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About bibmi

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    Private First Class
  1. bibmi

    African militia released

    Norsu.....they all ran indoors when they heard the chopper flying over....clever hey (its the lod problem)......
  2. bibmi

    African militia released

    There is a lod problem...which has been sorted along with the triangles when using vehicles.... Thanks for all the feedback...its helping make v1.1 better...just a few things.... 1. well, the lods were my fault I failed to include a single texture in the pack. The new lods will work in v1.1 but won't be of a very high quality...the reason being the number of different models will all use a single texture at the furtherest lod (I could add a seperate five textures for each unit but that would increase the size of the pack considerably) 2. the triangles....an old problem...I never even thought of testing the units entering and exiting vehicles...alreadt resolved for v1.1 3. the FAL was to be the weapon of choice for the Government forces but I didn't have the high dispersion version so I used the m - series. This will be changed in v1.1 4. the wep .cpp.....I can't do wep cpp's...blame vade 5. balance of forces...in v1.1 i will add "elite" units for the militia armed with standard weapons (probably use the models that are half camo half civilian). Then you could mix the groups to your liking to increase the effectiveness of the fighting force...i will add a new model to simulate african government special forces with standard weapons....
  3. Okay firstly there appears to be a few issues with the African militia forces.....if you've received the pack from GoOB then there will definitely be some issues...I've tried to fix the addon as much as possible (those little wierd triangles should be gone when entering and exit vehicles and all the lods should be working properly now_. However, this addon is seriously eating into time I should be spending on P:UKF...so, if anyone is willing to test these addons (and the future packs...South American Forces, Iraqi, etc...) please let me know. All I ask for is someone who will run through the addons and give me a prompt feedback regarding any issues they come across. Any help would be appreciated. Unfortunately, until I find sopmeone to help out the current pack stays as it is (strange bugs and all)...and the others are on hold......
  4. Thanks GoOB....glad you got it....I just checked and the missing mouth textures are in the wrong file...i'll sort that out and that was my cpp editing...didn't notice the problem with the civilian side...thought I fixed it....don't worry...ofp.info has offered to host the addon so i'll be sending it there as soon as I revise those little errors....
  5. Good news (for a change ) The addon is finished, and I've sent it to a couple of hosting sites asking if they would be willing to host the addon...been I while since I released an addon (been busy with Project Uk Forces)...please let me know what you think of it after its released...so I know whether or not to release the South American and East European addons (not happy with the Western terroists at all)....just remember these are not specifically geared towards BHD missions. They are more generic to encompass the conflicts experienced in Sierra Leone and the DRC, etc.... Lastly, if anyone else is willing to host these addons please let me know...the file is about 6 mbs in size....
  6. Again sorry about the delay...I haven't heard back from my co-conspirator yet...its a minor glitch in the cpp but it messes up the selections in the editor (probably a missing { or }, that happens a lot in my coding)...believe me I want to get these out there as soon as possible...but I would rather fix what can be fixed now than receive dozens of complaints about an issue I know that could be resolved.....
  7. Good news....the addon (African militia) is in its final stages...just a little cpp issue to sort out and barring any major bugs I will release the addon hopefully tomorrow. Depending on the response (I'm not going to release addons people aren't going to use) I'll release the South American forces shortly thereafter. The "European terroist" addon is being completely redone and I've got a fourth pack based on "Bosnian/Chechnyan(sp.)" forces 90% done. So, that should cover 1. Africa 2. South America 3. W. Europe (and possibly N.America) 4. E. Europe PS Hopefully some of the major addon hosting sites will be kind enough to host these addons, but if anyone else is interested in hosting them please let me know...
  8. A quick update...I have not abandoned the project vade (who is doing the wep cpp's) is playing with a couple of new ideas...and in the meanwhile I have been refining some of the textures eg. added sandals to some of the African militia...
  9. bibmi

    Project: uk forces.

    At the moment we are focusing on getting some landy's, the weapons, PARAs and RMs ready...ie testing, fine-tuning the models, and retexturing some of the weps....
  10. Sorry about the delays...still working on the weapons....but I promise it will be released as soon as its ready
  11. Just having some email problems at the moment, but rest assured as soon as the weps are sorted the addons will be released... pzvg....I've lived in Africa for most of my life, and some pretty unpleasant places, too. The point is how to make the militia react as such when compared to well-trained troops.
  12. Not too sure about the Somali militia forces...but in the Southern African region many "African militia's" were run along para-military lines. There was a rank structure and training in military tactics was conducted in "mobile" camps. I would imagine the same applied to those in Somalia, granted during the incident involoving US troops in Mog a large number of the "African militia" were civilians.
  13. Just to reply to a few queries.... The addons haven't been released yet... 1. found a small bug when testing 2. the weapon cpp is still in the works I might make a "civilain" addon to compliment the African militia....but at a later date....
  14. vade is finishing off the high dispersion weapons cpp...and then there will be a few minor cpp changes to include these weapons...the African militia and South American troops are in-game, without any major bugs, yet...just need a little more testing to make sure there are no errors....
  15. well most african socieities are extremely patriarchial...most irregeular forces are composed solely of men...that is not to say that woman don't fight...but I won't be making any, no children either. BTW... the african militia = EAST african government forces = Resistance south american guerillas = EAST south american government forces = Resistance terroists = EAST