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About basilisk

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. basilisk

    I am going to get flamed

    *Mixes kerosine with phosphate and plays with matches* Then looks towards Capt. Morgan with a big grin... I can understand and follow your critical comments...You have a point there. To my opinion all the new features and graphics, the new big island make up for those teething problems you described. I think it is almost a quantum leap from OFP to RES. At first I got a little bit upset too, but as I got into the game more and more I was really stunned by the atmosphere of the addon and all its improvements. I WOULD NEVER WANT TO MISS IT! My two cents: those approx € 20-30 are no wasted money at all!!! Au contraire!!! PS: I also hope they fix all the bugs! We just need to give them some time. Cheers
  2. basilisk

    I am going to get flamed

    *Mixes kerosine with phosphate and plays with matches* Then looks towards Capt. Morgan with a big grin... I can understand and follow your critical comments...You have a point there. To my opinion all the new features and graphics, the new big island make up for those teething problems you described. I think it is almost a quantum leap from OFP to RES. At first I got a little bit upset too, but as I got into the game more and more I was really stunned by the atmosphere of the addon and all its improvements. I WOULD NEVER WANT TO MISS IT! My two cents: those approx € 20-30 are no wasted money at all!!! Au contraire!!! PS: I also hope they fix all the bugs! We just need to give them some time. Cheers
  3. basilisk

    I am going to get flamed

    *Mixes kerosine with phosphate and plays with matches* Then looks towards Capt. Morgan with a big grin... I can understand and follow your critical comments...You have a point there. To my opinion all the new features and graphics, the new big island make up for those teething problems you described. I think it is almost a quantum leap from OFP to RES. At first I got a little bit upset too, but as I got into the game more and more I was really stunned by the atmosphere of the addon and all its improvements. I WOULD NEVER WANT TO MISS IT! My two cents: those approx € 20-30 are no wasted money at all!!! Au contraire!!! PS: I also hope they fix all the bugs! We just need to give them some time. Cheers
  4. basilisk

    Helo auto height

    There could be a solution i stumbled over by accident: Insert a helo landing pad (invisible H) with setpos (x,y,40) in the area where the helo needs to hover. Use the "helo land "getout"" command for the helicopter to hover over the desired spot. You need to test it. It happened to me when I fiddled around with the helo pad (Reproduceable?). You just have to try. Cheers
  5. Try the "move" command instead of "domove". Sometimes it works. Also "domove" will not take into account any "setspeedmode" command. Their also could be a problem with the "playmove" command. You might need to end the effect with the playmove "FX*action*End" command. Worked for me last time I had the problem.
  6. ap = player ap1 = clone _x = getpos ap select 0 _y = getpos ap select 1 _x1 = getpos ap1 select 0 _y1 = getpos ap1 select 1 ap1 setpos [_x,_y] ap setpos [_x1,_y1] then back. Could solve your problems if weapons and stance are not important. If they are there must be a possibility to detect either of them and adjust ap1 accordingly. Haven't found it yet though. Did this a couple of times and it works.
  7. Had similar problems. Made a Machine-Gunner in Patrol Boat target an enemy grunt with dotarget, dofire. It only works one out of 20 times or so?! On the other hand I successfully got a Chinook gunner to fire at an infantry squad in full flight! (Worked one out of 10 times! Happy me.) It seems to me (after trial and error) that distances have a considerable effect on the whole procedure. Sometimes I've got the feeling that at shorter distances it doesn't work at all, while at medium distances I've got a better chance to make it work. It would be nice to hear more opinions on this. Its a very crucial part in scripting interesting cutscenes or battles.
  8. basilisk

    Scripted cutscene

    The script could look like this (don't know all commands by heart, you need to look them up! 1. First create the camera with the camcreate order _Cam = Camcreate "Cam" [x,y,z] 2. Then give it at desired effect: _cam CameraEffect ["Internal","Back"] 3. If you like give it a target: _cam Camsettarget helo 4. Most important is committing the cam (i.e. let the given orders get into effect!. _cam Camcommit 0 _cam = camcreate "cam" [x,y,z] _cam CameraEffect ["Internal","Back"] _cam CamSetTarget helo _cam CamCommit 0 This bit creates the _cam Camera (other IDs possible; multiple Cams like in a real Film Studio! he, he). It is necessary to once create the cam. Afterwards the setpos command will do for repositioning. Then you can run the small Update routine that I posted before. Cheers
  9. basilisk

    Scripted cutscene

    If I understand properly you want the Camera to take a permanent relative position to the helo: _time = 0 #Update ~0.025 _cam CamSetTarget helo _cam CamsetRelPos [x,y,z] _cam CamCommit 0 _time = _time + 0.025 ? (_time > 5) : goto "End" goto "Update" #End exit This will stick to the chopper until the "time" value is reached. I know sometimes its really difficult to find what you need. There are some great scripting tuts out there. Hope this helped.
  10. basilisk

    One more time cutscene trouble

    Had the same problem. I assume you cannot move the player with commands when he is "player". I used a little trick: Define your ap and remember his face. Then create a new unit (same as ap) and give him the same face (Setface command as I recall; AI controlled!. Hide the second player far away (so you don't stumble over him during the mission). Use "setpos" command to exchange the two positions at the start of the cutscene (with "Black In" if necessary) and use the second one for the clip. He will move and react the way you wish. Once the cutscene has ended exchange the two postitions again. Nobody will notice they were swapped. Hope this helped you...
  11. basilisk

    Setspeedmode - command

    Tks. Thats probably the alternative I'm looking for...Will try it right away. Thank you very much for your help!
  12. basilisk

    Setspeedmode - command

    Tks. Tried that already...
  13. Just a small thing I'm trying to script patrols rather than inserting waypoints on the map. Unfortunately the SetSpeedMode command doesn't work properly. The units remain in "Full" Speed instead of the scripted "Limited". If I use waypoints in the editor (change speed to "Limited" on waypoint) it works and they walk slowly in "Safe" or "Careless" behaviour. Why doesn't it work with the command then. I use it in conjunction with domove or commandmove. Like: ap,ap1,ap2 being the patrol (ap is leader) All are set to "Safe" behaviour. ap domove [X,Y] ap setspeedmode "Limited" [ap1,ap2] dofollow leader ap1 I hope somebody tells me that I'm making a syntax error or something. Tks for your help.