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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    Messenger, ICQ or something else

    I like miranda better than trillian. I used trillian before it went commercial and miranda ever since. Just now i am evaluating other programs (sim at the moment) to see if i should change...
  2. benu

    Free Voice activation software ILSturmovik

    This topic is about a voice activated commands software and not about IL2, so why merge it with that thread? I'd like to know what makes this software different to Shoot though.
  3. benu

    Retextured Malden

    I love eye candy and would give it a try. And 530mb is not really much, there a greater packs around, so let everyone decide for themselves if the download is worth it.
  4. benu

    Messenger, ICQ or something else

    As i use none of the above i can't really vote here... Where are gaim, sim, miranda and all the other im clients in this poll?
  5. benu

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">--11:37:06-- ftp://ftp2.edgefiles.com/atwar.net/www/OFP/Addons/misc/y2k3-7.0-full.exe => `y2k3-7.0-full.exe' Resolving ftp2.edgefiles.com... Connecting to ftp2.edgefiles.com[]:21... connected. Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in! ==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done. ==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD /atwar.net/www/OFP/Addons/misc ... done. ==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR y2k3-7.0-full.exe ... done. Length: 607,666,081 (unauthoritative) 100%[============================================================>] 607,666,081 48.98K/s ETA 00:00 14:55:16 (50.00 KB/s) - `y2k3-7.0-full.exe' saved [607666081]
  6. benu

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    How should a mirror get it before you do if you start the d/l first? BTW:
  7. benu

    dedicated server ports

    Serverport and Serverport+1 (for gamebrowser queries) should be enough, ie 2302/udp and 2303/udp normally. Has your server direct internet connection? Is there a router or a (stateful) firewall between the server and the internet? Did you open tcp or udp ports? For incoming and outgoing connections?
  8. benu

    Addon Maker Wanted. Will Pay $$$

    If anybody pays an addonmaker to make an addon for him then that is not illegal. You pay someone for a service. But you do not "buy" the addon with it and you do not have any rights to sell it.
  9. -Cheers- Oh, btw, adding it to the preload list of the config.cpp is a VERY bad way to "fix" it.
  10. AliMag: check for things from other addons like if it inherits classes from another addon. Then up the version to at least 1.85 and enter all required classes to the requiredaddons[] array. thunderbird84: bas_repair is one of those broken addons. Every mission using ah64.pbo will NOT work anymore after you install this addon. You have to put these to line into the cfgpatches section: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> requiredVersion = 1.90; requiredAddons[] = {ah64};
  11. Broken addons with false or incomplete class dependencies will do this. The only way around this is to remove the addons in question or fix them.
  12. benu

    Resistance non-dedicated ..hell

    Are you on a lan or are you trying to play over the internet? And how do you connect to the internet, ie are you using a router or do you (both) dialup from your machines? If you play over the internet AND the server is using a router than turning off the firewall is not enough, you will have to forward the server ports. You could also try to put the ip directly to the shortcut like this: flashpointresistance.exe -nosplash -nomap -connect= -port=2302 But i don't think this will work if you got network problems.
  13. Well, i guess you have to answer that question yourself. If you want to use Y2K3 then you don't to wait for the new ecp, as it will not be updated anyway. For EECP and FlashFXUR there are big packs where you have to download only one or two files for each mod. And when the new ECP version is out only that will have to be updated, which should be around 50mb with dynamic range included. But if you are not in a hurry you can wait for the new version of ecp which is supposed to be coming soon. Although it was supposed to be coming soon in december too... As DxDLL has nothing to do with any of those mods and is a really small download you can start using that at once. I think the question of whether one should use it is a question of performance only. See how fast it runs on your box...
  14. benu

    the complexity of playing online...

    the addons folder i disagree with we play RES now and not one of those addons are needed, in fact on our server and my machine those have all been removed those are 1.46 addons and are simply not required it is true that some addons need them, but that's the addon makers fault and we try and avoid such badly made addons we have gotten by for 2 years now with that folder empty except for some minor needed addons, we sort of use it like a MOD folder now, we place things like editorupdate and MFCTI in there and a few well used KEG addons like AK107 ect, many use them now, so we place them in there, unless its a total MOD then they may get removed if we see them loaded twice I don't use that folder either. That does not make this list false. This list is for identifying inofficial addons in that folder, eg for removing them. Not everyone wants to delete all the old cwc addons. Either way, i don't even understand what you are complaining about...
  15. benu

    maybe this makes 3D sights possible?

