+ AI running about.

    Still running an ancient HD6850 that was revived in the oven last year until I get a 970, so this game is definitely capable of running on older GPU's.

    Keep in mind I don't play any spammy or large scale multiplayer modes, mostly 5-10 player coop on a private server.

  2. @bhaz - thanx for taking the time to reply. I am now thinking the issue might be the fact that the trigger is also synced to the Game Logic AREA that is needed and also synced to the SECTOR CONTROL module from BIS....???

    Anyone had any success with sector control type modes using ALiVE?

    Can't say I've ever used those so not sure. If possible you could try upping the distance, profile positions aren't that accurate and tend to teleport in bounds of 200 metres or so, a radius as small as 1m might have problems if a group leapfrogs right over it.

  3. So if I am looking to have one single trigger with the functionality to detect both EAST and WEST units (within 1m of the trigger) that are not yet spawned in the real battle space it would look like this?

    ((count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 1, ["EAST","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) > 0) AND ((count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 1, ["WEST","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) > 0)

    I only ask because I cannot figure it out....grrrr This does not work, what am I missing? I put the above code in the triggers condition field, correct?

    The AND is saying the trigger won't go off until an east and west profile are in the trigger at the same time, you probably want an OR.

    ((count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 1, ["EAST","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) > 0) || ((count ([getposATL thisTrigger, 1, ["WEST","entity"]] call ALIVE_fnc_getNearProfiles)) > 0)

  4. So my questions is how do we get these onto the HC too.

    We just have to wait until they add HC support to the profiles module, which doesn't sound easy.

    Running {local _x} count allUnits; on the HC, it never really went above 25, so there's plenty of room. (Run @bcombat on the headless client for some extra crazy CQB module AI :))

    Suppose this is holding them up too:


  5. Did the stuff from RC2 make it into stable? This is the error we get when the hc tries to join, same error on 2 different PC's.

    Used -enableSteamLogs -debug_steamapi on both hc and server.

    Server logs:

    STEAM: STC: Requesting validation ticket for player: headlessclient - SteamID:18446744073709551615, Local result: Invalid ticket
    STEAM: STC: Local ticket check for player: headlessclient - SteamID:18446744073709551615 failed. Code: 1
    Server error: Player without identity headlessclient (id 1243704363)
    STEAM: STC: Client: headlessclient - SteamID:18446744073709551615 - Kicked off because of invalid ticket. LocalResultCode: Invalid ticket, RemoteResultCode: Ticket invalid

    Headless log:

    14:37:45 STEAM: STEAMWORKS: [s_API WARN] CancelAuthTicket called on invalid ticket 
    14:37:45 STEAM: STEAMWORKS: [s_API WARN] CancelAuthTicket called on invalid ticket  

    We're using a client game folder, not the dedi package. The errors are the same whether steam is open and logged in or closed.

  6. https://www.dropbox.com/s/xb1q7yjmx863pbk/Mil_Heli_Testing.Altis.7z?dl=0

    This is just a very simply mission with hardly anything in it. When I preview through the editor, I get the error about missing module functions.


    Had a spare 20 mins to mess around with this - I've seen this error before a couple of times a while back (previous patch), I was gonna put it up on the tracker but could never recreate it after I fixed it. Doesn't even show up in the .rpt.

    One error in the rpt which seems unrelated:

    15:10:28 String STR_ADDON_ERROR1 not found
    15:10:28 0:38:22.780 (0.607) [x\alive\addons\sys_viewdistance\fnc_vDist.sqf:55] -ERROR- L ALiVE Modules:11

    Found 3 entirely different ways to stop the error, none of which help much:

    - deleting both C2ISTAR and player options

    - deleting both OPCOM and logistics

    - cutting & pasting the entire mission onto Stratis (pasting back onto Altis didn't work)


  7. Could it be that all three factions are using the same class names for their groups?

    caf_ag_afr_pi >> Infantry >> [10_men_EUR_I, 4_men_EUR_I, 6_men_EUR_I, 8_men_EUR_I]
    caf_ag_eeur_RI >> Infantry >> [10_men_EUR_I, 4_men_EUR_I, 6_men_EUR_I, 8_men_EUR_I]
    caf_ag_me_ti >> Infantry >> [10_men_EUR_I, 4_men_EUR_I, 6_men_EUR_I, 8_men_EUR_I]

    A couple of the motorized groups also share a name with the african pirate technicals in all three factions (Technicals2_afr_p)

    edit: Actually Technicals2_afr_p is a group class from aggressors opfor units.

