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Everything posted by bhaz

  1. OMG, what a legend, he just moved up on my list of favorite comedians.
  2. Weird, I just had 5 cannot commits in the last hour or so, trying to finish Dogs of War. Never had this error before today, hardware and software configs exactly the same.
  3. bhaz

    Patch 1.03 Satisfaction Survey

    Best feature ever; save button in multiplayer, I remember hoping for this back in the OFP days. :)
  4. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    I've managed to replicate one of the ways to break squad logos. It seems that any use of the '-profiles' tag has a chance to mess with your client's downloaded .paa files. Almost seems as though it's not looking in the correct position, because all downloaded logos correctly end up at the -profiles\squads folder.
  5. Just got myself an extra 2GB of RAM (to make 4), Win7 64-bit, coming over from XP and Vista, performance is matching if not a bit better, though it's probably the upgrade doing its job. Decent OS aswell, although it's still a RAM hog (currently 900MB on desktop, not including cached). :)
  6. +1 Now we know they're indestructible, it could become a balancing issue for PvP missions.
  7. Give the trigger an X and Y axis, group it to the vehicle (chopper) and choose 'vehicle' and 'present'. The this command will refer to the chopper being inside the trigger's radius. Then, in the condition code you could use: this && (!isEngineOn chopper1) Which will mean the condition is only met once the chopper is inside the radius AND the engine is turned off.
  8. After almost 2 years of using Vista, I switched back to XP for the lols. Quoted for truth is all need be said. But seriously... turn a few things off, disable a ton of services and a tweak here and there and Vista can be a great OS. Compared straight out of the box, I don't know why i brought it, maybe DX10 looked shiny at the time.
  9. It's all here. To set sides as enemies, setFriend. east setFriend [civilian, 0];
  10. bhaz


    Allow saves in campaign co-op to be used more than once. (ie, you get an autosave, you die, the resume button only works once, then the mission restarts unless you get another autosave).
  11. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    Could be, I went through 3 or 4 hosts before mine started working. If you want you can PM me the files and try 'em out on mine? (temporary of course)
  12. bhaz

    How crowded is Multiplayer

    Alot of the serious groups out there play on private servers, some of which aren't even listed (you can opt servers out of the public list). To get a public server with 100 people? I've seen it happen, but I'd hate to be the admin.
  13. {_x moveInCargo chopper} forEach units group this; :) btw, u were after the mission editing and scripting forum
  14. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    Nice, I'm still not sure what causes it, went through a couple of old squad.xml's I had that were having this problem and I just couldn't make it happen. Just wondering, can you see anyone else's logos? I remember not being able to see any when I had the problem.
  15. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    I had exactly the same problem about a year ago, thing is I tried a ton of things at the same time so I'm not sure what fixed it. Your logo (TGMedicSM.paa) is definately uploaded correctly. I'll mess around with mine when I get the time, see if I can screw it up.
  16. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    I opened up the logo.paa file from that URL, 86kb, yet TexView shows the image as empty? Better yet, GIMP is picking it up as a .tga file, but won't let me open it. I'll PM you the link to a .paa file (tested and confirmed working). Also, delete your squad's folder from the Application Data folder, as ArmA will (might?) jump on that before looking for a new one, assuming the folder's there for a reason. Vista: C:\Users\~~~\AppData\Local\ArmA 2\squads\ XP: C:\Documents and Settings\~~~\Application Data\ArmA 2\squads\
  17. Does anyone know if the network performance tuning options, which live in ArmA2.cfg, work on a listen-server? The Wiki page only seems to talk about dedicated servers, and looking at the default values, they look a bit mediocre for faster connections.
  18. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    Guess that rules out the image. Here's my squad.xml, copied and pasted directly from notepad. <?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE squad SYSTEM "squad.dtd"> <?xml-stylesheet href="squad.xsl?" type="text/xsl"?> <squad nick="Sgt"> <name>Sergeant</name> <email>n/a</email> <web></web> <picture>logo.paa</picture> <title></title> <member id="idhere" nick="Bhaz"> <name>namehere</name> <email>emailhere@gmail.com</email> <icq>n/a</icq> <remark>n/a</remark> </member> </squad> I didn't delete web and title, they were already blank. If i had to throw a guess out there, I'd be thinking either the odd character "/" in your squad nick, or the title, which is meant to show as text under the image.
  19. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    In ArmA1 i had a problem where my firewall wouldn't let ArmA download anyone's .paa files, including my own. Found this out when my mate says "look at this guy's squad logo", then I realised I couldn't see anyone's. Might wanna jump in a public server and see if anyone can see yours (and vice versa). Also, you could try out someone elses working files just to rule out a simple typo or corrupt file.
  20. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    Try exporting as a .tga then using TexView to convert to .paa. Also, you'll need this patch for PhotoShop to export .tga files properly. If you're still having problems try using GIMP, as far as I remember it's only ~50mb and is very similar to Photoshop, plus there is a guide for it on the Biki.
  21. bhaz

    Squad XML help

    Check ArmA2's folder in Application Data, it should have a "squad" folder containing your squad's .paa file, if it doesn't it might be having trouble finding the file. If it is there, you can try deleting it to let ArmA redownload it. Also, I'm using a dynamic DNS address for my squad file, and I found it only works with "http://address" rather than "http://www.", something about URL wildcards on the server.
  22. 4 people are supported in the campaign. You might get problems where you completed a mission but the next one doesn't become available, which is solved with the campaign cheat. Also, reverting to a save causes "receiving..." problems to the clients, solved by rejoining.
  23. Yeh, here's to hoping the editor community wants to make something similar, the idea behind the mission was brilliant.
  24. We're only up to and attempting Razor Two (everything goes so well, then out of nowhere someone's head gets taken off, and we keep forgetting to save) at the moment, but I haven't run into a single bug yet. This is running in coop with two people aswell.
  25. bhaz

    The unkillable T-90

    I'm guessing you're referring to the ground "moving" when he looks down to the ammo crates. Really weird bug, I sometimes get it aswell. Come to think of it, I've always had it, even in ArmA1.