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Everything posted by boboNuts

  1. boboNuts


    how hard would it be to make bunkers in 1.41 or 1.50(whatever)?? or a type of shed that hailfires can take out, but not LAW's or lighter rockets. (Edited by boboNuts at 1:51 am on Jan. 1, 2002)
  2. ok, i was on the crapper at work and i had a idea for ofp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! make it so that black ops and spetnaz float(or swim) so they can be dropped by a chopper if u want neat?!
  3. i would wanna call in artilery strikes and maybe some more death animations, like being blown to pieces, or getting limps blown off
  4. boboNuts

    4 island and not factories??

    how do the islands get money? their should be factories and railroads!
  5. boboNuts

    New Expansion Mod **Beta 1 Released for February ???**

    if you goin add cow mounted guns they why not add chickens that fly and drop LGB's on you, or strap a satchel carge to a pig and slap its ass so it runs into red square.
  6. boboNuts

    1.40 Patch fixed

  7. if your to lazy to script or just dont know how, and you want to have simulated artillery strikes, just place a bunch of mines really close together and have any type of armor move to the cluster....BOOM....and if you dont want the blow up body of the tank around...DONT worry the explosion will blow it miles away!!
  8. boboNuts


    co-op?? what about 56kers!?
  9. boboNuts

    The best weapon in OFP?

    my fav weapon is the T80 or a scud with a scripted nuclear blast. (Edited by boboNuts at 11:29 pm on Jan. 2, 2002)
  10. boboNuts

    4 island and not factories??

    i just think that in a later version or in ofp2(if they is one) their should be more industrialized towns, with railroads and trucks of sort.
  11. boboNuts


    berret u n00b. on your web page it say under missions that in bomberman you cant take out all 4 tanks... yes u can, place the bombs about 10m apart and blow when the BMP is just about to go over the first one
  12. boboNuts

    for lazy people

    hey i dont have a clue how to sqript or sqm anything
  13. boboNuts

    Chopper ferry in everon.

    dude claim down, toke a joint or something!!
  14. is their a way to place artillery guns like on everon, but in a place i want.
  15. boboNuts


    can u gimme the link?
  16. boboNuts


    how do i listen to ofp music?
  17. boboNuts


    how do i get mines to start off with dammage to full so it blows up
  18. boboNuts


    how does one script explosions? (mind the spelling)
  19. boboNuts


    hey when that mission started the box that cam up and told me what to do....how u make that?
  20. boboNuts


    OMG one killed me!! thanks so much MP now i can make my cool mission w/out useing mines!
  21. boboNuts


    you mean a whole mission? cool will that have the script or will i have to use depbo to get it?
  22. boboNuts


    got any other good scripts?
  23. boboNuts


    yes please do i have new opf only email ofpdanman@hotmail.com
  24. boboNuts


    d*amn still dont work, im stupied
  25. boboNuts


    would that effect it so much?