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Everything posted by arremba_san_zorzo

  1. arremba_san_zorzo

    Images of wip soldier (carabinieri) by pedagnemod

    @Jimbo and Stewy: please, do not write in your local slang. I think, that you do not understand me if i speek about FCM/SM or the building of "Via XX Settembre" or Decimomannu. Thanks
  2. arremba_san_zorzo

    Images of wip soldier (carabinieri) by pedagnemod

    And all the the M249s I've USED they have the for sight removed. Jimbo i believe you. Probably the questions are simpler: it is to easy remove the sight, that the single soldier chooses if remove it or not. This explain because there are different photo of m249 with the optics and the sight or not, as your personal experience (you was an australian soldier?).
  3. arremba_san_zorzo

    Images of wip soldier (carabinieri) by pedagnemod

    Thanks about M249 suggest. About your life in Italy, i hope that you have a positive memory of it. There are many problems, but we are not so depressed as wrote NY Times. We dancing all the days as this: joke Arremba
  4. arremba_san_zorzo

    Images of wip soldier (carabinieri) by pedagnemod

    Soon, will arrive other images of italian corps (mountains troops, marines, navy commando, crew, grenadier, bersagleri) and vehicles. I don't know if it interest you, but you can find an old OFP version of this mod on http://ofp.gamepark.cz/_hosted....ons.htm Carabiniery are ready, but other, not jet (but no far to be completed) I hope soon to release it.
  5. arremba_san_zorzo

    Images of wip soldier (carabinieri) by pedagnemod

    @cursor: the italian carabinieri is a military corp half soldiers and half policemen. So the black and green soldiers are the same of the policeman of the first photo. @Jimbo762.au: thanks for your time, but i can't see any photo in your reply. I have seen some photo on internet about your suggest, but i have seen the ironsight with aimpoint or similar optics. Only in one photo where the optics fitted be an acog, the ironsight was removed. But only with the acog, not with the aimpoint. Ciao
  6. arremba_san_zorzo

    Images of wip soldier (carabinieri) by pedagnemod

    @Jimbo762.au : thanks for your suggest, have you a photo of this? @Mylae:Yes it si based on it, with the add of new elements. You can redirect your new textures opening the model with O2 tools, selecting the texture that you want to change, hold "E" and rewrite the address. There are many tutorials about this, and the tools are free downloadable. @All: thanks for your appreaciment (you are great DrRebus)
  7. PedagneMOD start their work on ArmA with the release of most diffused Italian Beretta’s rifles. This release contain: - various versions of the Beretta AR7090 assault rifle - three versions of the Beretta PM12 machine pistol - one model of Italian soldier BDU (2000 age) for the weapons testing Besides, there is also an ammo box file with only a config files that have the all weapons of the ASZ_Beretta.pbo. Some models of the Beretta rifles of the PedagneMOD will equip the very nice Italian Soldiers by Dr Rebus. They will add in a .pbo file that will have various weapons (all equipping the DrRebus soldiers) by various addonmakers. Some of this weapons will be maked by PedagneMOD (equal to the correspondent  model contained in ASZ_Beretta.pbo here released). Thanks to AimPoint, Robert Hammer, Dr Rebus, AT_ST Walker,  Indy and all that have gave me suggests and availability on BIS and ArmA.info forums (Jakal, Q1184 ……and I do not remember all). But one particular regard to dear mate, PreparationH for their work in OFP. By his work I have started mine (AR7090 rifle sound is his AR7090 for OFP) Finally, after this, PedagneMOD will continue his project with a release (very soon) of other Italian soldiers (BDU) and vehicles. This release will be only a temporary step and will concern an original BIS models re-painted with Italian liveries and colours. Will follow the importation of the OFP PedagneMOD addons (where is possible). After will start the upgrade of the existing and the real construction of addons for ArmA. List of weapons in the readme files. Some picture below (you can find larger images on PedagneMOD web site) Download link: Beretta weapons Beretta ammobox
  8. arremba_san_zorzo

    PedagneMOD release Beretta weapons!

