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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    No color at night

    Happens with the original nv goggles. Sometimes even in one and the same mission, eg when the rpg soldier next to me fires the picture gets clear, after that it gets noisy again. Happens for other players too, i confirmed that on teamspeak. I thought it had something to do with the level of darkness, but that seemed not correct in all cases
  2. benu

    No color at night

    I knew about the different graphic settings at night, but what i'd like to know is why the nv goggles sometimes make a clear green picture and sometimes produce "green noise" and if there is a way to always get the clear green view.
  3. benu

    Configuring 1.91 stand alone server.

    1.92 server will only accept connections from 1.92 clients. Linux server will log connections, so you could write a script that parses the logfile for older versions and and warnings about modified files and adds the player ids to your banfile. But you can't do much about the pings i guess. Well, maybe you could write a script that checks for connections to your serverport (maybe with netstat or /proc/net/ip_conntrack, but i am not sure if this will work for udp "connections"), pings those ips, and blocks those with too high pings for a period of time using iptables.
  4. benu

    Configuring 1.91 stand alone server.

    Both not possible.
  5. Normally this means that the SERVER does not have all the addons for a mission. This can happen even when the client has the same addons and the server and the mission is working on the client when hosted there. Dedicated servers are really picky when it comes to addons ;) DePBO it and look into the mission.sqm for the addons section. If it is a linux server all filenames have to be lowercase, this includes mission names. Although i am not sure if you can even see missions with uppercase letters in their name in the mission selection screen...
  6. benu

    Just out of curiosity

    Well, i guess i am exception in this thread. If something is WORTH the money then i am willing to pay for it I WOULD pay for a good mod. In theory. One problem is, i only play multiplayer, a mod you have to buy will most likely be a mod that will not be widely in use and therefor it will be useless for me. I would buy it if it is good AND one million people had already bought it As will everybody else i guess. So everyone would be waiting for the other players to buy first. Something i could live with were an addon where you had to buy the server version (restricted with server side scripts or something) and players could download the client variant for free. So i could be sure that could actually USE that addon on my server. Another idea would be for the addon makers to accept donations. I guess many people would like to say thanks to many of the modmakers. And shortly after modmakers will have a "value" in the community ("hey dkm, we at bas already got 3x the donations you guys did"). And, yeah, i want to see a video stream of TJ fighting DeadMeat for the lion share of the money I really DO like the idea of getting addons/mods shipped to you on cd. Not for me, but i know players that have modems and can't download the bigger mods. It is a service to them they would appreciate. We do it the same way now, the broadband users download the stuff and burn it on cd and send it to them via mail. There are services on the web that do the same (AL mentioned filefront). All in all, i can see nothing wrong (from my opinion, not from the legal view and the eula ) with addon makers demanding money for their work. But i think they shouldn't expect too much. If they want to do it, fine by me. If i think it is worth the money, i will buy it. But most of the times it will not be worth the money for me as i will probably not be able to use it in mp.
  7. benu

    Internett security!

    Well, this is a thread about internet security. And it started really good, with a recommendation to patch your system. And then came those remark like "get a firewall". And i think you can't state often enought that a firewall alone offers next to no protection at all. I am often enough in the situation that ppl come to me for help and i always hear those misconceptions they have about firewalls. So , if someone without much knowledge of the internet WANTS to do something for his safety and comes to this thread for advice, imho he shouldn't read the same crappy answers that lead so many users into trouble. My advice would be to a) get a firewall (it doesn't hurt in most cases), b) use a regularly updated av software on EVERYTHING you download BEFORE clicking it, c) configure your software and use only safe software (delete ie/oe and get mozilla/opera/firebird/thebat/eudora/pegasus) and most important: d) patch your system regularly. With the autoupdate features of xp (and 2ksp3) this isn't much of a hassle. I mean, what better place to turn this into a broncosaurus than the "broncosaurus thread" But i think i made my point clear by now, everyone who will not agree to it by now will not if i repeat myself more often. But if you read this thread you will see i provided points against solely relying on firewalls (even if they are hw firewalls). But some of those "nah, patching is for whimps, firewall's enough" statements had none of them. Fact is that ie/oe (and mediaplayer and and and) will often execute arbitrary CODE on your system by themselves. No firewall will protect you against that. And if your system is compromised your firewall will again not protect you against the trojan getting out. Many ppl don't know about this, one can not repeat this often enough in a thread about internet security.
  8. benu

    Internett security!

