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About belgarion

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  1. belgarion

    Intruders at Sahrani Studio's

    No he didn't, you take that back mister. It was all a mistake, they couldn't have killed him off, he's the only one i really felt like i *was* when i played ofp. Either it was his uncle Jeff Armstrong that got killed, or David got hit and knocked out for a minute and the other soldiers thought he was dead but he wasn't. I will hurt people if he is not included in the future......
  2. belgarion

    Evolution - Single Player

    The Stryker Mk19 only rearms to 48 rounds, not 48x3 when servicing at the base. The Vulcan does not rearm at all? not sure if it's a bug or a feature, Infantry/tanks only spawns when you are at ground-level near a city? The Shilkas seems to spawn when the game loads, but when flying around over a town there does not seem to be any t-72:s, bmp:s, brdm:s, uaz:s or infantry (except for a general or whatever they are), until you exit the chopper or come close with a ground vehicle. **Edit also when capturing enemy and placing them in a vehicle (i've tried 5t truck, the shuttle and a uh60 ffar), i am unable to enter the vehicle myself. i figured i could park something big in the middle of town and run around capturing all the remaining enemy, but that did not really work.
  3. belgarion

    Evolution - Single Player

    I haven't downloaded anything other than the EvolutionSP.zip The mission does not use any special addons, other than what comes with ArmA. Which version of ArmA are you running (release & version number)? And can you run the MP version of Evolution? You should have the following standard addons be in your AddOns directory: [*]A10 [*]Air [*]Air3 [*]Buildings [*]Characters [*]Misc [*]Sara [*]Tracked [*]Water [*]Wheeled [*]Wheeled3 yeah im missing the a10 one, that comes with 1.05 or 1.08 updates right? i'll go patch it now and see. i might be the onlyone who's never tried Evolution MP either
  4. belgarion

    Evolution - Single Player

    what am i doing wrong when i get the error I haven't downloaded anything other than the EvolutionSP.zip
  5. I know it's been asked before, but i couldn't find a good enough topic to fill. I've got a athlon 500, 128mb ram and a voodoo 3 16mb card. I bought the game in dec/january with the red hammer addon. I've played it ever since then, and have had real fun and stuff, but i've had to strip the settings down a little to get as much flow as possible. Now i'm thinking of upgrading, it will be a Geforce3ti200 64mb and another 128mb ram (which is all i can afford, i cant buy a new computer even though i know i need one), but my question is: Will it run? I don't want to spend $400 on the card, memory and a 80g hd if the game still will be unplayable at higher settings because of my 500mhz athlon. Lots of user-made missions say that you need atleast a 1gig cpu to get it to work, but cpu's are expensive.. especially when you have to get a new motherboard and a new case to fit the cpu (i have a compaq computer.............) I'm asking this on the 3 forums that matter for me (Operation-flashpoint, Soldier of fortune 2, B17 2) before i go out and buy the stuff..
  6. belgarion

    Is BIS gonna fix this BUG

    yes this does cause quite a lot of problems, i can't play any missions that include mounting boats with my ai soldiers at all. i just spent Ëhour gametime trying to get my ai:s to mount a boat, at 4x time of course but they just repeat "can't get there" no matter how i turned or twisted the boat.. shift + - + endmission..... =\