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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    1.85 is out... linux soon?

    Sorry, my gamehoster has not a single windows machine. And i think that's the case for most linux gamehosting services. If you host from your home via a big line that may not bother you, but for server hosters this means an extra server, cost for os and cost for renting server space at an isp. I have a winex/vnc installation under linux. And i really haven't waited for a "linux" server to have to use winex again... I just made myself a tarfile-"patch" from 1.75 to 1.85 on my local system which contains all the changed files (hope i got them all). It's around 280mb. If installing the windows patch with winex doesn't work i have to upload those 280mb of changed files. That's not really the "linux server" i expected, but it's better than not having a linux server at all and i am thankful for it. But i'm pretty sure in it's current form it's more fit for students running it on university servers than for professional commercial hosters. And i'd like to see more and better commercial hosters, more servers and more popularity for ofp...
  2. benu

    1.85 patch troubles?

    Our first test with 1.85 was better than with 1.75, regarding netcode. Everything went smoother and cpu load was less (according to our server admin). Did play for a few hours yesterday after i got the patch to run on my system (don't ask me how, though)....
  3. benu

    1.85 patch troubles?

    This is the first patch i have trouble with... I can play 1.85 as Administrator, but starting it as normal user resets my box. Playing as user was possible with 1.75. Playing as Administrator is not an option
  4. benu

    1.85 resistance patch discussion

    Balschoiw: Do you play your matches on veteran mode? Maybe i'm wrong (cause the ppl i play with most of the time demand cadet mode) but in veteran mode the yellow squares don't show up or do they?!? Asmodeus: Just before reading your post i have had the same thought. It must be tough for the bis team to only read complaints or (constructive) criticism in the forums while (i guess) most of the players are in fact really happy about the support they get from bis but don't write anything. Like you, i'm really happy about the patch
  5. benu

    1.85 resistance patch discussion

    Booky: Afaik Red Hammer is a CM production and not from BIS and that bug may be a bug in the MISSION and not in Resistance. I may be wrong though. Balschoiw: I use stuff like RW, TS, BC, GV et al for maybe three years. They aren't half as good as the von in ofp was. I can talk to all the guys in my tank as tank commander and don't disturb any other group. I can tell important infos to the whole group or the whole side. NO OTHER voice comm can do that, except you create like 10.000 channels (tank13-channel, heli17-channel) and alt+tab to windws to change the channel (or bind maybe another 10000 channel switches) and even that wouldn't work because the guys in your team can't be in the all channel, side channel, group channel, vehicle channel and direct channel at the same time. VON can do that. It's the most important teamplay tools there is in ofp and i would sure be happy if it were back soon. But as i said before: Linux servers more than make up having to wait for von. I'm really happy how things have turned out so far...
  6. benu

    1.85 resistance patch discussion

    Well, nice work. But: when i read Suma's post i thought this would mean the von would be back with sockets. Apart from maybe the getnearestobject everyone was complaining about this was the most missed feature. OFP without von is deathmatch. TS, RW and BC suck cause random players joining your servers aren't using them and can't (cause they don't know the ip) and those tools lack all the cool channels anyway. Sliding tanks are annoying, sure, and, well, a hunting rifle may have it's uses, but without von ofp isn't half the game it used to be before resistance. I hope von will come back sometime. But linux servers are great, and if von had to wait because of linux servers then that was the right decision imho.
  7. benu

