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About aileronster

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  1. aileronster

    =BTC= Revive

  2. aileronster

    ArmA 3 on Steamworks?

    Been playing Arma 2 waiting for the release of Arma 3. Found out from a friend that Steam would be the exclusive mode of buying Arma 3. So I will be doing exactly what you suggest and moving on. I figure there are plenty of people like myself that don't post here and are pissed to find out this is happening. Not everyone decides they need to frequent a forum just because they like a game. So as a guess I figure they're going to lose more than just 15% of their market from this based on the numbers seen here and because there is a base of silent gamers out there that don't post here and that wont put up with having third party software run their gaming experience. As far as I'm concerned software such as Steam, Orion and Windows Live should be illegal. If I don't want it then I should be able to opt out of it. Otherwise its stealing personal data of mine without my consent because the only way to play is under duress. Now the developers and third parties become the pirates by way of the very old game of legal plunder. No thanks.