    But the problem is that you can not aim correctly with 2d sights when you are using 3d glasses. And ofp looks really magnificient in 3d. It's a shame that this is all that is missing.
  16. benu

    The best sound.pbo

    3) Mungers Battlesounds 4) Battlefield Insane Soundpack 5) Kyllikki Soundpack ...and lots of others. Soundmods are a matter of taste, you will find people supporting each and every of those soundmods. I quite like Dynamic Range, the new version from ECP/Zayfod. Edit: links added. Had to use google for those as the original site(s) don't seem to host those files anymore. If someone really can't find them anywhere i could host them too.
  17. There are services where you can make a list of downloads and they will download the stuff, burn it onto a cd/dvd and mail it to you. Maybe someone you know can do the same for you. I know we did stuff like that more than once for modem users in our clan/country. Normally mods with replacement units are big. I'd try finmod, wgl, csla, (e)ecp, the new flashfx with replacement. Or wait til the new ecp version is out.
  18. benu

    OFP graphics...

    I don't know why people measure games depending on their graphics. For example the animation of characters in unreal tournament is so shitty that i can't really get into the game. It looks like they are gliding on ice. The movement of the legs has no relation to the distance they move, sometimes they even run on the spot. This kills a game faster for me than graphics. It kills the atmosphere and immersion. And i just looked at the u3 engine pics and while it is really beautiful on a technical level it looks really "unreal". The monster looks like it is carved, not like a living being. Somehow it doesn't looked organic. And the levels in the next pics looked sterile too. I liked the graphics of hl2 much better. Or those of battlefield 2. Although i think gameplay is most important, ofp2 has to be on a much higher level graphically than ofp1. As hl2 and bf2 and maybe even stalker are the kind of graphics you get now and it will supposedly at least a year til ofp2, those are the kind of graphics i am expecting from ofp2 too.
  19. benu

    Crash after Retry

    As it is a problem with variables in scripts (global arrays iirc) disabling some effects of ecp (or eecp or y2k3) will fix this bug. The new ecp version is supposed to fix it also, as will eecp when switching to the new version. Afaik y2k3 will not be using the ecp version, so it will be the only mod not working with full effects then.
  20. benu

    FlashFX replacement Units

    Works fine for me.
  21. benu

    maybe this makes 3D sights possible?

    If we had real 3d ironsights we got use nvidia stereo drivers with ofp and even hit something
  22. benu

    Linux 1.96 server quick question

    Not really, although i don't think you really need it if you don't use any inofficial addons (assuming inofficial addons will be used from modfolders only). I didn't do too much testing with nomap for servers yet, so i wasn't sure if i should include it at all, but iirc it made a difference for us (our gdt modfolder is >1gb).
  23. benu

    Linux 1.96 server quick question

    First, you start the server two times, first times without any mods but with compatibility libs, and after that one time with a modfolder. Second, the finmod (and other mods using cpp files) needs its cpp files copied to the ofp server root. You should change the following lines: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"># launch the server.. cd ${OFP_DIR} #MODS=finmod echo >>${LOGFILE} "WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Starting server (port ${PORT})..." (export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/ofp/lib;${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE}) ${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} -mod=finmod to this <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"># launch the server.. cd ${OFP_DIR} #sets modfolders #can be set to MODS="" to play without modfolders MODS="finmod" #path to compatibility libs COMP_LIBS="/opt/ofp/lib" #remove cpp files from previous mods rm -f ${OFP_DIR}/resource.cpp ${OFP_DIR}/config.cpp 2>/dev/null #check each modfolder in sequence for cpp files #and copy them to the server root for mod in $(echo $MODS|tr ';' ' '); do cp -f ${OFP_DIR}/${mod}/bin/{resource,config}.cpp ${OFP_DIR};done echo >>${LOGFILE} "WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Starting server (port ${PORT})..." if [[ $MODS != '' ]]; then export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${COMP_LIBS} ${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE}) -nomap -mod=${MODS} unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH else export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${COMP_LIBS} ${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH fi And i would put variables like MODS and COMP_LIBS to the top of the file actually, so you only have to look in one place when changing things like pathnames etc.
  24. I tried with cedega 4.2.1 a few days ago and it seem to run ok. There were some texture issues with older versions of cedega, but those were minimal, ie only in the mainmenu cutscenens and the briefing. I didn't multiplayer performance or mods yet. I am not sure how well it would run with other apps like ofp watch, teamspeak overlay or dxdll. For teamspeak exists a native linux client, so that would not be the problem. But i have to agree that a native linux versions would be much better than having to emulate. Especially as those are faster most of the times than the windows versions.
  25. benu

    LAN & internet multiplayer at same time?

    If you host on your lan you need port forwarding (if you are connected to the internet with a router), so both the players from the lan and those from the internet should be able to use the internet ip. If your server is the one connected to the internet things may be more complicated, especially if you don't have a good routing software installed (ics does not qualify). In short i would say that with a good router (eg a linux computer acting as router) this should all be possible.