    "selling" ofp to your friends

    I got maybe five of my friends interested in ofp a year ago, but netcode wasn't really good, there were few servers and most of them quit a short time later. Now with resistance they won't try again cause ofp was so disappointing I got to other guys to check it out, one liked it, one didn't. A third is waiting for the game of the year edition. I don't want to persuade anyone to buy a game they will not like but i tell what _I_ like about it and let them decide for themselves if they want to give it a try or not.
  8. Miles: Not really sure about this, but you are using quotes for your path... maybe you shut put the whole line inside the quotes, ie put the second (closing) quote BEHIND the -mod=DynamicRange. Like this: "Drive:\path with space in it\flashpointresistance.exe -nosplash -mod=DynamicRange"
  9. I know i can't change it dynamically. But i thought about creating 2 shortcuts, one with -mod=mymods and one with -mod=mymods -mod=satchel, so i could start ofp with or without satchel sounds enabled. I tested, to see if it works or which one of the two mods dirs gets loaded if it doesn't, but my computer froze terribly after clicking on the second shortcut. Well, if the new satchel sounds don't work in mp with people/server who don't have them or cause the "config has been changed" message (any infos about these ones) i guess they have to go cause i already have the -mod parameter in use and couldn't turn them on or off without copying/deleting files Nice work, PitViper. I never used the original satchel sounds cause i got turned on to sound mods really late and don't really like client/server mods, but from the first impression this sounds really great.
  10. Seems you forgot a blank between -nosplash and -mod... Does anyone know if one can add several mod dirs, like -mod=dynamicsound -mod=othermod? Cause i already use the -mod= method and would like to be able to switch on and off the new satchels the same way...
  11. benu

    Voice with sockets

    The ingame voice is the one thing i miss most in resistance. For a clan 3rd party tools are ok, but none of them is nearly as powerful as the ingame von from ofp. You don't get automatically assigned to the correct channels in third party tools, and in most of them you can't be in many channels at the same time for listening and select whether you speak in all of them or just one (and which). All that was possible with the ofp von. And when you play public all those other players can't hear you and talk to you cause they don't have the software installed (or would have to install roger wilco, teamspeak, battlecom, teamsound, gamevoice, whatever to be prepared) and don't know the ip and the pw of the voicecomm server. And ofp without communication is not half as good as with voicecomm. Yeah, my spetznatz sneaks in, sorry i can't tell cause there's no time to type, and yeah, too bad your heli decided to bomb that part of town just now and teamkilled me...
  12. benu

    Technical info on sockets - suma

    I'd like to see an extended server docu too. And where can i setup networking options for my client? I just checked my Flashpoint.cfg and found no settings for networking?!? Regarding max packet size (1490 - headers): How much are the headers? 4 bytes? 8 Bytes? Or can i set max packet size to 1500 and ofp will cap it at the max whatever it is? I guess i have to set it to lower value because of the tcp/ip and pppoe headers anyway....
  13. benu

    Wine/linux server help?!

    I think this is more of a wine problem than an ofp problem and the wine newsgroups would be a better place to ask for help. All i can say is that it works for me. But i do the wine configuration by hand, don't know what those tools will do... Did you create a wine windows/System dir? Did you use wineinstall from the tools dir? BTW: I'm using a CVS snapshot of winex (13082002 at the moment)...
  14. benu

    2 cd keys in one box

    Kermit: He read your posting. And he understood it. That's more than i can say about you. Cause he and i already wrote that we got LAWS which actually say something like "all license agreements are void". What we can legally do with software we buy (yes, we BUY software, we don't license it, that's LAW here too) is governed by our laws. And the law says besides other points "you can resell YOUR software" and "you are allowed to make backups for own use." What's legal and what's illegal depends on the LAWS (hence the word) which apply. And those differ from country to country. The license agreement is only for countries where they are valid...
  15. benu

    Linux server

    Hmm, but it's only a clutch, cause with vnc i would need a win box instead of a linux box or am i missing something? If i would be using vnc and shut down my box, would the server still be running? I was looking for something like screen, where you start the server, it runs even when you turn off your box, and you can reconnect whenever you want...
  16. benu

    2 cd keys in one box

    Kermit: No, it doesn't As i said it depends on your local laws. I don't own the COPYRIGHT to the software i buy, but i own the SOFTWARE. I know that this is not true in e.g. the USA, where you just LICENSE the game but it's true here. Luckily the US laws don't apply for the whole world. And copying the game is not that hard, it's just SafeDisc V2.51. The are cd writer and software that can cope with this. I actually have my original stowed in a safe place where the cat can't get it and play from a backup. No Fade, no problems. I guess the "Fade in LAN" problem is more a "only one cd key on several computer" problem than anything having to do with the cd...
  17. benu

