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Everything posted by aozyaman

  1. In the mission settings window, click "edit" to enter the mission editor where you can place ammo/weapon crates (close to your insertion point) and use them to replace your current loadout. But that works only for the loadout and not unit class/faction.
  2. aozyaman

    Oxygen 2

    Does anyone else have problem loading .paa textures? I can load TGA files without problem but for some reason, .paa ones won't load  Funny thing is, currently mapped (for a model created in old O2) textures show up fine on the viewer, but when I try to open those textures for remapping, or try to load a new .paa, it just won't show. This sometimes happened with old O2, too, but changing .paa type (compression type?) would fix it. In new O2 tho, I tried all .paa types and none would load. I even tried using a stock ArmA .paa, and it still would not load into the program for mapping. Any suggestions?
  3. aozyaman

    ArmA Turkish Mod

    Here are a few WIP screenshots of the upcoming G3 assault rifle set
  4. I'm kind of stuck on that one, too. So would you be so kind as to describe how you did it? Thanks
  5. Just in case others have the same problem: When trying to dynamically create spawnable units for Multi Player missions, the command setPlayable always crashes the server, or it simply doesn't work. So I tried using addSwitchableUnit, which I thought was only for single player Team Switching. And guess what, it works just fine for MP too So if you ever have a use for setPlayable in an MP scneario and are having problems with it, use addSwitchableUnit instead. This problem had been p***ing me off for some time, and I thought I'd share the workaround. Happy scripting
  6. aozyaman

    ArmA Turkish Mod

    I'm looking forward to this mod. It'd be great if you guys considered including blue berret komando outfits with Hakkari Dag ve Komando Tugayi markings. Keep up the good work!
  7. aozyaman

    Extraction Help

    Here's a crude but functional script I wrote for my taxi needs: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> if!(isServer) exitWith {}; chopper=_this select 0; if (!(alive chopper)) exitWith  { [WEST, "AirBase"] sideChat "No chopper available at this time. Out."; }; chopper sideChat "Grid received. UH60 on the way."; sleep 1; chopper setFuel 1; base=position (_this select 1); helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(position player); [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position helipad,0]; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""GET IN"""]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; waitUntil {player in chopper}; chopper sideChat "Where to?"; sleep 1; onMapSingleClick ' marker1 = createMarker ["Inis_Yeri",_pos]; marker1 setMarkerType "Marker"; marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; chopper sideChat "Roger."; helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(_pos); [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position helipad,0]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; onMapSingleClick ""; '; waitUntil {not (player in chopper)}; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [base,0]; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointType "MOVE"; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""LAND"""]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; deleteMarker marker1; chopper sideChat "Good Luck."; What it does is when called from Radio Alpha etc., a chopper comes to your position, lands, when you get in it asks you to click the destination location on the map, then goes there, lands, waits for the PLAYER to disembark (wait until all your men disembarked before disembarking yoursel. The chopper will wait for you to disembark to leave. I could have done this to check whether the entire group is onboard but chose not to, since there may be times when you may need to leave some of your men behind as guards or such), then goes back to base to wait further calls. For this script you need: 1. Repeating radio trigger (if you need to use the service more than once) that activates this script with on activation: nul=[chopper_name,helipad_name] execVM "extraction.sqf" 2. A chopper (its name passed to the script as the first parameter) placed at a helipad (its name passed to the script as second parameter) somewhere on the map with TWO MOVE waypoints. Place the chopper on the helipad, in chopper's init field put: --- grp_UH60=group this --- , place both of these waypoints INSIDE the helipad as well and write in activation fields of both waypoints: --- UH60 (or whatever you named your chopper) land "LAND" --- I'm sure there's a much more practical and better way of doing this but I'm new to scripting. Anyway, it's fully functional, see if it works for you.
  8. Thanks for responses. I moved waitUntil out of the onMapSingleClick block and now it works, as in: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">onMapSingleClick ' marker1 = createMarker ["Inis_Yeri",_pos]; marker1 setMarkerType "Marker"; marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; chopper sideChat "Anlasildi."; helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(_pos); [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position helipad,0]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; onMapSingleClick ""; '; waitUntil {not (player in chopper)}; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [base,0]; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointType "MOVE"; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""LAND"""]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; deleteMarker marker1; playSound "beep"; playSound "statik"; chopper sideChat "Bol sans."; Perhaps waitUntil just doesn't like to be used within an OMSC string Â
  9. Hello, I'm doing a small UH60 limo service script utilizing onMapSingleClick for setting the destination. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if!(local server) exitWith {}; _chopper=_this select 0; if (!(alive _chopper)) exitWith { playSound "beep"; playSound "statik"; [WEST, "AirBase"] sideChat "Helikopter gonderemiyoruz. Basinizin caresine bakin."; playSound "statik"; }; playSound "beep"; playSound "statik"; _chopper sideChat "Alindi. Havalaniyoruz."; sleep 1; _chopper setFuel 1; _base=position _chopper; _helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(position player); [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position _helipad,0]; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""GET IN"""]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; waitUntil {player in _chopper}; playSound "beep"; playSound "statik"; _chopper sideChat "Nereye gidiyoruz?"; sleep 1; onMapSingleClick ' _marker1 = createMarker ["Inis_Yeri",_pos]; _marker1 setMarkerType "Marker"; _marker1 setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _chopper sideChat "Anlasildi."; _helipad="HeliHEmpty" CreateVehicle(_pos); [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [position _helipad,0]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; waitUntil {not (player in _chopper)}; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointPosition [_base,0]; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointType "MOVE"; [grp_UH60,2] setWaypointStatements ["true", "chopper1 land ""LAND"""]; grp_UH60 setCurrentWaypoint [grp_UH60,2]; deleteMarker _marker1; playSound "beep"; playSound "statik"; _chopper sideChat "Bol sans."; onMapSingleClick ""; '; I opted to use ' for the OMSC string so as not to hassle with double "" s. The code seems to run fine until it comes to --- Â waitUntil {not (player in _chopper)}; Â --- within the onMapSingleClick block, where it generates a "Generic error in expression" Can someone be so kind as to tell me what is wrong with the onMapSingleClick section of the above code? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  10. aozyaman