  8. 3. The artillery from RHS can't be used with alive's player support module. The artillery will show up on the menu, but there's no selectable fire missions.

    I just had a fiddle with this one, doesn't seem to be any way around it - the vehicle, ammo and mobility are hardcoded and only have the Arma3 units in there at the moment. When the mission starts, alive thinks the arty is out of ammo.

    The only way would be to overwrite one of their functions (NEO_fnc_artyUnitAvailableRounds) but I doubt they'd be too happy with that so I won't do it.

    I could throw them a list of all the vehicles / rounds to add if they wanted the help though.

  9. Any can point me the classnames of Custom compositions for spawn it with ALiVE, or tell me where I can see them?

    CfgGroups > Empty > ALIVE

    If you want to spawn them without using a custom objective, ALIVE_fnc_spawnComposition spawns them.


    [(configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "Empty" >> "ALIVE" >> "constructionSupplies" >> "bagFenceKit1"), getMarkerPos "BHAZ_mkr_sandbags", 12] call ALIVE_fnc_spawnComposition;

    The number thrown in there is the rotation.

  10. There's a snippet on the wiki for adding objectives with script: http://alivemod.com/wiki/index.php/Script_Snippets#Add_a_Custom_OPCOM_Objective

    As for removing / changing them I'll do some digging since I'm also wondering.

    ---------- Post added at 15:11 ---------- Previous post was at 14:59 ----------

    I haven't tested this yet so it might not work, I tried to keep it consistent with the wiki example:

    removeObjectiveFromSides = {
       _objectiveId = _this select 0;
       _factions = _this select 1;
           _opcom = _x;
               _faction = _x;
               _opcomSide = [_opcom,"side",""] call ALIVE_fnc_HashGet;
               if (_opcomSide == _faction) then {
                   [_opcom, "removeObjective", _objectiveId] call ALiVE_fnc_OPCOM;
           } forEach _factions;
       } forEach OPCOM_INSTANCES;

    And an example of use:

    ["opforComRetake_obj", ["EAST"]] call removeObjectiveFromSides;

    From what I saw, it wouldn't be impossible to change the priority, but incredibly messy (hashes and stuff). Might be easier to just delete and recreate with the new priority.

  11. I was looking for a way to set up the alive weather module as a mission param, and ran into a gold mine in the config viewer :)

    cfgVehicles >> any alive module >> Arguments

    Of course after that, I did the only sensible thing using a placement module's init:

    this setVariable ["size", "20000"]

    Hooking a lot of this stuff into class Params could be pretty useful in a mission though, like changing CQB settings etc. without having to jump back to the editor all the time.

  12. Was going to post a feature request on the tracker but I'm not sure if this is already possible. I'm using sudden's East vs West factions, and:

    a) I'm trying to hide the default factions from the menu (so players on the server can't request Slammer reinforcements against BMP-3 :rolleyes:)

    b) @evw units are being inserted via Ghosthawk rather than their own faction. (UH-60 etc.)


    OK found a workaround for the @evw helis:

    if (isServer) then {
       waitUntil {!isNil "ALiVE_STATIC_DATA_LOADED"};
       [ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport, "SUD_NATO", ["SUD_UH60"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;
       [ALIVE_factionDefaultAirTransport, "SUD_USSR", ["SUD_MI8"]] call ALIVE_fnc_hashSet;

  13. hey, how can i use the 148 ? i dind't find it...i only see the default 343 in inventory and in editor..where is the 148 and how to assign it to players ? how can i assign both radios ?

    [color=#333333]this addItem "ACRE_PRC148";

    - players spawn with the 343 by default so you would end up with both. To remove the 343 on mission start I think removing "ItemRadio" could work. It worked in Arma 2 atleast.[/color]