    PedagneMOD have collaborated to the release of ita_soldier of Dr Rebus, with some of his beretta rifle, but PedagneMOD is not the same MOD of Dr rebus. The location of PedagneMOD it's located in age 2000 so the solder (BDU) and vehicles are referred to 2000 year. Work in progress very hardly to complete the first step of the MOD. Yes ,there is a concrete possibility that there is some contemporary uniform or vehicle, but is not the priority. Thanks to all
  9. arremba_san_zorzo

    Italian Soldiers & Weapons 1.0

    the images speaks alone....it's a very great work
  10. arremba_san_zorzo

    PedagneMOD release Beretta weapons!

    Thanks to all for your comment. I'll come back online tusday Ciao
  11. arremba_san_zorzo

    PedagneMOD release Beretta weapons!

    thanks Armaholic
  12. arremba_san_zorzo

    PedagneMOD release Beretta weapons!

    sorry for this week i can't correct this, but next week (tusday) this errors will be correct. I will advise you personally sorry again
  13. arremba_san_zorzo

    PedagneMOD release Beretta weapons!

    try now (after beta test i have changed only the display name but...) now i have solved thanks stew
  14. arremba_san_zorzo

    PedagneMOD release Beretta weapons!

    do not show in the mission editor? i control soon prblms on ammobox, sorry i will repair very soon
  15. arremba_san_zorzo

    Italian soldiers

    this soldier looks very particulary and nice. I'm proud to partecipeting with my small contribution to this "italian job".
  16. arremba_san_zorzo

    Italian soldiers

    Yeeeeeeeeee, thanks SWISS mod team! Beretta rifle have solved all (i hope) his bugs and it is ready to go!
  17. arremba_san_zorzo

