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About anubus

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    i play with {STK} shoot2killclan bf2 vc .aa .armed assault<br>vc2
  1. is thier a Language Patcher 4 v102 i got one 4 v101 but will it stop working if i put patch 102 on????
  2. anubus

    Can't launch ArmA, PLEASE help me

    it is your grafikcard
  3. anubus

    Crash to Desktop

    hi had a prblem with nvida card 7300GS it crashed to windows or a blue scren came up . it was the new drivers from nvida 9.3.i but the old ones back on it now its ok 9.1 AMD 64 4200 plus Ram 1G nvida 7600GT NEW CARD THE 7300 will not work on aa to slow