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About aiki

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    Private First Class
  1. Hi, I added an action for each player, some thing like that : Wait.sqs : Do that ... ... Skiptime 0.25 exit But if a player do this action, the "new" time is not distribute to others player. For example : It's 100 for all (Player1,Player2) Player1 do this action (Wait.sqs) For him, it 10:15 But for Player2 it's always 100 This command seems to be Local in this context, because if i perform a Skiptime by a trigger, the "new" time is distributed. So, Skiptime must be executed only by the server (?) Is there a way for resolve that without trigger? Thanks.
  2. hi, I make co-op missions only. Some of my missions can provide 200 ennemy units (or more, one is over 400). But theses units are created 'dynamically' in waves (from 12 to 24 units max). The battlefield move with the players, and there are not a bunch of units at the same time, in the same area. With this rule, the lag is acceptable in my LAN, ( PIII-700/512Mo RAM) but i don't tryed to play that in the NET. This is for a funny 'Shoot' mission, but you can also make an intensive map with few units if you take the time of reflection.
  3. Hi, when i put a string reference (ex: $STR_SAYHELLO) in any text field ( WP,Trigger), this reference move to the string after preview. Text field before preview : $STR_SAYHELLO Text field after preview : Bonjour If i change the OFP langage (ex: English), the string is not localized after one preview in another langage. is there a way to resolve that (except by scripting with localize command) ? Thanks.
  4. hi, variable=something; PublicVariable "variable" DoThat=true; PublicVariable "DoThat" and that for each update.
  5. hi, try (!alive whatever) in the trigger's condition field or Group (F2) the trigger and the soldier called whatever. Open the trigger and select that : Activation : vehicle Not present
  6. I am making a campain and i need some words in czech : The tourists ! hello! I am glad too see you. and a very bad word like asshole somebody can to translate that for me ? May be the wrong board. Thanks
  7. @suma Hi, When i make addaction in init.sqs, the guy respawn without this action, no problem with init field. Thanks again. PS: can you implement a new command (recurse) to give to the players a drink in the CDROM caddy ?
  8. Multiplayer !!! That is it !!! Sometime, my brain gone in my shoes. thanks for all.
  9. Thanks, I was not specific enough (and my english is gone long time ago ! ) This is the context : MP CO_OP (v 1.75) P1 to P3 are player. P1 to P3 are in a group named Grp1. P1 is Leader P1 init field : ...this addaction ["DoIt","DoItP1.sqs"] P2 init field : ...this addaction ["DoIt","DoItP2.sqs"] P3 init field : ...this addaction ["DoIt","DoItP3.sqs"] (Or by a script for do that, the result is the same) it's working, i find "DoIt" in the first slot of actions menu : DoIt Blah Blah ... But, in game, when P1 and/or P2 and/or P3 are close (few meters between players) this list, for each players (P1 to P3), become : 2 guy close : DoIt DoIt Blah Blah 3 guy close : DoIt DoIt DoIt Blah Blah And when the players are not too close, this list is clean : DoIt Blah Blah
  10. I have a little problem with "addaction" I have 3 guys in Group. I add an action "DoIt" (same name for each) by 3 different scripts (DoItP1.sqs...DoItP3.sqs) No problem in this matter. but, when this guy are close, the item "DoIt" (and attached script i think too) is repeated 3 times in the action menu. look messy, confuse and may be dangerous with RemoveAction need it. NB: This problem not exist with a certain distance between the 3 guys. Is it a way to clean up that ? Thanks.
  11. I think not. Respawn operate only when Open to is "Open..." and/or "Player" in the unit's config, and this for any Side.
  12. I'm working for a MP CO_OP campain with new rules :scoring, some limited RPG capacities...( i think than SP is a realistic tactic's game and MP is another game ). I've tried to make a genuine Campain with MP Missions ... no success. SaveVar is working only on SP Campain. The main problem was to save the campain values and parameters along the campain. There is a way : SaveStatus and LoadStatus working in MP I use some Game Logic for saving the campain value in field Dammage and Skill (in real domain from 0 to 1). I save this values by setdammage ( dont must be egal to 0 ! and SetSkill and the end's missions I load this value by Getdammage and GetSkill a the start of the next missions. The names of Game Logic must be the same between maps It's not perfect but it's working,
  13. aiki

    Type createunit unitinfo

    For create others units : Put in the map editor this soldier save open the mission.sqm (notepad) and look how he is called (like SoldierWCrew for a Tank man "WEST", or SoldierEPilot for a ...pilot "EAST") You can also grab the class tree in www.ofpediting.com -Tutorials
  14. aiki

    Type createunit unitinfo

    try this : Give a name to your Unit or to the leader's group (like Guy) in the init field of your Unit (or leader group) : UnitG=group Guy In your script : "SoldierWB" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", UnitG]
  15. Hi, How to parse a string inside another string, like "this setBehaviour "SAFE" " in CreateUnit ? CivG = Group Civ1 _pos = getpos Ap "Civilian" CreateUnit [ _pos , CivG, "this SetBehaviour "SAFE"", 0.5, "CAPTAIN"] this last line is wrong (Init field can't to be correctly interpreted : "This SetBehaviour " is the string and: SAFE"" is a operand ) Is there a way ? Thanks.