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Everything posted by benu

  1. I used this with my whole modfolder, which is about 900mb and includes most addons from bas and dkm, and had no problems. So if i wanted to run it with the water textures from status_cz i would have to edit the dll, right? How would i go about that? I don't know how pacs store their data, so i might need some help. Can i get the first quarter of the level 0 texture by using a certain offset, maybe dependeng on it's size (water textures seem to have 512), or would i have to extract the texture somehow? And can you tell how to find the offset in the dll that i have to edit or the value i have to look for? But i guess when i know how to compute the value of the texture i can search for it myself...
  2. It does a CRC check on all texture level 0 mimaps, though only for 1/4 of the whole texture. For water textures, all the seven water textures are checked and required to be recognised for it to work. So if i wanted to run it with the water textures from status_cz i would have to edit the dll, right? How would i go about that? Run CRC on the first quarter of the new textures and put the sum where? I will try to do this to the original water when i am at home and see if i can find that value, but if you answer before that i will probably make less mistakes It would be quite hard, if not impossible, to recognise the water rendering reliably without using the textures as a reference... Of course it would be possible to put the CRC's into the config file but that might require some changes on the dll's internals. An easier, and maybe even more comfortable way could be to include a texture override function in the DLL that can be used to load any water textures without editing the data.pbo (maybe also sky textures). Actually, i noticed while looking into the dll that it checks for 3 sky textures too?!? Am i missing something when i am using a modified sky? Would i have to change that crc too? Which 3 files do get checked?
  3. You can however make it work with custom water textures if they have same number of animated textures and someone hex edits the .dll to have new checksums. Which textures do you check and what checksum do you use? CRC? MD5? SHA? Something else? And which files? more_anim.0x.pac only or something else? It would be really cool if this dll could be run with just any water.
  4. I upgraded our server os and AAS (server part of ofpwatch) began to have problems, couldn't resolve the ip of the master server and couldn't download new packets from our webserver. After some testing with strace and replacing some libs it worked again. It could be that some of my network settings are not correct, but everything else works and after replacing some libs (libc.so.6, libnss_dns.so.2 and libresolv.so.2) AAS works again, so i guess it's a library version problem and not my settings. All three libs come from the glibc package, which was 2.3.2 on my old system and is 2.3.3 on my new system. As a workaround i made a libs folder in the ofp watch folder, copied the three old libs into it and run AAS with export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/lib/folder. This works well so far. Can anyone confirm/deny this problem with glibc 2.3.3?
  5. benu

    Set Ping Limit On Dedi?

    Well, as you said ping monitors would be the solution for windows servers i thought i give one for linux servers
  6. benu

    modified server exe for log file out put

    You put it in the script/shortcut that starts your server, like -nomap -mod=bla -netlog. Beware: it will generate HUGE logs.
  7. benu

    OFP at Linux

    I subscribed to WineX, but it is not really working with it. With newer (newer than 3.1) versions you get horrible black textures and 3.1 has other issues. I initiated a poll to better support ofp in winex, but so far there are not enough supporting votes.
  8. benu

    Set Ping Limit On Dedi?

    Actually, thinking about it, using iptables and statefulness for the udp protocol might not be the best way. "PLAYER_IPS=$(cat /proc/net/ip_conntrack |grep '2302 .*ASSURED' | awk '{print $4}'|cut -b 5-)" gets you the ips of all players currently connected to your server and stores them in a variable calles PLAYER_IPS. That is faster and cheaper. Then ping each of those with "for each i in $PLAYER_IPS; do ping -c 1 $i;done" and do stuff to them. If you do this in a script you can do stuff depending on the value of the ping like blocking the IP (/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -d $SRV_IP --dport 2302 -j DROP). Although i think it would be better to make a special "ban chain" for iptables and flush it at certain intervals.
  9. benu

    Set Ping Limit On Dedi?

    I don't think checking once or twice every minute will generate any significant load. You could simply log all new players to a specific logfile with iptables (/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -i eth0 -p udp -d $SRV_ADDRESS --dport 2302 -m state --state NEW -j LOG --log-prefix "NEW OFP PLAYER: ") and just tail and ping -c 1 that. "grep 'NEW OFP PLAYER:' /var/log/messages|tail | awk '{print $11}'|cut -b 5-" gets the ips of the latest 10 players joining the server on my server. I could just put those into a loop and ping each and if the ping is to high i could block the ip. This script is a matter of minutes and makes virtually no load at all and does exactly what the op wanted... You could run it from cron or put a sleep command in it and let it run in the background...
  10. benu

    BAS Tonali SF and BTR-T

    Regarding the marpat fixes: are those ecp compatible? Cause there was an "ecp-enabled" version of the marpats available from the ecp page in addition to the normal one...
  11. benu

    Set Ping Limit On Dedi?