    When i say (personal) firewall i mean personal firewalls AND hardware firewalls. As i told you above, even a hardware firewall offers only little protection against the most common attacks on windows systems. Those aren't attacks, those are packets reaching your computer. The pfw just classifies EVERYTHING as an attack so it looks useful. In most cases those are "misguided" packages because of dynamic ips. How many of those log entries did you RECOGNIZE as signature of a known attack? Which kinds of attack were that? Those are caused by the messenger service. You can turn it off in the system settings, it is not really needed anyway. Security is a process, not a state. You have to constantly do something for it. That alone is reason enough for the "i got a hw firewall, therefor i am safe" opinion to be false. To be protected you have to constantly inform yourself and update your system. A firewall can help you in making your system, i use one myself. But it is at max on place 3 or 4 of the security list, patches, using only good software that is configured correctly and good av software are way more important. Shadow, if you disagree with this, then tell me how your HW firewall will protect you against the scenario of getting an html mail with an oe exploit which runs arbitrary code on your computer even when preview has been disabled. Such faults were discovered in oe (and ie btw) often. And either your firewall has an application filter that allow your browser into the internet or it will TCP SYN packets from your host to destination ports 80 (and maybe 443). In both cases the trojan which gets installed by the mail gets just right THROUGH your firewall. Firewalls are good as an additional protection, but without patching regularly they are next to worthless.
  9. benu

    Internett security!

    And that is exactly the wrong kind of thinking. This whole (personal) firewall thing has been hyped too much, mostly from companies trying to sell their (personal) firewalls. Patching and configuring your software correctly is more important.
  10. benu

    Internett security!

    Shouldn't you get a "host/connection/service unreachable" from the last router when you ping some box that is not there? Getting no response just tells you that there is a firewall which does not answer pings ;) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ping host-on-my-lan PING host-on-my-lan ( 56(84) bytes of data. From my-box ( icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable BTW: ever visited this link?
  11. benu

    Internett security!

    The best hardware firewall is useless when you do not patch your system. There is a bug in internet explorer (again) which installs a trojan (just an example for "runs arbitrary code") on your system when you just visit the wrong website. Your firewall is configured to let http connections you initiated through, so it will not stop your system becoming infected. If you had a personal firewall the trojan would just disable it, kill the process. Some of these exploits even leave the icon of the pfw still in the traybar, so you won't even notice that it has been turned off. A hardware firewall is slightly better, but as you can tunnel nearly all traffic through http once the system is compromised, even a hardware firewall won't protect you. I know that patching will not make a system 100% secure, but it's a question of which attacks do we look at. Exploiting unknown weaknesses is not done by script kiddies or worms. Only experienced hackers can do that. Why should they bother to attack a system of a home user? Those guys don't waste their time attacking random home user boxes. So, effectively: firewall don't really protect you when you do not patch regularly, but patching protects you even when you have no firewall. "Tracking the attacker": yeah, sure. Everyone knows that those tracking informations are false in most cases anyway. But it's a fun tool to make the firewall appear more competent. Most of the "attacks" those pfws report aren't even attacks at all. OMG, an "incoming ICMP ECHO REQUEST" or malicous "attack" on my port 4662. Jeez. Get real. Why turn ping off? I leave it enabled in my firewall. Does your firewall reject connection attempts to closed ports or just doesn't answer them? Is this a deliberate decision on your part? Why? The best firewall is only as good as the knowledge of the guy setting it up... Patching, configuring and using anti-virus software (i guess i forget that one before cause i never had a virus) are more important than firewalls.
  12. benu

    Internett security!

    We are not talking about nets, DMZs and and different internal and external services here. We are talking about home users here. If you think so highly of firewalls, then please explain HOW your firewall protects you against WHAT. And please don't mention blaster, as protecting against it with a firewall wouldn't have been necessary if you had patched your system (the patch was available a month before the worm hit) and this is a "one in a thousand" worm that could acually be prevented by firewalls. To infect/hack your system a virus/worm/trojan/hacker has to GET TO your system and EXPLOIT a weakness. If you patch there are no weaknesses. If you use a firewall the virus/worm/trojan/hacker just has to take another route in. Most enter the system through corrupted webpages and faults in the internet explorer (bugs and wrong configuration) or outlook express. Each attack that can be prevented by firewalls can be prevented even better by patching and configuring your system. The purpose of firewalls is to allow certain services only on one side of it and only makes sense in regard to (corporate) networks. And personal firewalls.... well, most people know how ridiculously easy it is to bypass stuff like zone alarm, norton, etc...
  13. benu

    Internett security!

