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Everything posted by bhaz

  1. While I think that none of these things are really that hard to learn and remember, a simple user interface within the game would be a huge improvement. While we're at it, why not a small notepad-like interface for editing scripts in-game? A simple dialog with a huge text entry area, with direct access to the F1 Comref and a save / load button would be more than helpful.
  2. bhaz

    WW2 - World War 2

    Operation Plashfoint The battle that isn't within the players hearing range and field of view would just be a bunch of numbers and scripts, with units being spawned and deleted as the player moves. A similar example would be the ambient combat module, or some of the zombie mods available for ArmA 1 that created a massive environment. From the players PoV everything was there the whole time.
  3. bhaz

    Upgraded RAM = No FPS Improvement

    Chances are, if you were running two identical (or quite similar) sticks of RAM and your motherboard supported it, your memory was running in dual channel. Upgrading to an odd amount of sticks or non-identical CAS speed / size of RAM may have disabled this. Though this may not be to blame, my finger would be aiming at the 9500. Also TBH, 25-27 isn't all too bad as long as its stable.
  4. bhaz

    WW2 - World War 2

    /signed The A2 engine would have the perfect feel for a WW2 mod imo, especially with the way the PP makes terrain look at a distance. Already picturing winter terrain, bunkers, trenches, missions with enough units to fry your CPU. :D
  5. bhaz

    Cannot Delete Old MP Missions

    Running the game as an administrator also works, but can create a shitstorm when your Vent or Teamspeak key stops working with A2 open. Applications running without admin privs cant communicate with those running with admin privileges. edit: assuming you didn't turn off UAC
  6. bhaz

    Cannot Delete Old MP Missions

    Take a look in C:\Users\~~\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2\MPMissions When Vista / Win7 sees a program writing to program files without full permissions, it'll throw it in there. As far as the game knows its actually in the game folders. Quick fix? Delete the missions from that folder. Permanent fix? Give your user "Full Control" of ArmA 2's installation folder, then next time they'll be saved in the right place.
  7. I got the error aswell, try running as admin.
  8. bhaz

    Formations getting messed up

    That was my second thought. I can't say I've seen this in any of the OFP series. I usually keep a habit of switching formations on the move though. Weird, the return command always brings them to the direction I'm facing when I give the order, maybe there's an addon messing with it?
  9. bhaz

    Formations getting messed up

    The formation will face in the direction you were last moving toward. So if you were moving north, stopped to face east and issue a formation change, they will still gather up facing north. Hitting return to formation (1-1) is the quick fix without having to move again.
  10. bhaz

    SLX Mod WIP

    Sorry, turns out the beta might've been the problem. Didn't even consider it since there we no AI changes in the patch notes until now. [58961] Fixed: Immortal freezed soldiers occured in MP.
  11. bhaz

    SLX Mod WIP

    I've noticed (only in multiplayer) sometimes AI units in my squad won't move from their position, only moving their head and turning to fire. I need to issue the salute or sit down order to get them unstuck, and if they're prone when it happens its permanent.
  12. There's gotta be some changes that aren't in the notes, as of build 58932 my settings can go so much higher now without any major impact. Also, I noticed I have to set PProcessing to disabled and back in order to get it working after each launch. I'm guessing not all builds get released.
  13. If you double tap shift, walk IS the default.. same with alt for head-movement, and many other things.
  14. Yeh it doesn't really bother me, figured I'd post it anyway. Personally I preferred being able to choose the extraction position, since I usually avoid rather than engage the units around the objective, certain directions would be a suicide run on the way out. Perhaps the heli could choose the extraction position, with the option of being diverted by the player using a map click? (That way you don't need to be standing at the position.)
  15. I believe you're speaking of ArmAlib by Kegetys. + its original website: kegetys.net.
  16. I switched to all units to see if any were given leader, there were still squad leaders for all the squads but no-one was given charge of high command. It happened in a non-dedicated MP server with 2 players.
  17. bhaz

    SLX Mod WIP

    Pure brilliance, all that need be said. Welcome back btw.
  18. When splitting the teams manually using the HCS menu, if the high command leader dies, it seems no new leader is assigned.
  19. They're rolling out the builds pretty quickly, nice work BIS. :D Funny this was mentioned, playing a Warfare match against a few mates the other night and it eventually turned into a snipefest. Yet since the draw distance of objects differs to that of terrain, I could actually see the other players through the rocks they were supposedly hiding behind.
  20. The disabled smoothing fix has worked 100% for me, I had to pretty much half the sensitivity 'cause it was that much more responsive. Now my cursor moves where I want it to instantly, not 1/4sec later :D. Using G9 + specs below.
  21. Excellent mission, been playing this a lot lately. Any plans on adding different types of objectives?
  22. I'd call it mouse delay more than lag, doesn't seem to be any glitchiness, just around a quarter second delay with movements. Also noting it disappears when aiming toward the sky (or when playing at 640x480 :P), my FPS rarely drops below 40 though. Either way, it isn't a problem for me.
  23. IMO, the commander seat should extend to air / helos with similar controls as the tank commander. ie: WS forward stop, AD bank left/right, QZ altitude, Shift+Z for land... and so on.
  24. Drive the vehicle to any captured town's "main" point, disembark and you'll have an action that says "Repair + Rearm + Refuel + Heal", which surprisingly does all of those things, for a price of course. :P