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Everything posted by akhen

  1. akhen

    AP Mines

    I don't think they will reveal any kind of information right now... "When the time is right" - just hoping it's going to be soon
  2. akhen

    someone said ...

    Personally, I think it's a scam, and terrible way to try to be popular/"the all knowing one"...
  3. akhen

    AI in ArmA

    As already seen in the Elite videoes, there are some improvements to the AI, of which I'm sure will make it to ArmA.
  4. akhen


    I trust BIS, and I'm sure they will make the right decision. Just hoping it's going to be soon!
  5. akhen

    Hands Clipping through weapons

    IMO, I think it will take alot longer time for addon makers to make new weapons, let alone other animations. But I'm not a addon-maker myself, so... Â Â improvements are to be welcomed!
  6. I will probably just leave it on my desk. Behind some glass with alarmtriggers