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Everything posted by bhaz

  1. The script he gave you is meant for an sqf file. And as far as I know, description only takes class definitions and preprocessor commands.
  2. Note that the createTrigger command is local - so you can create triggers that are only present server side. Then I read this after posting. +1 pointless post. :D
  3. Don't think you could pull something like that off without a forEach to test every unit on the side - forEach can be very CPU hungry in large doses - so the trigger is likely the way to go for performance in this case. For your average check though, a waitUntil would be the better option unless you need a response right away, since the 0.3ms delay doesn't apply to triggers. Reference: Code Optimisation
  4. In the above examples, it's used to pass parameters into the script. ie: [car] execVM "myScript.sqf" and inside the script you may see: _car = _this select 0; Works in plenty of places, including spawn - to try and describe it as simply as possible - it's used to send references to objects or extra details the script otherwise couldn't access without your help; The script doesn't know which car you refer to unless you tell it. The [] symbols in general refer to an array.
  5. Once you load an island (editor, mission etc) - exiting back to the menu without -skipIntro will load an intro.
  6. bhaz

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I'm getting a weird issue with the "Hit" eventhandler while running WarFX, the ammoType of vehicle weapons returned is coming back differently. It's breaking a couple of my missions and a handful of the BIS ones aswell. [b]Examples of arrays passed through "Hit":[/b] using M1A1 gunner seat machinegun Without WarFX: [21815a00# 438911: terc_postava.p3d,"",196.121,B 1-1-A:1,"B_762x51_Ball"] With WarFX: [2d19c300# 438911: terc_postava.p3d,"",196.141,B 1-1-A:1,"B_762x51_M240_Ball_Veh"]
  7. bhaz

    Armex games

    It's quite well done. Just don't pick a civilian as your vehicle for a mission, unless you're after a dead civilian of course.
  8. bhaz

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    That's really helpful, do hold / guard waypoints count toward this? If so, all my missions are already compatible anyway. :D
  9. What about IRC, there anything along those lines?
  10. bhaz

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    I agree. As cool as some of these newer features are, we're slowly losing compatibility with our missions. On the other hand, it's their mod, and they develop it using their own time and effort - we can't really complain. The best we can do is revert to an older version.
  11. I think Igneous01 was referring to: _herp = player distance _marker; _derp = player distance (getMarkerPos _marker); The first line should throw an error, since it doesn't work. As great as Squint's features are, getting it to recognize which variables are defined as markers sounds kinda crazy.
  12. It's caused by playing a campaign / mission designed for listen-servers on a dedicated. The mission has a flag called forceInServer=1 on the first player slot, meaning this slot needs to be taken. The downside to this being the host can't swap this slot with anyone else. When the host is dedicated, __server__ takes the slot to fill the requirement. There is no remedy, it's just a mission design flaw. It's been around since release, is it possible you only just noticed?
  13. When I went through the BIS missions in the FSM editor, it looked as though all the .fsm files regarding speech were automatically generated. They're hiding something from us. :(
  14. bhaz

    WarFX : Blastcore

    This addon is legendary.
  15. Commands are basically the same, just the way it's written is different. It's also a lot more efficient in terms of performance. More info here, here and here.
  16. bhaz

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    Are you talking about Caprica? Cause that's already been and gone, pulled off after half a season. Or is there another I don't know about?
  17. I always thought this was a feature, the AI see a friendly-looking vehicle, so they assume neutral or friendly until they discover otherwise. But if it works fine in the editor, maybe it's actually a bug?? I remember back in the day starting out in ArmA as a domination pub-nub, the good old red tag when friendlies stole enemy vehicles, caused plenty of friendly fire incidents.
  18. Does waitUntil even work in SQS? I'm not sure, haven't touched that stuff since OFP. :( I think it was the @ symbol back then. Either way, the waitUntil condition needs to be surrounded by code brackets: waitUntil {{player hasweapon _x} count weaponsarray > 0};
  19. The unassignVehicle command should be enough to order them out of the vehicle, once it stops moving. Then you could wait until they're all out, and create the AAV's final waypoint afterwards. {unassignVehicle _x} forEach units reinforcementSquad1; waitUntil {{_x in aav1} count units reinforcementSquad1 == 0}; // then create the rest of the AAV waypoints afterwards Plus, the unassignVehicle command relies on the fact that you've assigned them in the first place, before moving them in. (assignAsCargo)
  20. There's a few options: 1. Most just create a script with the tasks, then run it on all clients. ie, what you and shk said. Just create the task for both players. This one's the simplest. :) 2. Use a script package released by someone else that does it for you. (There's a few around). 3. The BIS way - functions module and RE. More explanation on that here. Example of use from one of my missions: note: this way takes quite a bit of effort unless you're starting from scratch. [objNull, leader GRP_INF, "per", rCREATETASKSET, "objDestination", ["Escort the resistance convoy to the southern border of Zargabad. Use your radio to signal the resistance to move up.", "Escort convoy", ""]] call RE; //objNull means run on all machines. //leader GRP_INF applies the objective to that group //"per" means this command is run on JIP //rCREATETASKSET is the function //"objDestination" is the name of the objective //Then finally, "description", "map name", "3d marker text"
  21. You've inherited MissionDefault on one of your missions (for example MyMission : MissionDefault), and the mission is missing its template = MissionName.Island entry.
  22. player distance (getMarkerPos "MulladostMarker")
  23. missions_e.pbo for the OA missions, don't have BAF but they'd be in the BAF folder under a similar name. Posting them here is probably against the rules.
  24. The support waypoint will most likely attach to the group leader, so if the leader is a medic with engineers in his squad, they'll probably only respond to a medic call.