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Everything posted by Badassdom

  1. Badassdom

    Us presidential election 2004

    you are denying equal rights
  2. Badassdom

    Military Humor

    don't know if this story has been told befor in april a masked man armed to teeth walked into a suburbe of Assen city in The Netherlands, the terrified people ho live there call the police. The police arrives guns drawn, they order the man to surrender. What happend? the military was conducting a training mission but they forgot to tell the locals
  3. Badassdom

    military photography

    airmovile troops out of a ch-47
  4. Badassdom

    military photography

    I think its a learing heli bo-105
  5. Badassdom

    Help me understand.

    to keep on topic, i will give a example (what people dislike about US politics, witch is the main view) bush keeping on about evil countries, criminal countries and then giving the criteria. criteria with also make the US it self a evil state
  6. Badassdom

    Help me understand.

    well what i hear that people most dislike about americans(not all ofcourse just the anoying ones ) is their ignorance they know extremly little about the world and can't seem to understand that anyone could feel or think something different well we like it in the US so its good thats really insulting . o you live in Holland isn't that the capital of Amsterdam :P but you can't really blame them cause this is all they hear and see, if seen US tv and its horrible in cultureall?(?) sense
  7. Badassdom


    nice but kinda cartoony
  8. Badassdom

    What is the stupid HMMWV for?

    well i one of the reasons to use car's instead of apc's is that if a car drives into your street its a hell of lot less threating. but as most of the other coaltion mebers have chosen to use the soft approach of befriending the locals, the US has chosen to impress and deture(?) any potential militants its not the reason the US forces use humvee's, they use humvee's because they don't have enough apc's If the crew can survive this, I'd say the humvee is doing just fine. ]Click if a humvee's gets hit directly by a rpg its generaly gonna be destroyed(you have to keep in mind rpg's are ment to destoy/damage apc's), but unlike in OFP it really matters where you hit it if you hit it in its engine block it won't be able to ride any more but it mostlikely won't be destroyed if you look at the other coalition members they use  unarmored cars (landroves,ect), i don't think its the equipment but the strategie that is used, they really failed to win the harts and minds of the irakies. i know that the region's of the other countries are less dangerous but the US regions could have been a lot less dangerous also,its not really surprising that this happend considering the amout of forces the US forces use in all of their actions
  9. Badassdom

    New config

    me can't seem to get i to work
  10. Badassdom

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    i just saw the movie ,a bit late but still i have to say i was really disapointment the beginning was good (well i didn't know that) but the rest was really old already known stuff wel what you think?
  11. Badassdom

    Medieval addons

    there was a medieval mod a while a go and they made some stuff they made a crossbow and there are mules in ofp (half a horse)
  12. Badassdom

    Us presidential election 2004

    don't you think its disturbing that if a presidential canidate gives wo a nuanced anser to a question he does worse ,then when flat out lies?
  13. Badassdom

    Us presidential election 2004

    my bad thought this was the entire tekst didn't see the link it looked like where trying to you create the impression that he said something else(to me any way)
  14. Badassdom

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    mmm..... sorry but still no lie, it says that he's deceiving en creating false suggestions
  15. Badassdom

    Us presidential election 2004

    you left out the part when he says he woudn't vote for the plans the Bush administration had to win the peace
  16. Badassdom

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    well i read the first paragraph of the paper..... sorry to say but it was really poor on arguments, it just kept on saying how deceitfull Moore was and how untrue the film is but it doesn't really have a argument to back it up it only says that the things mentioned in the film aren't as bad as Moore portrays them, but it does't disprove them (not saying the film is true or not, just that 1e paragraph of this paper is poor)
  17. Badassdom

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    (I asume youre talking about the film) I can't really find a lie in the movie, to add on that he does't actually claim a lot, he suggests(?) a lot. but if you say he lies you should back it up (not saying he does or doesn't)
  18. Badassdom

    Fahrenheit 9/11

    why not cause he doens't like bush? he doesn't say the US is bad he says bush is bad for the US, as that is an opinion he does that because he thinks he will help the US with that, right?
  19. Badassdom

    Belgian Forces Studio: Info + screens

    cool now i can invade Belgium and retake wat is ours just kidding great stuff Â
  20. Badassdom

    New config

    cause otherwise i get really confused
  21. Badassdom

    Hawk's nimitz class aircraft carrier

    that kutzov is really buggy
  22. Badassdom

    Looking for some Airboune troops

    there aren't any good modern US airborne troops this is the only i know of and its a cwc one 82 airborne and i don't know what kinda planes are used by  airborne troops but this is a nice galaxy Look for the C-5
  23. Badassdom

    New config

    could you make it ecp compatible, leave out the fx?
  24. Badassdom

    OFrP New Releases!!!

    mmmm........... mmmm.......... what can i say
  25. Badassdom

    Y2K3 - Updated Ofp Config.

    did any one make a modification with just different soldier and weapons?