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Everything posted by benu

  1. benu

    New ideas for MFCTI 1.16 GWG style!

    I think JörgF from Mapfact has made some anti-personal mines. I mean, he did make some, i was one of the betatesters, but i am not sure if they were released. Maybe those would work for this purpose.
  2. benu

    Quick heads-up for ppl with amd64 cpus

    Has anybody managed to run ofp client or server on a 64bit os yet? We have an AMD64 server now, and before i switch from 32bit to 64bit os, i would like to know if this works at all, as many/most 32bit applications are not supposed to work with a 64bit os
  3. benu

    The Bastige Island 6

    Cool. I installed it on our server and we will give it a try in the next days
  4. benu

    Usmc cti modifications

    I did try ofp watch and it worked for me, but as i am still working on parts of the server (changing webserver configs and firewall settings, setting up user accounts and ftp) i will try again. Maybe i broke something... no, just tested it, for me it works.
  5. benu

    Usmc cti modifications

    Not sure WHEN you tried it, but we had some serious traffic limit problems with the old server and i had to deactivate the downloads for ofp watch, ie you could see what was needed and if you had everything in the right version, but could not download with ofp watch, you had to use the links in our forum. But since yesterday we got our new server and ofp watch should work fine again.
  6. benu

    Usmc cti modifications

    We got our new server now, which means have a faster server now and we have more traffic and could remove the damn server pw again and downloads from ofp watch are working again too. And if you want any mission packs i can offer you a download from our site now.
  7. benu

    Getting the resistance config.bin

    The configs for 1.91 and 1.96 are the same. And if what you are looking is not in there, you are most likely not looking for the res\bin\config.bin.
  8. benu

    Warning signs of a computer crash

    Beeping when you turn on the computer is normally a message from the bios. Try to find a manual for your motherboard, the beep sequences should be documented there.
  9. benu

    Viewdistance in MP v1.96

    Dedicated servers set viewdistance to 900m, except the mission changes this with a setviewdistance command. So on a dedicated server the viewdistance can only be changed from within the mission, not with a client or server setting.
  10. benu

    Getting the resistance config.bin

    Use the search function. Or go here: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/breathe/
  11. benu

    Sockets & directplay

    In a lan i would give directplay a try, the ingame von is MUCH better than any other possible could be. OTOH the socket netcode is much better, for internet play i would only use socket netcode.
  12. benu

    Player options

    I prefer to set them up before the briefing in the slot selection screen.
  13. After thinking a little more about this i don't see any sense in this at all. Sure i only have my small dsl connection, but from the first hop i am in the internet, at the server of my isp. From there on nothing will change my ping to a server, regardless of where that server is located. If i play on an american server from europe the ping will not get better if i connect to a european server and that communicates with the american server or if i connect directly to that server. And bandwidth will not be bigger also, as this is limited by the smallest link anyway (which is most probably my dsl upload/download anyway), and if that link is not my first hop it will be the same bottleneck for the server. The only difference i could see is if the two servers could kind of collect several gamestate changes from several players and throw away the duplicates. But this would not reduce latency and bandwidth shouldn't be the problem anyway, as the bottleneck will most the first hop of the players. And even if this did work i don't see WHO would use it. I could only see 2 target audiences: big clans with multiple servers on different continents who could do this on a permanent basis and temporary connections for league games.
  14. benu

    About nomap

    If that is the case then i guess i should reboot my server too:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">(~) $ uptime 00:15:38 up 155 days
  15. This is only useful if bis would supply all the servers. Other admins pay money for their servers and the traffic and would not want to route the traffic for other servers through theirs. Eg we pay for our server, we all have a good ping their anyway and would not profit from your idea. Quite the opposite, if we would take part in this we would route and pay for the traffic of people playing somewhere else. I can only see this modell make sense in an environment where bis supplies all the servers, something like battlenet, not for privately run servers. Those could do something like that anyway with port forwarding/masquerading/vpn if they really wanted to...
  16. benu

    About nomap

    I just checked: i run my server with -nomap too, i have 800mb addon at minimum, sometimes twice as much (depends on modfolders loaded). I will try to test this in the next days too.
  17. benu

    Server Stats

    Cron jobs are a method of running programs/script on a regular basis. I guess you would use the task scheduler for this i guess. It means you do not only need a webserver, but a server where you can run programs and access the system, not only the webserver content, ie a dedicated server of some kind.
  18. benu

    a few new mfcti 1.16 maps

    There are some ctis that do have patrolling resistance units, i think it's in the cleanrock cti variants... I uploaded the new missions to my server.
  19. benu

    a few new mfcti 1.16 maps

    There are some ctis that do have patrolling resistance units, i think it's in the cleanrock cti variants... I uploaded the new missions to my server.
  20. benu

    About nomap

    I did run my server with -nomap for some time, so yes, it is possible to use this option for servers too.
  21. benu

    Ecp released!

    There were announcements about a new version with lots of changes but i can't really remember having read anything about "soon" Would be cool though, i am waiting for the new ecp version too.
  22. benu

    About nomap

    What do you mean with "missions exceeds 300mb"? One mission with 300mb? Cause my missions folder is a lot bigger than that and i got no problems. And my addons/dta/bin modfolder i load the game with is several gb big. Still no problem. As you seem to have problems with memory mapping you could tell us at least which os you run, how much ram you got, how much swap, which graphics card with how much graphics ram, etc, pp.
  23. benu

    WGL and Linux dedicated server (1.96)

    What could be a problem is if you installed a new wgl version on an old one, as the old one used cpp files and the new one uses bin files. Also, you can't really run more than one mod with changed configs or dta folders. You should load wgl mod LAST to ensure it is working. Same goes for any addons.
  24. You get a tool like unpbo 1.5 (eg from ofpec) and unpack the mission to your users\yournick\missions folder. If there isn't one then create it. Then either open the mission.sqm with a text editor or open it in the ingame mission editor. Change what you like, export the mission as pbo again and play away. A forum search would have told you the same much faster....
  25. benu

    How can you edit official SP missions?

    You get a tool like unpbo 1.5 (eg from ofpec) and unpack the mission to your users\yournick\missions folder. If there isn't one then create it. Then either open the mission.sqm with a text editor or open it in the ingame mission editor. Change what you like, export the mission as pbo again and play away. A forum search would have told you the same much faster....