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Everything posted by bhaz

  1. You no longer need to launch OA from inside of Steam, you can show them the normal way. :) If not, they right click the game from inside Steam and press properties. In that window, there's a button that says "Set Launch Options...", which brings up a box to type their mod tags in: -mod=@cba;@etc -window
  2. bhaz

    Why are you playing BIS games?

    If it weren't for the community, 75% of the mods would be gone. And the cycle continues.
  3. Conversation System Really in-depth discussion by HateDread. (Check out page 4-5)
  4. forceSpeed 0 to stop, forceSpeed -1 to move again.
  5. If the vehicle is moving, you may want to use "eject" instead. Is the vehicle locked?
  6. private ["_seconds"]; _seconds = _this select 0; hint "Emergency Repair in Progress \n Protect the engineer at all cost!\n\n Repairing - 0%"; sleep 1; for "_i" from 1 to _seconds do { hintSilent format ["Emergency Repair in Progress \n Protect the engineer at all cost!\n\n Repairing - %1%", round ((_i / _seconds) * 100)]; sleep 1; }; hint "Emergency Repair Complete"; A cleaner quick and dirty script. :) Save in an .sqf file and launch with: _dummy = [100] execVM "[color="Red"]scriptname.sqf[/color]"; Replace 100 with the number of seconds you want.
  7. bhaz

    RIP Major Dick Winters

    RIP, more of a man than I'll ever be. Seems the world is running out of great men. :(
  8. You can publicVariable a gamelogic, and use the namespace on all clients - this is how BIS pass all their variables around in the official missions. If you need a variable passed to all clients, you need to specifically broadcast it (and any changes made to it), or the new variable will only exist where it was changed: // Ran server-side _missionScopeGroup = createGroup sideLogic; "Logic" createUnit [[0, 0, 0], _missionScopeGroup, "myGameLogic = this"]; publicVariable "myGameLogic"; myGameLogic setVariable ["SupGuys", 10, [color="Red"]true[/color]]; You'll need to make sure the clients have the logic on their side before using it, (usually in init.sqf or some kind of JIP script) waitUntil {!(isNil "myGameLogic")}; _clientVar = myGameLogic getVariable "SupGuys";
  9. Init only runs once for each machine, and for JIP - only on their machine. The clients will skip past the isServer section. As for the rest, I guess it's possible - but complicated way beyond belief, and an impossible amount of effort for one mission.
  10. The simple route would be in init.sqf: if (isServer) then { red1zone = createTrigger ["SomeObject", getPos red1mark]; red1zone setTriggerArea [150, 150, 0, false]; red1zone setTriggerActivation ["OPFOR", "PRESENT", true]; red1zone setTriggerStatements ["{_x iskindof 'T90' && canmove _x && canfire _x && ({_x iskindof 'RU_Soldier_Crew' && alive _x} count crew _x >= 2)} count thislist >= 2", "red1done=1", "red1done=0"]; red1zone setTriggerTimeout [300, 300, 300, true]; }; BTW, use single quotes when inside of double quotes, or the engine will shit bricks. I changed it above.
  11. Perhaps a combination of canMove to check the tracks / engine and canFire for the turrets?
  12. bhaz

    CO 02 Foxtrot Two

    Thanks, feedback on difficulty is much appreciated. After testing ~50 times it's hard to judge difficulty when you're so familiar with your own mission. The mission is short because it's an introduction to a 12 mission coop campaign I'm currently developing (ETA 2-3 weeks). A little hint of things to come:
  13. bhaz

    JTD Fire And Smoke

    Oh lawd, it has begun. :D I'd imagine there's plenty of under-the-hood changes as well, considering it's been almost 8 months since 0.2?
  14. bhaz

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    This is pretty damn impressive. Nice to see there might finally be some competition where others have failed, might make both sides work a bit harder. :D
  15. Are you getting any errors in your arma2OA.rpt file?
  16. I thought this would've worked fine: {[_x, _pos] call ShockpushPreLoad} forEach _array; One thing to check is if nearObjects is even returning properly, you may be passing it an empty array.
  17. bhaz

    AI Cannot target non-enemies

    It's just a general gameplay bug. You used to be able to target friendlies or buildings to use with the suppress (I think?) or fire commands. Kyrcek already made a ticket on the CIT.
  18. bhaz

    Zeus AI Combat Skills

    According to this, it's the default behaviour and is intended.
  19. bhaz

    Ambient Civ count

    This will give you a ton, just change the 3 lower or higher to tweak, you can use decimal values aswell (2.5 etc): BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["civilianCount", "round (%1 * [color="Red"]3[/color])"];
  20. forEach uses _x to run the given code once for every entry. Had it said: {player sideChat _x} forEach ["one", "two", "three"]; You'd get three chat messages saying one, two and three.
  21. No need for a whole script, one line will do it. {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units group this;
  22. You can either press 0 to go into Radio, then choose communications, or press space for the quick menu and choose communication there.
  23. bhaz

    Ambient Civ count

    Try this: BIS_alice_mainscope setVariable ["civilianCount", "round (%1)"];
  24. bhaz

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I assume that's related to the issue I was having back on page 24? Glad it's been found. :D