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About a24710

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    Private First Class
  1. I know that maybe this question is a little tricky to answer, but it would be nice if we had an answer from BIS in which way you receive more money from my purchase??? is it better for you if i buy it from steam or from a regular shop in my city??? it´s just a matter of principles. i bougt arma1, i bought arma2 and i´ll buy arma2 arrowhead. I just want to know in which way i´m supporting you better thanks in advance
  2. i managed to finish the mission yesterday night, i found a camp far away from the red zones i guess i was just lucky anyway, i think missions like this are a little to complex. Trying to find small spots in a large landscape are not a good idea for something that it´s supposed to be funny just my opinion :(
  3. hi i´ve spent hours in this mission and can´t complete it, it appears that i´m missing an insurgent camp right now there is no fun here and i just want to pass to the next mission any key code or something to finish the mission succesfully???
  4. Hi it would be nice to have something like subtitles scroll in order to make them easier to read. Like new subtitles pushing old subtitles out of the screen. right now, if you look at some other place of the screen and you return the view to the subtitles, it´s sometimes hard to distinguish between what you´ve already read and what´s new. if there were some kind of smooth scroll when new subtitles appear, so the new ones push the old ones out of the screen, i think it should be easier to read thanks
  5. a24710

    Vista Ultimate X64 with loads of Ram

    http://www.extremetech.com/article2/0,2845,2304031,00.asp this is a recent comparison between xp and VISTA with both new SP´s actually, there is no more performance difference anymore i haven´t checked ARMA in particular but i guess it´s like the other games
  6. a24710

    Vista Ultimate X64 with loads of Ram

    VIsta 64 is as good as vista 32. It´s even better taking in account that can handle more RAM and can run 64bits app´s people seems to think that 64b vista is not so polished as 32b and i must totally disagree with that. It´s my main OS and i have yet not found any incompatibility and ARMA runs like butter with the last patch (not 4GB error anymore) i would go further and say that nowadays having a 32b OS is a mistake and we should all move on to 64b systems
  7. a24710

    ARMA Support And Patching Plans

    thanks for the answer, found it pretty interesting it´s a pain in the ass when some hardware company change the way a new card behaves on a particular situation when it should be ok with the already existing code nice to see it fixed PS: ARMA rocks
  8. a24710

    ARMA Support And Patching Plans

    very happy to see that fog bug is being fixed a question to SUMA: Just for curiosity.... Why is the fog bugged in DX10 hardware??? the fog code should be the same for all the cards i guess. Is because some driver bug from nvidia?? or does the fog need to be programmed in a different way in the 8000 cards??? thanks
  9. a24710

    Vista Support

    well, i´ve got a dual boot now with XP, and i boot with XP everytime i want to play arma microsoft is releasing a SP1 which is supposed to bring a lot of fixes about compatibility and performance issues let´s wait and see arma is the mains reason of not formatting the XP hard disk and use it like a second storing drive, cause every other game i have tested recently works ok under vista
  10. a24710

    Vista Support

    is there ever going to be some sort of VISTA support??? i´m running a 64bits VISTA OS, and i´m gradually passing to this OS and leaving XP behind i think BIS should put some effort on the VISTA compatibility, cause it´s being used more and more everyday i have no problems with other games in VISTA, and i´m playing right now lost planet and graw2 i think that no official support to VISTA shouldn´t be an option do anyone know if arma´s problems with vista are caused by the OS, by NVIDIA drivers or by BIS code?? thanks
  11. a24710

    ArmA Public Beta Patch 1.05.5143

    anyone know when this patch is going to get official??? is it going to happen after USA release?? i guess nobody knows it but i had to ask
  12. well, i´m happy to see that it´s something that the devs are taking in account and they plan to add some multi-core support, although they can´t promise anyhing
  13. that´s true when you want to do multiple things at the same time, but normally when someone is playing is not doing anything more in the background and the OS tasks and all those things are minimal, the don´t keep a whole cpu busy all the time i still think it´s a completely waste of cpu power try a multithread game like for example rainbow six las vegas and set affinity to one processor so it does not use the other one, you will see a noticeable drop in fps also some tests valve made public with their source engine in multithread mode show that multi-core support is a really cool thing
  14. I was reading a post about a 64bit ArmA version and i think that it´s more important to have multi-core support first of course redesigning the whole game so it can take advantage of multi-core cpus it´s not an option but i think that it´s possible to add some mutithread code here and there so ArmA can be faster runing on systems with multiple cpu´s a lot of people have multi-core systems nowadays and that is a waste of cpu-power what do you think guys??? PS: sorry for my english
  15. a24710

    Waiting for a miracle...

    well, i´m not saying that the game could become completely multithreaded now, my last example was just that, a little simple example that of course doesn´t match the real complexity that a real APP has to manage but i firmly believe that there is some room to take adventage of multiple cores in some piece of code or another, and nowadays multiple core´s support is a must for modern games, maybe even more for arma cause it is really cpu dependant cheers