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About brother_bob_wallace

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    OFP fan
  1. brother_bob_wallace

    The Iraq thread 4

    And anyway what is the relation between BIS and this "politic unilateral way of mind" thread ? Only sexfrustrated teenagers are reading this forum anyway (maybe a personnal opinion).
  2. brother_bob_wallace

    The Iraq thread 4

    And a guy have been banned of this forum for saying something realistic and different from 1000% of the idea of this thread ! So a free discussion.... i'm just laughing !
  3. brother_bob_wallace

    The Iraq thread 4

    Yeah, exactly i do not see how this thread helps american soldiers. It seems to help "fox-news" a lot.... But the poor american soldiers, i don't think so
  4. brother_bob_wallace

    The Iraq thread 4

    I'm personnally totally agree with what Terox said !!!!!!!! I don't get why you get upset against this guy. Are you all dictatorship fans who don't like right of expression ? Bah anyway......... Soon no oil left, then no wars in middle east ! With Pope Adolph Benedict Hitler 16th now rising to power with ambitions to unite all religions into one brotherhood of man I was wondering just how the various religions in Iraq would approach the problem of the bastard children derived from copulation between muslim women and the defiled US invaders. Would they happily accept these children into their midst, or would they, as I expect the Pope to Exterminate all opposition. Bye kids ! Kisses
  5. brother_bob_wallace

    Operation Hanghuhn

    It seems excellent... A bit hard for me to understand as ich nicht vershte deutsch... Some menu need translation... Some zeusies are ready to do it !!! But i can't wait to test it on Zeus !!!!
  6. brother_bob_wallace

    to understand the dutch....

    -=- personal contribution -=- The best way to meet hollanders in summer ? ON FRENCH SOUTH BEACH !!!! From 1st of july yo 31th of august, you can meet a lot of hollanders of french speedways heading directly to South french beaches (not bitches). "The" hollander tourist can drive 1500km in 14 hours, with only 1 stop to refuel (no idea how they pee, so my scientific conclusion is that they can hold it for 7 hours). How to recognise an hollander tourist in south france ? On any beach (invaded) in south, you can't make a mistake, 75% are hollanders. The 1st of july they got a nice white skinned body, flip-flops and shorts. The rest of the summer they are red like boiled lobsters with white strips on feet showing that they were wearing flip-flops a few days before. If they are naked u think they got a white short. Mosquitos. Mosquitos only byte hollander (and british) tourists. Who do not expect such attacks. So in general on the way back home, they are red skinned with enourmous red spots everywhere. But but but, they are so friendly that we can't help forgive them anything !
  7. brother_bob_wallace

    Admin commands (#missions, #logout...) don't work

    Hello guys, My admin commands are working again after a few weeks. Obviously, I havent changed anything on my pc and nothing changed on server too. So it was probably an internet provider issue, a barebone, a router config or something. Issue solved, solution unknown (magic ? ). Anyway, thanks for your help. Thanks SUMA for your help.
  8. brother_bob_wallace

    Admin commands (#missions, #logout...) don't work

    Could it be due to a "service" of windows disabled ? so that my windows XP pc can't send orders to a linux server or something like that ?
  9. Hello, Someone already post about this : http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=39034 It seems i've got the same issue. I'm gonna explain more in details. I'm a "regular" admin on the 3 Zeus servers (www.ofp-zeus.com). I have administrated lots and lots of games without troubles. Now i can't admin because of this issue and the "Zeus non-addon server" is empty most of the time, myself and Shrike (the owner) are sad about it. This strange issue appeared a few days (week) ago : When i login as admin, i see *admin* after my name. BUT if i type #missions, #reassign, #restart, i go to "wait for server" screen and i stay there for ages, i need to disconnect and reconnect. This issue happens too if i vote myself in. Other aspect of the issue i've noticed : on our server (Zeus addon), when a teammate is administrating, at the end of a game when he typed #reassign or #missions i stay in game playing. Even if the whole pool is in role setting screen i continue to be "ingame". i need to disconnect and reconnect. BUT BUT BUT, the strange strange thing is that if i connect to some publics servers (empty) and vote myself in, the admin command lines work perfectly !!! Untill now no-one of our team, even the server root kings, the kings of scripting, the kings of computing have found a solution. Solutions alreday tried without succes : Disable windows internal firewall. Disable my anti-virus and firewall (TrendMicor internet security). Uninstall totally OFP (registry cleaned) and reinstall it properly. Run OFP with or without addons. Thanks for everything, I really PRAY for your help ! --- Config : Zeus servers are running under linux. My computer : * CPU AMD Xp 2000+, 512Mb DDRAM Kingstone * OS : windows XP Sp1 (french version) * HD : 2 seagate barracuda IV * Video card : Suma platinum, GF4 Ti 4400. Driver (2002). Directx 9. * Modem : Cable modem 1024/128kb line : PC <Rj 45 network cable> modem <internet> * ISP : Wanadoo (www.wanadoo.fr) * OFP : GOTY edition (legal, not cracked), 1.96. [email protected]