hey guys im also stuck on the mission titled "the great battle" where i am flying an attack helicopter to support troops on the ground. i can't seem to beat this mission, the stupid AI incharge of the guns doesn't seem to fire the rockets. manual fire is a bitch to do especially since im flying and shooting at the sametime. i tried getting the AI to fly the chopper for me while i control the guns but the AI seems to go ahead of the group which results in mission failure.
even with the auto save once you reach the first waypoint, if i am unable to complete the mission. i get the debriefing screen and then it jumps me back to the beginning of the mission where i have to board the heli, and fly back in formation to the waypoint again. grrrrrrrrr!
i have been replaying this mission so many times i am about to give up... is there a way around this mission.