    I think it's kinda sad that when brgnorway talks about PATCHES you answer with FIREWALLS (especially personal firewalls like za or nis, which do not really protect you anyway). Firewall give you the least of security, applying security patches regularly and fast gives you the most security. After that comes configuring your software (especially internet explorer, outlook (express) and any service you have running externally) correctly. Firewall comes last.
  14. benu

    Thoughts on the ofp community

    What i like about the ofp community is that people seem to be more mature than in many other gaming communities and the fact that this community is small. I always wondered if all the people that bought ofp only played singleplayer... I loved the demo (after some struggling at first) and bought ofp when it came out, end of june 2001 iirc. I just found some screenshots of me and a buddy testing custom faces and vehicle logos from august 2001, must have been 1.11 then. If you had asked me i would have sworn this was only possible much later than that... There were really few servers back then and everywhere you went you met the same players. That was kinda cool. And it's still the same. There are not that many players, not that many servers. You know most of the people that are active in this forum and you happen to meet them online. This makes the game less anonymous and gives the playing experience a more personal feeling. And i think this influences the way the players treat each other in a good way.
  15. benu

    How is ingame bandwidth calculated?

    But sometimes ofp does not seem to use all the bandwidth you have. My players all have dsl and most of the times have very high bandwidth values, but sometimes the values are getting pretty low for one or more of them for no apparent reason...
  16. benu

    Blazena pari - dakar trophy

    Very nice mission. 2 suggestions: -put the unflip script into it (i just did that myself and it really adds to the mission) -use catintro v2 instead of v3 v2 and v3 are not compatible and afaik the next version is supposed to be like v2 again, so missions for v3 will stop working. This Thread has the discussion about it...
  17. benu

    Resistance ded server

    The testing server i set up yesterday did not start at first (2302 error) because the internal hostname did not match the external (what you get when asking dns servers about the ip of the external interface). When i changed it the server worked. Afaik the 2302 error is network related most of the times. Check for firewalls, correct routes, dns, hostnames...
  18. benu

    Scud launch crashes linux server?!?

    So it seems there are some bugs left in the linux server, and i think a bug which crashes the server could be considered serious
  19. benu

    2 dedicated server questions...

    He uses the flashpoint.cfg, he won't even start without it (at least the first linux server didn't). For the question to which files the net parameters have to go use the search function for some older threads. I thought they belong to the server.cfg, but as the readme states differently i think this is wrong. Looking through some older threads it seems everyone uses the flashpoint.cfg. Oh damn
  20. benu

    How to make reinstalling a breeze.

    You could also just export the two registry keys containing the cwc and resistance keys and burn your whole ofp directory onto 2 (or more) cd-r(w). To reinstall you just copy the content of the cds onto the harddrive and click onto the reg file. I have done that before. Seems more simple to me than an msi installer but ymmv.
  21. benu

    Most used custom islands?

    I am a bit surprised that nobody mentioned winter nogojev yet. This is widely used as far as i can tell. I also think that trinity and sky island. And some of the older ones like jungle everon.
  22. benu

    New codemasters cd key replacement policy

    I note all of this stuff in an encrypted file, along with other sensible data i keep there anyway...
  23. benu

    Requiredversion 1.91

    Update to 1.92. Only ppl using 1.92 can connect to your server then. And MP is even better than before, faster and smoother.
  24. benu

    Cannot create 3d device

    Which os? I think i had a similar mistake with xp professional when an application running with administrator privileges already used d3d and "blocked" for applications running with user privileges, ie flashpoint.
  25. benu

    2 dedicated server questions...

    You can use modfolders with a dedicated server, iirc you have to put them in doublequotes when you use more than one modfolder. And the net settings belong into the server.cfg and not the flashpoint.cfg. Should be explained in the ds-admin.rtf, which comes with the dedicated server files...