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About blackwasp

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. blackwasp

    ULD4 dropship needs help

    no the movie "ALIENS" use to transport USMC troops and the apc form the suloco UL-D4 cheyyne AT for close airsuport
  2. i have the model 90% done and textured for a alpha release but need help with the .cpp file for aimations and flight anyone care to help?
  3. WIP UL-D4 was reading any old post about the dropship form aleins movie and i rembered i had one that i was working on for Flashpoint long ago currently now working on getting ready for ARMA 1 dont have ARMA 2 yet. not sure how to up load an image of it tho http://i1239.photobucket.com/albums/ff511/William_Moore73/WIP-1.jpg > 100KB
  4. blackwasp

    O2 not opening all .p3d flies

    ok thanks that makes sense i was hopeing it wasent just me lol
  5. ok i need some help my o2 wont open some .p3d files like original flashpoint .p3ds am i the only one with this problem?
  6. blackwasp

    Apc needs help with configing and some o2

    its the apc2a form aliens the movie
  7. blackwasp

    Apc needs help with configing and some o2

    i would if i knew how on this forum seems only http:// and not just images like jpg i could email one to you? i have msn aswell my email is blackwasp73@hotmail.com
  8. i would if i knew how on this forum seems only http:// and not just images like jpg i could email one to you? i have msn aswell my email is blackwasp73@hotmail.com
  9. i need some help with configing and texturing if you would like to help email me TY
  10. i need some help with configing and texturing if you would like to help email me TY