    2 cd keys in one box

    Kermit: No, it doesn't As i said it depends on your local laws. I don't own the COPYRIGHT to the software i buy, but i own the SOFTWARE. I know that this is not true in e.g. the USA, where you just LICENSE the game but it's true here. Luckily the US laws don't apply for the whole world. And copying the game is not that hard, it's just SafeDisc V2.51. The are cd writer and software that can cope with this. I actually have my original stowed in a safe place where the cat can't get it and play from a backup. No Fade, no problems. I guess the "Fade in LAN" problem is more a "only one cd key on several computer" problem than anything having to do with the cd...
  18. benu

    2 cd keys in one box

    I guess it also depends on local laws. Most EULA/Licenses are void here if i buy software "as a citizen" (in contrast to a company). Cause if i BUY it, i OWN it. I don't pay for a license or stuff, i pay for the software. I can make backups for personal use. I can sell it. So it would be perfectly legal for me to sell my second cd key... Although it would still be a violation of the copyright if i made a copy for me and sell the original (or the other way round). But i guess there may be countries where the laws are even less restrictive....
  19. benu

    2 cd keys in one box

    I guess it also depends on local laws. Most EULA/Licenses are void here if i buy software "as a citizen" (in contrast to a company). Cause if i BUY it, i OWN it. I don't pay for a license or stuff, i pay for the software. I can make backups for personal use. I can sell it. So it would be perfectly legal for me to sell my second cd key... Although it would still be a violation of the copyright if i made a copy for me and sell the original (or the other way round). But i guess there may be countries where the laws are even less restrictive....
  20. benu

    Linux server

    I can run an ofp dedi with wine, no problem. The problem is that it starts that utterly useless console window, which needs X. That's ok if the linux server is in the same room, but my linux server would be 200km away and i can't always go there to restart the server should it crash... and afaik if i wanted to start it remotely from my place i would have to forward X, which means i would need a second linux box at my place. Maybe it could work if X was already running on the remote server (with xhost +localhost or xhost +<from where i log in>) and X-forwarding was disabled... i don't know. Anyone got a solution for that problem? Is there a possibility to start a wine dedi without X, either by disabling the win desktop in wine or the dedi console window in ofp?
  21. benu

    2 cd keys in one box

    I had 2 manuals in my box, too...
  22. benu

    2 cd keys in one box

    I had 2 manuals in my box, too...
  23. Lol, i tried it again and noticed that i didn't have the *cough* unofficial *cough* winter island addon installed where i had all those problems and just made a new mission. Everything worked fine. I installed the winter island addon and... no go, no weapons in the crates. Â So i've been doing it right all the way but there were problems with that addon. BTW: 'mm1' and 'mm1magazine' worked for me and 'this' worked too. You don't have to name the crate. I used: clearweaponcargo this; clearmagazinecargo this; this addweaponcargo ["mm1",3]; this addmagazinecargo ["mm1magazine",12] Worked in civilian and empty ammo crates, with weapons or magazines first. (Edited by benu at 9:53 pm on Nov. 16, 2001)
  24. DV Chris Death: Is that so? You have to put magazines BEFORE the weapons? That would explain alot to me, cause i always put weapons first and never got anything to work in ammo boxes although getting no errors. And i added weapons in the description.ext to equip soldiers individually before the mission starts and it worked for all weapons EXCEPT the MM1 which had no ammo regardless of what i used (mm1, mm1magazine, mm1base). All other weapons worked in the description.ext but not in the ammoboxes. BTW: Do i have to name the ammoboxes or can i simply use 'this addweaponcargo ["g36a",3]'? Are there any differences between the ammo boxes except optics and standard loadout, ie can one put any weapon in any box or do some combinations not work?
  25. I just went to the official site (ftp://www.flashpoint1985.com/doc/briefings.zip BUT: I can't see a thing. Neither Opera 5.12 nor Mozilla 0.9.5 works. After all that word document s**t with the inofficial docus... Why don't you use pdf? Can someone please convert it for me? Else i'll try at work tomorrow... (Edited by benu at 12:46 am on Nov. 15, 2001)