    1.08 field of view issue?

    It is good to finally have Armory available for us 1.05 users But I seem to have a problem with field of view and not quite sure if it is just a perception thing. The default infantry field of view seems to be wider, as in zoomed out more than how it was in 1.05 (somewhat like in full zoomed out view when driving/piloting vehicles). I'm having trouble seeing objects farther away and zooming in takes longer time it seems. And when I try to set a comfortable FOV with TrackIR zoom in/out, the FOV just plays back and forth, making it somewhat uncomfortable. I tried TrackIR center function but for zooming in/out, it is not very stable. It is particularly problematic with iron sights and the new g203 sights (a great improvement). Wider FOV is great for urban combat but in 200m+ firefights, it is an inconvenience. Anyone else has a similar issue? It'd be nice to have the ability to adjust a default value for FOV i think.
  11. aozyaman

    1.08 field of view issue?

    reduce fovtop and fovleft in $arma_player.cfg 1.0 => 0.75 and adapt fovleft regarding fovtop value for conserve a 1.3333 aspect ratio. in this way , your sight in thinner. Thanks mate! That did the trick Â
  12. aozyaman

    1.08 field of view issue?

    You think I haven't tried that?
  13. aozyaman

    1.08 field of view issue?

    Ok, this is what I mean: screen shot 1 and with G203 sight: screen shot 2 When I press V to switch to sight view, this is the default FOV I get. Then, I have to zoom in (Num +). Non sight regular view is wide too, but it's hard to tell from screen shots. I've reset my key assignments to default, and no change. Just to remind: this issue started after 1.08.
  14. aozyaman

    1.08 field of view issue?

    Thank you for replies. I rechecked my key assignments, (all concerning zoom in, zoom out, reveal target, zoom in/out etc), nothing seems at fault there. I messed with toggle zoom out to see if that was it, but it doesn't appear so. I also took Sickboy's advise and turned off TrackIR application, leaving in-game axis assignments, and tried running the game like that. No change. The view is way zoomed out, with or without TrackIR. I haven't heard anyone else having this problem, so something's probably wrong on my end, but what?