    Zasleh, Out of ammo and wound

    Thanks Jakal, i will try again. I appreaching your availability to me and i do not think that you give me falled suggests Ciao
  18. Hi, i have three last bugs with my beretta rifle WIP. 1)The position of zasleh is unstable, sometime is in the right position, sometime is at the foots of the soldier. 2)I have setted new magaziens and ammo, my rifle shoots regular and have the right number of magazines but the soldier says "Out of ammo". 3)As the tutorial of AOS, i have setted the soldier. He run, but have not wounds. Someone knows this kinds of problems and knows how to help me? Thank Arremba San Zorzo below an extract of the config: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\STARTOF CONFIG FILE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 class CfgPatches { class ar7090 { units[] = { ASZ_rifleman_ar7090, ........................................................ }; weapons[] = { ar7090, ........................................................ }; requiredVersion = 1.07;         requiredAddons[]={}; }; }; class CfgAddons { access = ReadOnly; class PreloadBanks {}; class PreloadAddons { class ASZ_AR7090_Added { list[] = {"ar7090_rifle"}; }; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class ar7090_rifle { displayName = "PedagneMOD - EI weapons"; }; }; class CfgSkeletons {     class Default;     class Head     {         isDiscrete = 0;         skeletonInherit = "";         skeletonBones[] = { "neck","","neck1","neck","head","ne ck1","lBrow","head","mBrow","head","rBro w","head","lMouth","head","mMouth","head ","rMouth","head","eyelids","head","LLip ","head" };     };     class OFP2_ManSkeleton     {         isDiscrete = 0;         skeletonInherit = "Head";         skeletonBones[] = {"weapon","","launcher","","Camera",&amp ;quo t;","Spine","","Spine1","","Spine2" ,"","Spine3","","Pelvis","","LeftSh oulder","","LeftArm","","LeftArmRoll","& amp; quot;,"LeftForeArm","","LeftForeArmRoll",""," LeftHand","", "LeftHandRing","","LeftHandRing1","","LeftHan dRing2","","LeftHandRing3","","LeftHandPinky1&quot ; ;,"","LeftHandPinky2","","LeftHandPinky3","&a mp;q uot;,"LeftHandMiddle1","","LeftHandMiddle2","", "LeftHandMiddle3","","LeftHandIndex1","","Lef tHandIndex2","","LeftHandIndex3","","LeftHandThumb 1","","LeftHandThumb2","","LeftHandThumb3",&a mp;q uot;","RightShoulder","","RightArm","", "RightArmRoll","","RightForeArm","","RightFor eArmRoll","","RightHand","","RightHandRing",& amp; quot;","RightHandRing1","","RightHandRing2","&quot ; ;,"RightHandRing3","","RightHandPinky1","", "RightHandPinky2","","RightHandPinky3","","Ri ghtHandMiddle1","","RightHandMiddle2","","RightHan dMiddle3","","RightHandIndex1","","RightHandIndex2 ","","RightHandIndex3","", "RightHandThumb1","","RightHandThumb2","","Ri ghtHandThumb3","","LeftUpLeg","","LeftUpLegRoll&am p;qu ot;,"","LeftLeg","","LeftLegRoll","",&am p;qu ot;LeftFoot","","LeftToeBase","","RightUpLeg" ,"", "RightUpLegRoll","","RightLeg","","RightLegRo ll","","RightFoot","","RightToeBase","&a mp;q uot;};     };     class Flag: Default {};     class FlagCarrier: Default     {         skeletonInherit = "Default";         skeletonBones[] = {"stozar","","vlajka",""};     }; class ar7090 { isDiscrete=0; skeletonInherit=""; skeletonBones[]= { "bolt","","trigger","","magazine"," ","follower","magazine","bullet01","magazine" ,"bullet02","magazine","bullet03","magazine" }; }; .......................................................................................... ........ }; class CfgMovesMaleSdr; class BI_PeopleMoves : CfgMovesMaleSdr {       skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";       collisionVertexPattern[] = {"1a", "2a", "3a", "4a", "5a", "6a", "7a", "8a", "1c", "2c", "3c", "4c", "5c", "6c", "7c", "8c", "1f", "2f", "3f", "4f", "5f", "6f", "7f", "8f"};       collisionGeomCompPattern[] = {1, 3, 6}; }; class CfgModels {     class Default { sections[] = {}; sectionsInherit=""; };     class flag_vojak : Default     {         sections[] = {"latka"};     };     class Head: Default     {         skeletonName = "Head";         sections[] = {"swap_hhl","hide_eyewear"};         sectionsInherit="";     };     class ASZ_EIsoldier: Default     {         skeletonName = "OFP2_ManSkeleton";         sectionsInherit="Head";         sections[] = {"weapon","","launcher","","Camera",&amp ;quo t;","Spine","","Spine1","","Spine2" ,"","Spine3","","Pelvis","","LeftSh oulder","","LeftArm","","LeftArmRoll","& amp; quot;,"LeftForeArm","","LeftForeArmRoll",""," LeftHand","", "LeftHandRing","","LeftHandRing1","","LeftHan dRing2","","LeftHandRing3","","LeftHandPinky1&quot ; ;,"","LeftHandPinky2","","LeftHandPinky3","&a mp;q uot;,"LeftHandMiddle1","","LeftHandMiddle2","", "LeftHandMiddle3","","LeftHandIndex1","","Lef tHandIndex2","","LeftHandIndex3","","LeftHandThumb 1","","LeftHandThumb2","","LeftHandThumb3",&a mp;q uot;","RightShoulder","","RightArm","", "RightArmRoll","","RightForeArm","","RightFor