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About black150

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  1. black150

    Something Scifi

    Like all great wars, thats pretty much what happens in regards to technology, but because these types are too far appart, it will take longer for them to figure out counter measures and counters to the counter measure. In case you're wondering, the fight on Earth doesn't last very long at all, in fact it's only about 2 years, the conflict however is costly to all sides, and still not over, as the conflict in space takes another 20 years to end
  2. black150

    Something Scifi

    While I'm redesigning tanks, weapons etc I came up with a timeline, and advantages and disadvantages of humans and aliens, mostly based around humans at the moment Aliens are mostly set firmly in the plasma/laser technology, and as such they haven't really encountered bullets and missiles, and this becomes a problem for them when human missiles shoot stright through their energy shields (designed to stop lasers and plasma not solid objects) and destoy what their protecting. Also, human helicopters will give humans the edge with insertion and extractions, along with strafing runs especially in URBAN zones. While humans have these small advantages, humans will lack when it comes to tanks, although their treads will make them a damn sight easier to repair then a completely fried hover system, their armour lacks shielding to protect from high frequency lasers, able to cut through the armour. For once, it is safer for humans to be in the infantry. Also, alien air forces will dominate, but they will lack sufficient VTOL systems to match the insertion/extraction capability of the human helicopters of the time. Another thing on the humans side is radiation control. The Aliens never develop into nuclear technology and as such although they have control over basic types of radiation, do not have the items to control and utalise Alpha Gamma and Beta types, although humans will not use A-bombs (mostly due to the state of the earth already) they will try to find ways of using these against the foe in many ways as time progresses. The humans are still, however, outnumbered, outflanked, and constantly ducking for cover as alien air forces soar overhead dropping plasma on their heads and scorching the landscape, and especially so when alien capital ships fly over with the intention of turning the battlefield into a giant crateor (spelling....) The alien attackers common tactic will be bomb the place to hell then send in a few squads to flush out survivors Well you know what they say, air superiocity wins This will also cause alot of cursing from characters in planned campaign as their only armoured support is effortlessly taken down by a passing space fighter, leaving the infantry on their own against a giant force Although the humans are allied with one alien race, their technologies don't seem to be compatable (e.g Aliens can't put their energy shields on human tanks, the two systems use completly differnet codes, languages and layouts, too different to merge until they have the time to sit down and tinker... which they don't have) Basically, humans will have power on the ground, but their lack of air support will deliver the painful blows (if humans had the right air support the aliens wouldn't stand a chance) This is only the idea for the first part, once humanity gets to space, the aliens will know what their up against and ajust accordingly Now that is a rediculours ammount of writing but I had to put it down while it was fresh on my memory
  3. black150

    Something Scifi

    Right ImageShack ain't working for me at the mo, but when it does I'm uploading a new Idea which does not look like my old one, just on paint, and has new ideas better ideas EDIT: Right here it is, my newer rifle. It's basically taken from the FN2000 and added and taken parts away. If you look I kept a small part of the G36 shape (barrel area) for the part above the barrel, the rectangular dip with a smaller rectangle in it, I have no idea why I put that in or what it could be, any ideas? things that could or should be changed?
  4. black150

    Something Scifi

    That FIST thing has more to do with what the person has on them, the things to do with weapons such as the helmet mounted sight being connected to the gun, were ideas I already had in mind, I do realise that weapons will advance as electronics does, I'm looking more for weapon look ... oh Yes I know that was the worst shot I ever did but I say again the G36 idea was stuck in my head at the time and I wasn't thinking properly <--- me EDIT: My imagination is suffering intently at the moment, mental blocks of a sort, I got the ideas in my head and just can't get them on paper or computer. This is the problem with close future settings, they can't be so differnet you can't regonise them, but they can't be so similar that it just looks the same BTW, would it be possible or a good idea to have automatically ejecting clips, when they run out of ammo the gun gets rid of them, or have some holder on the weapon that keeps a spare clip attached, so one clip runs out it just uses the backup?
  5. black150

    Something Scifi

    Yeah, it wasn't meant to be much. The main reason I went for the G36 look... well i'll admit is because I like that weapon, it has clouded my imagination, allow me the time to get the idea out of my head As for the alien weapon, that came out of nowhere I promise next time I post I will have the G36 look out of my head
  6. black150

    Something Scifi

    I decided to do the drawings in O2 to see what they will look like So here are the rifle varients (not the sniper) and an idea for an alien rifle, no textures included SG-83 SG-84MGV SG-83GL Alien Laser Rifle The alien laser rifle isn't too clear i know EDIT: I leave these objects on so that people don't get lost
  7. black150


    5.87 MB it says on my computer Holds almost all the halo models Master cheif armour and visor tectures all screwy at my furiating attempts to get him the proper colours (the origional textures white) Assault rifle just needs a config and it's ready to go, I've also added whats already been done, see if someone can do better. The model pack contains in a list: Uplink Storage Unit Master Chief Marine Marine Pilot Cortanna Ghost Wraith Banshee Scorpion Warthog Sniper Shotgun Rocket Launcher Plasma Rifle Plasma Pistol Needler Plasma Grenade Pistol Orange Grunt Red Grunt Jackel Blue Elite Gold Elite Cov Drop ship Cov Turret Human Flood Cov Flood (Under directory Flood) That exploding Flood (Under directory Flood) I think those flood spores (Under directory 'Flood' i think) Hunter Hornet (Custom made varient of Pelican with weapons, by a website i forgot the address) Pelican The following weapons have sounds with them for reload and shooting: Plasma Rifle Plasma Pistol Needler Pistol Assault Rifle Sniper It does not conatin: Sentinals the Monitor Longsword (That fighter at the end of the game) Shield Generator Enough of my yabbering heres the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/18043517/halomodels.rar.html You have permission to unpack the things released and take the configs etc and play about with them I hope the next person who takes this on gets it done
  8. black150


    Gotcha Do that now
  9. black150


    They are in O2 format with textures and everything, just the model tho, no geo lods or anything
  10. black150

    Something Scifi

    Removed due to crappyness, my imagination has blown up for now
  11. black150

    Something Scifi

    The plan is that the human are at first invaded, but thats just to get them into space exploration through military advancemnet, once they're out there, they turn from invaded to invaders... and i don't use the term lightly EDIT - Oh and in starship trooper the aliens fired one meteorite at earth so the humans overreacted and sent a jack ass sized invasion army that got the shit kicked out of them
  12. black150

    Something Scifi

    thats a good idea for after the humans have been invaded, say when they take the fight back to the enemy, have them design something big and bad, but it wouldn't be unstoppable
  13. black150


    Well, not enough intrest so I put what is done here http://rapidshare.com/files/17394588/Halo.rar.html the aliens don't work properly Banshee plasma bomb not on Put the vechiles as empty to avoid crashes with the aliens weapon class names are: halo_needlermag halo_needler halo_plasmariflemag halo_plasmarifle halo_plasmapistolmag halo_plasmapistol have as much fun as you can... well If someone does have the inspiration to continue, I still have every model of HALO 1 on my computer just gathering dust. I won't go onto do this for ArmA as I am actually getting boared of HALO and moving onto my own ideas (which need to get on paper quick otherwise I'll loose them) Sorry
  14. black150

    Something Scifi

    Well I managed to find ArmA where I live (at last) and declare to myself it is awesome. Anyways I'm now also thinking on planets different from earth, as I don't intend the campaigns to stay on Earth, with custom plants, foliage etc (mabye) Does anyone have any idea when the official mod tools come out?