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About bigmo692002

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  1. bigmo692002

    Flight model

    I love the game but there is one thing I don't like too much. That is the flight model. I love the old OFP and VBS1 flight model. Is there any way to change it to the old one? If so, I would be absolutely happy with everything. Any help would be appreciated. Mike
  2. bigmo692002

    Editing MP Missions

    I did unpbo them, it looks as though they are in another laguage. It is totally beyond me. Mike
  3. I just have one question and I know what I'm going to hear about the search function. I don't have too much time to search but I do appreciate anyone's help. I love the MP missions, but I do want to change up and put different vehicles in them instead of the ones they have in there. How do I unpbo them and change the vehicles? I was able to do that in VBS1, but that was pure luck to be honest. I do appreciate any help provided. I hope everyone's Christmas holiday was nice. Mike
  4. bigmo692002

    Armed Assault videos

    Not trying to start an arguement here, but I agree with xxstalker24xx, it isn't right for someone to do that. I was a soldier not too long ago and I know from my prospective and my fellow brothers in the service, they wouldn't appreciate that as well. It isn't right for anyone to enjoy anyone getting hurt or killed. I know God don't like it, not that probably remotely matters to most. I do however agree to everyone having his own opinion and appreciate everyone's opinion, but there is a difference between right and wrong and there is no arguing what is right. Oh yea, Spielberg was doing the Omaha Beach scene to tell a story about heroes, and from a totally different perspective. Having said that, let's get back on subject. Mike
  5. bigmo692002

    Armed Assault videos

    Could someone post a usermade video of the armor, specifically the Abrams? I would like to see some good pics of the choppers and tanks if someone has a good computer and graphics set on high. I would appreciate it because I'll be waiting till it comes out in the U.S. Mike
  6. bigmo692002

    Armor Videos

    Could someone post a usermade video of the armor, specifically the Abrams?
  7. bigmo692002

    WinPBO tool relased

    Does anyone know how to unpbo Inquisitor's new M1 Abrams addon? I wanted to unpbo it and make pbo it for my VBS1 game. I spent 130 dollars on their U.S. Army pack with abrams and bradley fighting vehicles but the v3.1 or Inquisitor's M1 is much more accurate and better looking. I tried using Pbox and Unpbo but they don't work. If anyone can help, it would be much appreciated.
  8. bigmo692002

    Adding faces

    How do you add the faces into OFP? Mike