eArmRoll","","RightHand","","RightHandRing",& amp; quot;","RightHandRing1","","RightHandRing2","&quot ; ;,"RightHandRing3","","RightHandPinky1","", "RightHandPinky2","","RightHandPinky3","","Ri ghtHandMiddle1","","RightHandMiddle2","","RightHan dMiddle3","","RightHandIndex1","","RightHandIndex2 ","","RightHandIndex3","", "RightHandThumb1","","RightHandThumb2","","Ri ghtHandThumb3","","LeftUpLeg","","LeftUpLegRoll&am p;qu ot;,"","LeftLeg","","LeftLegRoll","",&am p;qu ot;LeftFoot","","LeftToeBase","","RightUpLeg" ,"", "RightUpLegRoll","","RightLeg","","RightLegRo ll","","RightFoot","","RightToeBase","&a mp;q uot;};     };     class ASZ_rifleman_ar7090: ASZ_EIsoldier{}; class Weapon: default {}; //AR7090 class ar7090: Weapon { skeletonName="ar7090"; class Animations { class reload_magazine_hide { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; hidevalue="0.2"; }; class reload_magazine_release { type="rotationZ"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="magazine"; axis="magazine_axis"; minValue=0.1; maxValue="1"; angle0="0"; angle1="rad -2"; }; class hide_bullet_01 { type="hide"; source="reloadMagazine"; selection="bullet01"; hidevalue="0.01"; }; class hide_bullet_02 : hide_bullet_01 { selection="bullet02"; }; class hide_bullet_03 : hide_bullet_01 { selection="bullet03"; }; class bolt { type="translationX"; source="reload"; selection="bolt"; axis="bolt_axis"; begin="bolt_axis_begin"; end="bolt_axis_end"; minValue=0; maxValue=".065"; offset0="0"; offset1=".2"; }; class bolt_back { type="translationX"; source="isEmpty"; selection="bolt"; axis="bolt_axis"; begin="bolt_axis_begin"; end="bolt_axis_end";  minValue=0; maxValue=".065"; offset0="0"; offset1=".2"; }; class trigger { type="rotationZ"; source="reload"; selection="trigger"; axis="trigger_axis"; minValue=0; maxValue="2"; angle0="0"; angle1="-2"; }; class follower { type="rotation"; source="revolving"; selection="follower"; begin="bullets_axis_begin"; end="bullets_axis_end"; minValue=0; maxValue="1"; angle0="rad .06"; angle1="0"; }; class bullet_01 { type="rotation"; source="revolving"; selection="bullet01"; begin="bullets_axis_begin"; end="bullets_axis_end"; minValue=0.8; maxValue="1"; angle0="rad .02"; angle1="0"; }; class bullet_02 { type="rotation"; source="revolving"; selection="bullet02"; begin="bullets_axis_begin"; end="bullets_axis_end"; minValue=0.33; maxValue="1"; angle0="rad .04"; angle1="0"; }; class bullet_03 { type="rotation"; source="revolving"; selection="bullet03"; begin="bullets_axis_begin"; end="bullets_axis_end"; minValue=0; maxValue="1"; angle0="rad .06"; angle1="0"; }; }; sectionsInherit = "weapon"; sections[] = {"zasleh"};  }; .......................................................................... }; class CfgAmmo { class Default; // External class reference class BulletBase; // External class reference class B_9x19_SD; // External class reference class B_9x19_Ball; // External class reference class B_556x45_Ball; // External class reference class B_556x45_SD; // External class reference class B_9x19_PM12_Ball : B_9x19_Ball { hit = 8; cartridge = "FxCartridge_Small"; cost = 5; tracerColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; tracerColorR[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; typicalSpeed = 365; airFriction = -0.001000; }; class B_9x19_PM12_SD : B_9x19_SD { hit = 7; cartridge = "FxCartridge_Small"; visibleFire = 0.035; audibleFire = 0.035; visibleFireTime = 2; cost = 5; tracerColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; tracerColorR[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; typicalSpeed = 320; airFriction = -0.001000; }; class B_556x45_AR7090_Ball : B_556x45_Ball { hit = 8; //edit was 8 cartridge = "FxCartridge"; indirectHit = 0; indirectHitRange = 0; visibleFire = 18; audibleFire = 18; visibleFireTime = 3; cost = 1; tracerColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; tracerColorR[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; airFriction = -0.000850; }; class B_556x45_AR7090_SD : B_556x45_SD { hit = 7; //edit was 8 cartridge = "FxCartridge"; indirectHit = 0; indirectHitRange = 0; visibleFire = 0.1; audibleFire = 0.1; visibleFireTime = 2; cost = 1; tracerColor[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; tracerColorR[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; typicalSpeed = 320; airFriction = -0.000850; }; }; class CfgMagazines {   class Default; // External class reference class CA_Magazine; // External class reference class 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag; // External class reference class 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag; // External class reference class 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD; // External class reference class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5; // External class reference class 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD; // External class reference class 30Rnd_9x19_PM12 : 30Rnd_9x19_MP5 { displayName = "9mm x19 PM12 30 Rounds Magazine"; ammo = "B_9x19_PM12_Ball"; count = 30; initSpeed = 450; picture="\ASZ_Beretta\data\ico\m_pm12_ca.paa"; }; class 30Rnd_9x19SD_PM12 : 30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD { displayName = "9mm x19 PM12 SD 30 Rounds Magazine"; ammo = "B_9x19_PM12_SD"; count = 30; initSpeed = 320; picture="\ASZ_Beretta\data\ico\m_pm12_ca.paa"; }; class 30Rnd_AR7090mag : 30Rnd_556x45_Stanag { scope = 2; displayName = 5.56 Nato 30; type = 16; ammo = "B_556x45_AR7090_Ball"; count = 30; initSpeed = 938; picture = "\ca\weapons\data\equip\m_30stanag_CA.paa"; }; class 20Rnd_AR7090mag : 20Rnd_556x45_Stanag { scope = 2; displayName = 5.56 Nato 30; type = 16; ammo = "B_556x45_AR7090_Ball"; count = 20; initSpeed = 938; picture = "\ca\weapons\data\equip\m_20stanag_CA.paa"; }; class 30Rnd_AR7090mag_SD : 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD { scope = 2; displayName = 5.56 Nato 30SD; type = 16; ammo = "B_556x45_AR7090_SD"; count = 30; initSpeed = 320; picture = "\ca\weapons\data\equip\m_30stanag_CA.paa"; }; class 20Rnd_AR7090mag_SD : 30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD { scope = 2; displayName = 5.56 Nato 20SD; type = 16; ammo = "B_556x45_AR7090_SD"; count = 20; initSpeed = 320; picture = "\ca\weapons\data\equip\m_20stanag_CA.paa"; }; }; class Mode_SemiAuto; // External class reference class Mode_FullAuto; // External class reference class Mode_Burst; // External class reference class cfgWeapons { class Default; // External class reference class Rifle;  //External class reference class GrenadeLauncher : Default {}; class M4 : Rifle {}; class M4SPR : M4 {}; //AR7090 class M16A2 : Rifle {}; class ar7090 : M16A2 { scope = 2; value = 0; model = "\ASZ_Beretta\ar7090"; displayName = Beretta AR 7090; initSpeed=938; opticsZoomMin = 0.3; opticsZoomMax = 0.42; optics = 1; picture = "\ASZ_Beretta\data\ico\w_ar7090_ca.paa"; drySound[] = {"\ASZ_Beretta\sound\scsdry.wav",0.000316,1}; reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\ASZ_Beretta\scs90Reload.wav",0.010000,1}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_AR7090mag","30Rnd_AR7090mag_SD","30Rnd_556x45_Stanag&quot ; ;,"30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD","20Rnd_AR7090mag","20Rnd_AR7090mag_SD&a mp;q uot;,"20Rnd_556x45_Stanag"}; modes[]={"Single","Burst","FullAuto"}; class Single : Mode_SemiAuto { sound[] = {"\ASZ_Beretta\sound\scs90Single.wav",7.943283,1}; reloadTime = 0.1; recoil = "assaultRifleBase"; recoilProne = "assaultRifleBase"; dispersion = 0.001; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 250; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 400; maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class Burst: Mode_Burst  {  sound[] = {"\ASZ_Beretta\sound\scs90Burst2.wav",10.000000,1};  recoil = "assaultRifleBase";  recoilProne = "assaultRifleBase";  dispersion = 0.002500;  }; class FullAuto : Mode_FullAuto { sound[] = {"\ASZ_Beretta\sound\scs90Burst.wav",5.623414,1}; reloadTime = 0.08; ffCount = 30; recoil = "assaultRifleBase"; recoilProne = "assaultRifleBase"; dispersion = 0.0035; minRange = 2; minRangeProbab = 0.1; midRange = 50; midRangeProbab = 0.7; maxRange = 60;  maxRangeProbab = 0.05; }; class Library { libTextDesc = "The Beretta AR7090 assault rifle is the basic rifle of Italian Army. It uses a small, high velocity round with low recoil and good armor penetration, effective to about 500m."; }; }; ........................................................................................ }; class CfgVehicles {       class Land;       class Man: Land       {             class ViewPilot;       };       class CAManBase;       class SoldierWB; class All { hideWeaponsCargo = 1; }; //AR7090 class ASZ_rifleman_ar7090 : SoldierWB { vehicleClass = "ar7090_rifle";             moves="BI_PeopleMoves";             accuracy=5; displayName = "E.I. soldier (BDU) with AR7090"; model = "\ASZ_Beretta\ASZ_EIsoldier"; scope = public; weapons[] = {"ar7090","M9", "throw", "Put"}; magazines[] = {"30Rnd_AR7090mag","30Rnd_AR7090mag","30Rnd_AR7090mag", "30Rnd_AR7090mag","30Rnd_AR7090mag","30Rnd_AR7090mag"," 15Rnd_9x19_M9", "15Rnd_9x19_M9","15Rnd_9x19_M9","HandGrenade","HandGren ade","HandGrenade","HandGrenade"};             threat[] = {1, 0.1, 0.1};             class Wounds {             tex[]={};                 mat[] = { "ASZ_Beretta\soldier\ei_molle_webbings.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\np_hhl_wound2.rvmat", "ASZ_Beretta\soldier\ei_soldier_body.rvmat", "ASZ_Beretta\soldier\ei_soldier_equip.rvmat", "ca\characters\data\np_soldier_b_body_wound2.rvmat", "ASZ_Beretta\soldier\ei_soldier_equip.rvmat", "ASZ_Beretta\soldier\us_hhl.rvmat" };             }; }; .......................................................................................... ... }; \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\END OF CONFIG FILE\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
  19. arremba_san_zorzo

