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About aceal

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  1. I bought the game recently, and I am very disappointed! (Patch 1,02 installed) 1.) Nearly every Mission has flaws 2.) I am not able to control Helicopters with my Joystick in proper ways. 3.) It’s impossible to control the Heli’s with the Mouse. 4.) The Weapons are crap, I will gladly exchange every Aim point weapon against the AK47 because your able to hit something with it. 5.) The reaction Time of the Bad Guys is unbeatable (even in Cadet-mode). I play on an older PC and I can’t react on nearby Enemies, I only can take them out from far away. 6.) The Mission the “Great Battle†(The Mission where you fly in Formation with your Chopper to help your base by destroying enemy tanks) doesn’t work: - after destroyed all Vehicles nothing happens ('STUCK' - I cant rearm my Heli at the Ammo-Truck - In ‘Notes’ is something said about ‘TEAMCHANGE’ but I pressed the Key nothing happens 7.) And Finally I really hoped that CTI will be part of the Game, I played Flashpoint until now, but the CTI servers are slowly fading. But they only added some capture the Base stuff LG AceAl PS: I stop playing until some more Patches arrive!!! (Because I can not and I wont not) PSS: Please change the Heli control!!!