    There is no such option in ofp, you would have to use a thirdparty solution. You could write a script or cronjob that checks for connected users, pings them, and terminates the connection depending on ping for example.
  12. benu

    Online Ports Dedicated Server

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">netstat --numeric-hosts --numeric-ports -p -a Active Internet connections (servers and established) Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name udp 0 0* 12345/server udp 0 0* 12345/server udp 0 0* 12345/server udp 1772 0* 12345/server
  13. I got the same md5sums on my server. Maybe it's some other addon causing problems with normandy? Did you try to a) make a test mission with just one bis soldier on normandy and run it on the server and b) run the server with only normandy as an inofficial addon? If this does work it is some other addon causing this, if it doesn't it has to be some server setting. I did not go through this addon for texture aspect ratios yet, i could try that and if there are any high ratios change them and you could try that version too. But i can't promise how fast i can do this...
  14. benu

    Whats Multiplayer like?

    Nobody wants to be the GUNNER? Most of the time nobody wants to be the driver I guess it depends on where and with whom you play. Sometimes missiontype too, in cti i often want to have ai as driver and gunner and only command the tank. Although we drive with several human players too sometimes. It just depends...
  15. benu

    FDF CTI Maldevic

    @goeth: seems my sources were wrong, according to medicus respawn_guer did not work and respawn_guerilla worked. Man, there are an awful lot of wrong tutorials out there it seems Just thought this might interest someone else too... The upgrades to the server os are finished now and the downloads should work reliably from now on.
  16. benu

    Whats Multiplayer like?

    Get OFP Watch, it will download and install all addons automatically for you.
  17. Try to check the md5sums or crc32s of the addons.
  18. benu

    Cheaters forcing admins to new levels...

    Sicilian is right. In a 24bit network you have 256 possible ips, but two out of them are used as the whole network and as broadcast, so only 254 adresses are possible for clients. And one of those clients has to be the gateway. This is because routing depends on ANDing and ORing the destination ip with the netmask.
  19. benu

    Poll, does your server idle at 32 or 50fps ?

    As Malboeuf said, we are running linux. Has been Redhat on the first server, Debian on the second, Suse and now gentoo on the third. Kernel version is 2.6.7. I did install a 32bit version first but will try to move to 64bit soon. Man, am i happy to be away from Suse. OFP is v1.96. CPU is an AMD64 3000+ with 2gb of ram. Bandwidth is 100mbit NIC to switched network, 6.4gbit internet connection from the cc. DirectX 0.0 But i don't think this really matters as i think we had 50fps with the other two serves too, so it can't really be hardware related. Yesterday it even sometimes showed 52fps btw.
  20. I just played a mission on normandy on our server, so it seems to work. Version was 2.1.
  21. benu

    Poll, does your server idle at 32 or 50fps ?

    Ours idles at 50fps.
  22. benu

    Online Ports Dedicated Server

    You could always write the name and model of the router here, maybe someone has the same and already knows the correct settings...
  23. benu

    Cheaters forcing admins to new levels...

    Yeah, like other games have no cheats. Tell me one game that does not have cheats. Even HL/CS has lots of cheats. I have been server admins for several cs servers for several years. And i still have contact to some of my old clanmates. I know a lot about cheats, trust me. I know what kind of cheats are out there. I am really educated about this. I don't have an opinion that is different from yours because i am stupid or dumb. It's just a matter of mentality i guess. Banning lots of innocent players in the same subnet just because of one cheater, who will change his ip, his subnet and his id and come back just doesn't seem right to me. But it doesn't have to, it is your server and you can do what you want. But actually, coming from cs community (lovingly called cheater-strike), i see a game killed by an unfriendly community and a cheater paranoia. Yes, there are cheats for cs and they are in use, even more than in ofp. But i have seen by far more good players insulted, kicked and banned as "cheaters", than actual cheaters. EVEN IN CS. Those lamer-dm-kids who cry cheater whenever they get killed poisoned the community with their spirit of cheating. So i don't like cheats hysteria and i don't like overreacting because of something PERCEIVED as cheat.
  24. benu

    Online Ports Dedicated Server

    Normally, it should be serverport+1 for the server to be listed in game browsers. Both ports are udp and must be forwarded from the router to the server. Do you have some line like reportingIP="master.gamespy.com"; in your server.cfg?
  25. benu

    FDF CTI Maldevic

    Ok, some sources say that there may be different ways to call it and i guess you have much more mission making experience than i have anyway. I only changed it in the mission.sqm anyway, medicus or i have to go through all the scripts too.