    Zasleh, Out of ammo and wound

    Have someone ideas for zasleh position and for wounds in soldier? I have tried all of your suggests but nothing....
  20. arremba_san_zorzo

    Zasleh, Out of ammo and wound

    Thaaaaaanks! I have just tried! The "out of ammo" bug is OK now! Thanks again Q1184
  21. arremba_san_zorzo

    Zasleh, Out of ammo and wound

    Nothing for the wounds and nothing (i have only tried on one model) for the zasleh. I will try again. Have you some idea for "out of ammo" bug? Thanks in any case
  22. arremba_san_zorzo

    Zasleh, Out of ammo and wound

    in OFP one texture one file in Arma one texture six files I will be crazy! Ok, i go to cure my flower that i will put into my guns Thanks Jakal
  23. arremba_san_zorzo

    Zasleh, Out of ammo and wound

    excuseme, i didn't knew that the rvmat set alsothe wounds! do you know where is the string. Thanks PS: sorry i can't answer you before tomorrow. Bie
  24. arremba_san_zorzo

    Italian soldiers

    Great work Robert! Is in your progets the Panzerfaust3? Thanks for your job
  25. arremba_san_zorzo

    Zasleh, Out of ammo and wound

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#define true 1 #define false 0 It's set to true thanks for your reply; is this for "Out of ammo" bug?