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About behoram

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. HI, anyone know how i can making a unit walk inside a specific building (using the building id) and into a specific position ? Kind Regards Wallace
  2. Hi, i when i play a mission and i enter in the map after some seconds i got visual corruption and the game and system stuck. If i don't enter in the map( or just open it for 1 sec) i can play for hour without problems i tried the game under winxp and under vista but nothing change anyone got the same problem ? Cheers Wallace my spec: core 2 duo 3Ghz 4 gb ram 2x 4870 512Mb in crossfire win xp and vista ultimate 64bit al systems are update with lasted drivers and directx
  3. Thank You to all ! Especially to Dr_Eyeball now it's working perfectly and very smoothie !! tnx again Behoram Â
  4. hi  !! i'm trying to use thi old script <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;  AI Respawn Script by angusjm ;  5th March 2004 ; ;  Call this script using the following syntax: ; ;  [1,unit to converge around,array of groups,units per group,type of unit,skill of units,radius around unit to converge around,body disapear on or off (1 on, 0 off)] ; ;  The AI will be created of a random one of the type specified and will head towards the unit to converge around ; ;Example [1,player,[east1,east2],12,["SoldierEB","SoldierEMG"],0.1,50,1] exec "ajmrespawn.sqs" _wtd = _this select 0 _aUnit = _this select 1 ? _wtd == 0: goto "missemall" _agroups = _this select 2 _apg = _this select 3 _askill = _this select 5 _aradius = _this select 6 _thon = _this select 7 _list=_this select 4; _ntotal=count _list; _c = 0 #loop #gloop _rg = count units (_agroups select _c) ? _rg >= _apg : goto "misscreate" _rg = _apg - _rg #iloop _rnum = random ((360)) _num = _rnum - (_rnum mod 1) _d1 = getpos _aunit select 0 _d2 = getpos _aunit select 1 _d3 = 0 _random=random(_ntotal); _result=_random - ((_random) mod (1)); if (_result==_ntotal) then {_result=_result-1}; _utype = (_list select _result); _d1 = _d1 + _aradius * sin(_rnum) _d2 = _d2 + _aradius * cos(_rnum) _utype createunit [[_d1,_d2,_d3],_agroups select _c,"",_askill,"PRIVATE"]     ? _thon == 1 : {_x addeventhandler [{killed},{[0,_this] exec {AJMRespawn.sqs}}]} foreach units (_agroups select _c) _agroups select _c move getpos _aunit leader (_agroups select _c) move getpos _aunit _rg = _rg - 1 ? _rg == 0 : goto "misscreate" goto "iloop" #misscreate _c = _c + 1 ? _c == count _agroups : _c = 0; goto "eloop" goto "gloop" #eloop ~0.5 goto "loop" #missemall ~30 deletevehicle (_aunit select 0) #alll exit when i run this script i got this message: i have tried to add the ; at the line end, but i still got error any suggestion ?? Thanks Wallace p.s. i also need to know if there is a way to stop the script p.p.s. any good ai respawn script to suggest ?
  5. Hi, i just changend my pc configuration, C2Duo 6850 3.0Ghz@3.5 4Gb of corsair DDR2 800mhz 2x Asus GeForce 8800GTS 640 Mb X-fi elite pro Vista ultimate 64Bit. everything runs fine only arma don't ! when i start the game i reach to the "main" screen i just got only some empty rettangle and some "strange" white poly. i have tried various settings (with and without sli enabled) and various drivers included the last beta, but i cannot got a solution. someone can help me ?? Thanks Behoram Uallas
  6. behoram

    Italian Army Pack by Wallace

    Hi All The italian weapons are "Work in progress" but we din't release them until the release of the official tools. To Col. Faulkner THe italian infantry weapon is the Beretta Ar70/90 and variants, that is the evolotion of the first ar70, Security arms description or Beretta Official Page, the ar70/90 in some units was replaced with M4 system. Hi All !! Wallace
  7. behoram

    Italian Army Pack by Wallace

    Hi All, i just updated the pack to version 1.1 Version 1.1 Update all woodland skin, now no longer PAratroopers but "Lagunari Division" Now The "9° Colmoschin" Paratrooper Special Forces have the new "vegetata" camoflage add the "GoI - Gruppo operativo incursori" italian equivalent of Seal in the "San MArco - Camoflage" Image http://antares231.altervista.org/immagini/Italian1.1.jpg Download Pack here: http://antares231.altervista.org/Wal_ItasoldWl.rar if don't work just copy and paste into the browser Mirrors: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=1011 Thanks to Big from Armaholic.com DOWNLOAD Italian Army Pack [66 MB] from FTP#1 Thanks to DeadEye from armedassault.info Enjoy
  8. Hi All ! when i use the Texture Swap Utility and open a arma model the application always stuck and says out of memory !!! i have 2 gig of ram 1500 free, i check with the task manager and i see the memory usage grow very fast beyond the 2Gb of use and than the application stuck, Can Someone help me with this ? Thank You !! Behoram Uallas
  9. UPDATED TO 1.1 see Post below Hi All, my first addon for  Arma, it's a simply unit reskin. this first pack contains the units of "9° Reggimento Col Moschin" special force of italian army paratrooper division "Folgore" in woodland camo. The next pack will contain the new digital and desert camo and the "San Marco" (italian marines) camo. Enjoy Behoram Wallace (if don't work copy and paste in a new window or Right click and Save as...) Download link: http://antares231.altervista.org/Wal_itasoldWl.rar Mirrors: http://ofp.4players.de/sys....ateg=14 Thanks to Imutep (BIS.4players) Italian Special Forces (woodland) Thanks to Big from Armaholic.com http://www.nextgenerationgames.de/php....dWl.rar http://www.nextgenerationgames.de/php/Armed_Assault_Addons.htm Thanks to Stavanger Thank You All people !!!  Images: http://antares231.altervista.org/wal1.jpg http://antares231.altervista.org/wal2.jpg http://antares231.altervista.org/wal3.jpg
  10. behoram

    ArmA Photography

    Hi all ! Finally i received my copy of Arma, it's great ! yes there are some bugs. I see a Zombie screnshot, but i wasn't able to find them in editor, how i can use it ? thanks ! some screens come quickly !
  11. behoram

    Arma Maniac needs Help from Czech People !

    Thank You Binkster! But another 2 question ! how you transalte it ? and what site you chose ? this would give me more help ! Thank you ! Behoram
  12. Hi all ! Theres a good guy from Czech Republic that can say me a Czech online videgame store for buy ArmA ? i can't wait !!don't matter if is in Czech !!! Thank You All !!! Hi Behoram
  13. behoram

    1.96 performance problems

    Hail !!! So no more suggestions ?? hail !!! behoram
  14. behoram

    1.96 performance problems

    hail !!! i have tried it ! But same effect ! with 1.94 iican play with hight terrain and a visual range of 2500! with dozens of units ingame without performance loss ! that's the strange ! Hail !!! Behoram P.S. i also tride to unistall and reinstall OFP applyed all patch and running it without mods or unofficial add-ons, But no way !