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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    Rts 1.0 build and conquer is out

    I didn't see any differences in the config.cpp either, that's why i asked you As it only seems to depend on rts3(core)addon.pbo there can't be that much changed (i think). Even using rts3addon.pbo and rts3vehicle.pbo together does not produce this bug (although that combination does not make much sense at all). I keep looking into it, but i don't think i will find anything when even you do't know what might have changed....
  2. From that thread there is NO reliable tool. UnPBO 1.3 seems to work best for me so far, so i'd say use that (until anyone says different) and try to double-check the result.
  3. benu

    Pbo problems

    I depboed buggy2.pbo sometime ago with unpbo 1.5.
  4. PBO Decryptor 1.3 works fine most of the times...
  5. benu

    Ecp released!

    The cygwin project allows you to use many gnu/unix tools with windows. It seems that patch and diff are part of the packages. I guess i will install it myself to see how far you can get with this idea...
  6. benu


    I don't like installers that much, as you never know WHAT gets installed WHERE. But i like installers that overwrite files even less. I don't understand what's wrong with zip/ace/rar, where everything gets installed "automatically" too, but at least you can SEE whats going on and change it to your tastes. I for one always install installers into a temporary folder and move only the parts i approve of into my ofp folder...
  7. benu

    Ecp released!

    With unix you could use the diff and patch commands, which should be able to automate most of the changes if you got a) a base config without modifications and b) the modified configs. I guess it will be some work too where there a some mutually exclusive changes in both configs, but after the first time you could probably automate the changes for future versions.
  8. benu

    Beta patchs? what is the latest versions?

    I think the last official cwc patch was 1.46, after that were the beta patches for testing new netcode and stuff. Last one was 1.59 or 1.60 iirc. After that you needed resistance, which installed as 1.75 out of the box. GOTY was 1.85 iirc. Last official patch is 1.91, but it is advisable to use 1.94.
  9. benu

    Linux server

    I am running on debian too, i did not need the nscd demon or other glibc. Try to start your server with just "./server". Or if you have a serverconfig (eg named server.cfg) with "./server -config=server.cfg". You could also change the path in the ofpserver script and run that ("./ofpserver check"). You didn't tell with which user you did it. The server should not be run as root. Create a user games or ofp or something and do a "chown -R games /path/of/ofp" and a "chmod -R 755 /path/to/ofp". You should also check the output of the hostname command. This should be the same as the name of the server through dns server, ie when you type "nslookup ip.of.your.server" from another server. You could check firewall settings:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -d your.ip.here --dport 2302:2304 -j ACCEPT /sbin/iptables -I OUTPUT -o eth0 -p udp -s your.ip.here --sport 2302:2303 -j ACCEPT
  10. benu

    Cheaters, bans and id copiers.

    I know about state logging, but if you players coming and going all the time and you decide in the midst of a game to ban someone and try to remember when exactly that guy joined...
  11. benu

    Cheaters, bans and id copiers.

    I am not sure if this will work. Big isps might have a pool of connection servers too, so you might not always have the same ip. Although i just checked my logs and i always use the same one, so it might work. Well, if you know you don't ban any other players too...
  12. benu

    Rts 1.0 build and conquer is out

    I just tested the "buildings showing up as east/west" issue again. If i go back from rts 1.1 (rts3coreaddon.pbo and rts3vehicle.pbo) to rts 1.0 (rts3addon.pbo) the bug disappears. This bug appears in many other missions when rts 1.1 is installed and causes buildings to appear as friendly/enemy units and clutters up the radar. Also ai attacks those buildings and wastes ammo. It also makes rts3 ww2 on skye next to unplayable as there are lots of "enemy" buildings. Any chance of fixing that (my first look into the config.cpp did not result in anything)
  13. benu

    Rts 1.0 build and conquer is out

    There is an mission in the rts3 mission pack (2.8mb) which only needs the rts3coreaddon.pbo (75 kb) and nothing else. Check KaRRiLLions Site. Edit: added links...
  14. benu

    Linux server

    What linux distribution and version? Did you run tolower? Do you have a flashpoint.cfg? If you can answer all this with yes, then please descript how you set up the server.
  15. benu

    Cheaters, bans and id copiers.

    If you know the ip of that specific player... on linux servers you could just block it with iptables (iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -s ip.of.player -j DROP), but how do you know which of the open connections belongs to that player? And most players are on dynamic ips anyway, so they will just get a new ip and get back in...
  16. benu

    Cheaters, bans and id copiers.

    raedor: I wrote my logfile parser more than a year ago and those logfile entries are from that time, ie more than a year old. I doubt that you could change ids back then. So it is definitively a warez id, which does not have to mean that scorpio uses warez, but that at least others use his key too.
  17. benu

    Rts 1.0 build and conquer is out

    As long as you have uce_kuffiya in one of your addon folders it will add groups to your missions. If you don't need that addon then remove it while building the mission or get the fixed version (search in the forum).
  18. benu

    Hd mp3 player choice

    I'd take a look at the archos product line. The older jukebox recorder 20 should be quite cheap now.
  19. benu

    Late rhs x-mas present

    I don't understand what would be so wrong in making them ecp compatible as it does not break anything else and is easy to do by just adding the ecp eventhandler class. And you still can overwrite any or all ecp effects with your own if you want too. I personally think that ecp is a great thing and will be here to stay. As you can have only one config.bin in effect at any time it is a really good idea to make a standardized and enhanced version of the config.bin. Although i can fully understand that you do not want to "support" uses for your addons that were not intended by you.
  20. benu

    Rts 1.0 build and conquer is out

    Not only the mistress. uce_kuffiya does this too...
  21. benu

    Add-on limit?

    I load only one modfolder which is about 1,1gb in size, the addons folder in it has about 800mb. So far there are no problems for me. I used to have many addonfolders too, but it is not worth the hassle if you load all addons anyway. I only use other modfolder for addons i am not sure i will keep using (the last one was about 330mb). But even with (330mb+800mb+220mb Res Addons=) 1,35gb of addons i had no problems with ofp.
  22. Compressing with "amalfi 1.1" sometimes damages the addon. I think they use StuffPBO or MakePBO without compression options.
  23. benu

    Late rhs x-mas present

    You must be doing something wrong:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">01:56:22 (480.66 KB/s) - `RHS_T55Pack_v1.00.rar' saved [13907486/13907486]
  24. benu

    Driving license

    You know, every player could train to use vehicles in ofp1 too. But they don't. So get lots of players grabbing vehicles in mp which they can't handle and therefor wasting resources of your side. This is encouraged by the fact that they do not have to select a "limited" class like crew or pilot to do it, but can take a law soldier instead, so if they destroy the vehicle they can play on as a normal infantry grunt. I'd rather see some more "specialization" in the game.
  25. benu

    Driving license

    I like the idea of training missions to get licenses but imho it would be enough if only pilots could pilot choppers/planes and only tank crew could drive tanks and so on. Just now nobody ever takes crew or pilots because they can drive/fly each vehicle with the cool mg/at/aa guy too.